Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛ 16. Impedimenta Setting: Leaky Cauldron Dedicated to hermionesclone's Grayson Whitlock
University in France had been an absolute blur. Four years had passed in a flash and Simon found himself back in Diagon Alley one day to meet with a very old and dear friend.
This took Simon Holden back many, many years to his Hogwarts school years, which in reality weren't too long ago. It brought him back to memories of hanging out here and in Florean's with his Slytherin Squad group. He and Ethan playing a lute whilst Sophie and Grayson flirted too much. Merlin. Those were grand times. Sometimes he wished that it was possible to use the impedimenta jinx on time. However, that would be a fool’s errand as time could never be controlled without greater consequences.
Strolling into this fine yet slightly muggy establishment, he navigated past several excited school aged children and young adults and families to find a very familiar and ever dashing person sitting at a booth. He had received Grayson's letter which warmed every cold cockle of the ex-Slytherin's heart. Hearing from such a good mate was awesome. Merlin. In third year, he had practically wanted to be smooth Grayson Whitlock.
Nevertheless, he had always been adorkable Simon Holden. Pinch-worthy even. Pah.
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