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Old 11-25-2016, 05:51 AM   #15 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Madison Valentine
Fifth Year
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♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#

SPOILER!!: Oliver :)
Originally Posted by Gissel View Post
Oliver made his way into the classroom with a smile on his face. He had enjoyed his talk with Professor Newton the other day, and even though he didn't love history of anything, he had a feeling today's class would be good. He never actually disliked her classes, after all.

He spotted the professor first and then he glanced at the desk and saw brownies Ollie hadn't had a brownie in so long and this was making him tha much more happy. Brownies were clearly a sign that today was going to be good. "Good morning, professor!" He waved at her and then picked up a brownie. "I hope you're doing well today."

Glancing around the room, he chose a seat not too far in the back and set his back down. 'Oh, and thanks for the brownies." Brownies were the best

The first one to arrive was Oliver and that got a smile out of Rosalyn. She was rather fond of the boy and had in fact been helping him a little when it came to potential career options. "Good morning, Mr Finch. I am doing well." In fact she was feeling better than she had in a while - though she wasn't going to get into that with a student. "I hope you are well too," she said as she watched him take a brownie and head to an empty seat.

SPOILER!!: Azura :)
Originally Posted by FwooperOnYourLeft View Post
Despite the early hour Azura was bright eyed and bushy tailed as she headed into class. She was used to getting up early to go practice and today was no exception.

"Hello Professor Newton! How are you today? " The Raven hair girl asked as she carefully took a brownie and with a warm grin at the Professor and a "Thanks! " Made her way to settle into her usual seat.

"Good morning, Miss Snow," she added almost immediately after. The students were starting to stream in now and that was good since class would be starting soon. She would be keeping an eye on her watch, but for the moment there was still plenty of time. "I am doing well, how are you?" Smiling at the thank you, she watched the girl take a seat.

SPOILER!!: Jacob :)
Originally Posted by awakemysoul View Post
Jacob stood just outside the door to the classroom. It was early, and he definitely wasn't a morning person even on the best of days... And today wasn't the best of days. He'd been up a little late observing the stars, and he regretted that now. He was tired and a bit cranky this morning, and on his first day in this class to boot. As though it weren't enough to be the new kid this late in the year, he had to be the crabby, sleepy new kid. He would just talk as little as possible on this first day. It would be fine. Get it together, Hawthorne, he thought to himself, a slight frown crossing his face as he mentally prepared for the class ahead. He nodded to himself once, then crossed the threshold and entered the room.

He was surprised to see only the professor and two other students inside. Drat. No way to avoid conversation after all, I guess. He cleared his throat. "Hello, professor," he said politely, and he turned to nod his greeting at the other students in the room, as well. "I'm Jacob. Hawthorne. I, ah, just came to Hogwarts from Ilvermorny. If you were wondering who I was. Since I just showed up and all." Wow. Great speech, dummy. He was suddenly self-conscious about his lack of a British accent (and lack of adequate conversational skills) and scratched the back of his neck for a moment. He noticed the brownies sitting on the professor's desk but didn't want to impose, especially since they'd just met, so he instead took a seat near the front of the room and began to get his supplies out. Social skills? Less than perfect. Academia, though... That was his jam.

A new face. Clearly a transfer from another school judging by how late in a term this was. A moment later she had confirmation. Ilvermorny. How interesting. She liked hearing all about the different wizarding schools, but now was not the time for that. The boy seemed rather awkward and Rosalyn didn't want to draw attention to things and make him feel more uncomfortable or embarrassed. "Good morning, Jacob. I am Professor Newton," she said kindly. He didn't take a brownie, but that was perfectly fine. He could always grab one later if he changed his mind - so long as it wasn't in the middle of her trying to teach.

SPOILER!!: Jacen :)
Originally Posted by Stefan View Post
Jace was rather in an annoyed mood as he made his way to attend his History of Magic lesson that morning. It was not because he was cranky or sleepy still, but because of the blisters he got from too much Kendo practice that morning. Summer was fast approaching, and he crammed as much practice time as possible in his already overwhelming academic schedule. As he pressed his blistered palm with a handkerchief doused in Murtlap Essence, Jace poked his head inside the classroom, and grinned as soon as he saw the professor was already there waiting for them. “Ohayo, sensei.” He said bowing his head. The smell of the brownies gravitated him towards the teacher’s table, and before he could even think twice, his uninjured hand already claimed three pieces of chocolaty goodness. A quiet ‘thanks’ was given to the lady, and he quickly turned to take his usual seat...only, it was taken by an unfamiliar face.

Jace blinked at the boy sitting on his chair, and slowly eyed the empty seat next to him. With a nod of defeat, he scuttled towards the empty spot and slowly looked at the boy. Well, that was...very weird. He’d been attending all classes all term, and this was the first time he’d seen this boy...and a Ravenclaw to boot! “O...Ohayo.” Jace paused, flushing just a tad with the Japanese slip up. “Goodmorning, I mean. Hi.” The 14 year old continued as he placed the plate of brownies in between them, and smiled at the newcomer, procuring his textbook, parchment and quills at the same time. “I’m sorry...but I believe we haven’t met?” he said as he placed his heavy book on the table with a dull thud. “I’m Jacen Reed. You can call me Jace.” The half-Japanese then looked at his injured hand and then back to his new acquaintance, “I would love to shake hands, but...” he trailed off showing his balled up fist clutching a damp handkerchief. “Brownies?”

Brown eyes then shifted from the boy to his best friend, “Ohayo, Azura-chan.” She’s in a good mood today, yeah?

There was only one person who ever called her sensei and it made her smile. Rosalyn returned the head bow, though she was rather surprised to see the handkerchief around his palm. "Are you okay, Mr Reed?" Had he gone to see Joy? She did not want to see any of her students injured. At least he was helping himself to a few brownies, but she was slightly worried by the state of his hand!

SPOILER!!: Skylar :)
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising View Post
Skylar was present and accounted for, not taking a brownie as she passed by the Professor's desk, despite it most likely being safe since food was always offered. But Skylar had her older siblings and parents and friends to warn her of the dangers of consuming food at Hogwarts. And while Roselyn Newton by this point in the year was on the page of nice and sweet, Sky still was skeptical because it was the woman's first year and who knew? She could snap at any moment from the nice and sweet facade.

"Morning Professor," Sky greeted as she strode right to her usual history seat... second row from the back. Obviously the back row would be suspected for those not paying attention and first row would be first noticed... so in the middle but closer to the back, Sky found to be the most ideal spot. Where she could comfortably listen to the happenings but if she grew bored, she could easily start "note taking" on something else...

Another student opting not to take a brownie. That was perfectly fine. Not everyone liked sweets or wanted them in the morning. One of the problems with teaching a lesson in the morning. The other one was the potential for some of the students to drift off. That was why she tended to try and not make her lessons TOO content heavy. She didn't want to bore everyone to death! "Good morning, Miss Diggory," she said with a smile as she watched the girl take a seat.

SPOILER!!: Henry :)
Originally Posted by emjay View Post
Even though Henry had been up for a while this morning because of his usual run, it was still a little too early for him to want a brownie. And it probably wasn't healthy for him to eat them all the time, even if he did think it was rather nice for the professor to offer them regularly. So he'd politely pass them over today. "Good morning, Professor," he greeted the woman with a grin as he passed her desk and turned to look for a seat.

He knew enough not to sit by the window in this class, knowing how distracted he often got during their normal discussions. Instead he took a seat behind the group of Ravenclaws. Henry knew most of them anyway, and nearly always opted to sit near friends. Plus, he knew Azura took good notes so if he did get distracted, she'd likely let him borrow her notes so he could catch up. "Hey guys!" he greeted them with a grin as well before slipping into his seat and pulling out his class materials.

Glancing at her watch, she saw that it was almost time to begin. There were a few minutes left before she closed the door and anyone arriving after that would have to suffer point loss. Rosalyn hated deducting points, but that was a part of her job and the students really did need to get to class on time. "Good morning, Mr Whittebrook!" He too passed up a brownie but that was okay. If there were too many left over she would share them with her fellow colleagues.

SPOILER!!: Olivia :)
Originally Posted by Govoni View Post
History of Magic. Surprising not as difficult a subject for the blonde as she'd originally feared it might be. Now that she was properly paying attention and everything. Not to mention that Professor Newton was related to her Head of House and because of that, Olivia felt more receptive to these lessons. Yeah, it was definite favoritism on her part, but she felt that was okay, given house loyalty and everything.

Those Gryffindors needed to stick together, man.

Be-bopping into the classroom, Olivia gave a performance twirl for her peers and Professor; tossing her grin all around. "Good morning, everyone!" Oh, and brownies?! Why, Professor, don't mind if we do! Helping herself to a few, she slid into a seat.


Well, someone was in a good mood! Rosalyn smiled wider as she saw Olivia enter the classroom before giving a twirl. Now that was the kind of enthusiasm that she enjoyed seeing! "Good morning, Miss Phillips," she said in response to the general greeting. It was nice to see her grab a few brownies before heading towards her seat!

SPOILER!!: Matt :)
Originally Posted by Hey Ju View Post

History of Magic was far from his favourite subject, BUT. Matt did enjoy the brownies they got every time, so he wasn't going to complain.

"Heyo, prof! Good day!" As usual, he half-walked, half-danced his way to the front to grab two handful of the goodies before spinning around to have a look at the classroom and decide where he would sit that day.

OH, LOOK, A NEW PERSON! And there was already a group of Ravenclaws all over the new kid, which made Matt blink. Who would've known Ravenclaws could be THAT sociable!? In Matt's head they only liked books stereotypes anyone?

ANYHOW, Matt was ready for the sugar rush lesson when he sat right behind the group of Ravenclaws because being in the front row wasn't his thing. "How are my eagle friends doing today??" The third year asked in a sing-song voice, sending a grin to the newcomer right after his greeting. "Welcome to the school of madness, bro!"

"Good day to you too, Mr Meriwether," Rosalyn said with a smile as she watched the boy half-danced his way towards her desk. Snacks never failed to put at least some of her students in a good mood and that was one of her favourite parts of being a teacher; she loved making the children happy. He was certainly in good spirits judging by how many brownies he took!

SPOILER!!: Paige :)
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Professors certainly were keen on treats this term, not that the Hufflepuff particularly minded and found the gesture quite kind. She could even see herself leaving a bowl of chocolate dipped crisps out in her own classroom were education a career path she ever considered. "Good day, professor," the seventh year smiled as she passed, not taking a brownie for the standard reason of not wishing to get crumbs on her desk nor sticky her fingers and put her parchment and quill at risk.

Sliding in to her seat, the seventh year got out her things and began arranging them on her desk.

It was almost time for her to close the door. Rosalyn glanced at her watch before turning her attention to Miss Skeeter as she arrived. "Good day to you too," she said with a smile before watching the girl take a seat. No brownies for her either it seemed.

SPOILER!!: Colt :)
Originally Posted by Expecto-Penguin View Post
Time for History of Magic.

Man this slytherin needed to learn how to get to bed earlier. He rubbed his eyes and tried to wake himself up. Good thing he went down and got some coffee to bring to the room. He overslept because he stayed up all night drawing. He just couldn't sleep because his mind was so active. He sipped his cup he brought and nodded towards the Professor. "Morning..." he sniffled. He was feeling a bit under the weather but least he got out of his bed. He saw a brownie and the thought of food made him nauseous. He took one and pocketed it for later incase he was in the mood.

He made his way to the back of the room and found his seat. He plopped his bags down and thought of new things to draw when he waited or wait a minute he could finish the drawing he started last night. Yup let's do that.

Someone sure looked tired! Rosalyn hoped that she wouldn't put the boy to sleep, but at least he had coffee with him. So long as he didn't spill any he was allowed to have it. Really she DID trust her students not to make a huge mess though accidents did happen at times. "Good morning, Mr Winchester. I hope that you go and see the Healer if you are feeling a little under the weather." Joy could give him something to help with that. It was nice to see that he grabbed a brownie so that he would have something to eat at the very least.

SPOILER!!: Kaycee :)
Originally Posted by LilFox06 View Post
Kaycee headed in to the History Magic lesson. She was feeling anxious to graduate now that it was spring and so close to that time. But she showed up. That's what mattered.


"Hello Professor." she greeted, grabbing a brownie as she walked. She then took a seat.

In another minute she would be starting her lesson. "Good morning, Miss Richards," Rosalyn said with a smile as the girl walked in before grabbing a brownie and heading towards her seat. Now she could begin the lesson!

Getting up from her seat, Rosalyn made her way over to the door. After peeking her head outside, she determined that there was no one else making their way over to the classroom. Anyone to arrive after this point would have to deal with the consequences. Closing the door, she made her way over to the front of the room and turned her attention to the students.

"Good morning everyone! As is usual, I am going to jump right into the lesson. To begin, I would like everyone to tell me what they know about Albus Dumbledore." This was how she always liked to start off her lessons because it showed her how much her students already knew about things. That, and she didn't like to bombard them with information because that could be rather overwhelming. "Anything about him as a person for now." They would move more into the accomplishments the man had made in a little bit.

OOC: Once again I will be moving things along in about 24 hours.
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