♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<# Wonderful, just wonderful!
Rosalyn was VERY pleased with her students for their knowledge of Albus Dumbledore! Even though this was a subject that some knew a lot about, she felt that it was important that they learned more about the person who was considered to be one of the greatest - if not THE greatest - wizard of all time! "Very well done, everyone!" Smiling, she turned her attention to the board so that she could start writing this stuff down. Best to group things together so that it was easier for everyone to follow!
Feeling that her hand was going to end up cramping up, she started off recording things down in the Muggle way: Quote:
- Sorted into Gryffindor
-Considered the most powerful wizard of all time
-Only wizard Lord voldemort feared
-Taught Transfiguration for a time
- Headmaster at Hogwarts for a long time (considered by some to be the greatest)
-Headmaster of Harry Potter
-Helped train Harry Potter to defeat Lord Voldemort
-Always thought the best of his students
- Studied Deathly Hallows with Grindelwald at a young age to find immortality (became enemies)
-Famous duel with Grindelwald
-Defeated Grindelwald in 1945
-Founded Order of the Phoenix
-Owned a phoenix
-Worked in alchemy
-Discovered 12 uses of dragon's blood
-Enjoyed knitting patterns
-On a Chocolate Frog card
-All three Deathly Hallows passed through his hands (not all at the same time) so didn't master death
-Killed by Severus Snape under his own orders in 1997
-Lived to be 115
There! Her hand was starting to hurt, but Rosalyn was sure that she had managed to get everything down. She would feel bad if she had accidentally missed something that one of her students had mentioned!
She turned her attention back to the class. "Okay, so we have quite an impressive list so far. I won't get TOO much further into things here since there is A LOT of information on Dumbledore and I don't have the time to cover everything during this lesson." Not if they were going to do an activity that is. Besides no one wanted to be barraged with a lot of information at once. She knew what that was like because she had been a student at Hogwarts once upon a time! "Albus Dumbledore was born in the summer of 1881 in a place called Mould-on-the-Wold. That's a mainly wizarding village in England." One with a strange name, but that was besides the point. "His younger years were marked by the tragedy of his younger sister, Ariana, was attacked by a group of muggle boys who were frightened when they had seen her performing magic. This event left her both mentally and emotionally scarred and her magical abilities were greatly effected by it. Dumbledore's father went looking for personal justice and was sent to in Azkaban where he ended up dying. He hadn't wanted to name why he had attacked the boys as it would have led to his daughter being taken away." "Dumbledore moved to Godric's Hallow and never mentioned his father and sister around others." Tragic stuff that she didn't want to dwell on for too long, but she felt that it was important for them to know about this because it had a big impact on his life. Childhood was an important part of development.
Rosalyn looked at her watch and saw that they were running lower on time. She needed to move on to the next question if they were going to have time for the activity! "Now you guys did a great job covering a lot of stuff from his time after graduation and his history with Grindelwald. I would love to do a lesson covering his relationship with Dumbledore at some point so I won't go into it further at the moment." She was just pleased that some of her students knew about it. "Also great job covering some of the information on the Deathly Hallows! That is another topic that I would love to teach exclusively at another time." Sadly classes could only be so long!
Time to move forward! "I have a couple more questions though you only need answer ONE of them unless you want to do both." Rosalyn wasn't going to stop them if they wanted to contribute! She loved hearing what her students thought about these matters. "Now as you can see Dumbledore has made quite a few accomplishments." Just look at the board because it listed them! "What do you feel was his greatest one as far as impacting generations after his time and WHY do you feel that way?" That was the first question, now for the second one: "Knowing Dumbledore's mentor relationship with Harry Potter, do you think that he was right to hide information from the boy the way that he did?" OOC: Great job, everyone. Loving the answers. I am so sorry if I missed anything but I did try my best to include everything. As Rosalyn said you only need to answer ONE of the questions unless you feel that you would like to do both! This is just to generate more thought in the lesson! Once again I will be posting in approximately 24 hours. |