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Join Date: Oct 2005 Location: SHIELD's Helicarrier
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Dhruv Vihaan Khanna Graduated Hogwarts RPG Name: Aryan Zahid Atreyu-Rehman Slytherin Fifth Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Idris Ace Grunt Gryffindor Third Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Dynah Aavni Atreyu-Rehman Hufflepuff Seventh Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Krittika Saanvi Joshi Ravenclaw Sixth Year
x12 x12
| ~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. SPOILER!!: All the cool Inventions! <3 Quote:
Originally Posted by Stefan Jace somehow knew that the discussion would lead to muggle invention. It was quite obvious to the 14 year old, because...why the heck would they discuss something that is political in nature. Adults do that.
Alright, inventions! Jace got his hand up and answered the professor's question. "Internet, Microwaves, and electronic toilets we use in Japan." he said as he reached for his quill, ready to take down notes. "All three are very convenient to use...and it isn't time consuming." Quote:
Originally Posted by Suziella Juno's hand shot up really fast for this one. She waited until she was called on to answer, and responded, "Computers, dishwashers, and clothes washers and driers. I couldn't do all that by hand. Computers are just so useful to have, as you well know, and having information at the tip of your finger tips is amazing." She loved her muggle conveniences. Quote:
Originally Posted by FwooperOnYourLeft Azura listened as Jace and Juno took the inventions she had in mind, so she raised her hand and thought of a few muggle inventions that no one had thought of.. "IPods, Smart Phones and Cars. I love how you can have tons on songs in the palm of your hand.. Smart phones are amazing, and I love text messaging almost better than owl posts! And cars!
Cars are fun as well.. Though Apparating is much better.." She said with a smile Quote:
Originally Posted by Bazinga She grinned as Tim as she sat down next to her. They would catch up after class. Right now class was starting and the first question caught her attention. What do you think of muggles? Well she felt many things about muggles. Everything was good, but she was shocked by the rude some people had. Did they seriously live in a world that people still had to be so hateful and mean. She wanted to comment, but decided it was better to just be quiet.
Why on earth would anyone pity them, they were brilliant in their own ways. Technology anyone? It was a great thing they had that we didn't. Plus she had seen more compassion from muggles then she ever did from wizards as a small child. She sat quiet not even trying to hide her irritation with the discussion that was going on.
Her hand finally raised with the next question, "Their electric guitars and radios. The internet is a great communication and faster then owls. " That was the coolest part about them. Quote:
Originally Posted by Devina Wellheart Miranda knew instantly what her favourite Muggle invention was even though there were so many wonderful options to choose from... Still, her hand shot straight into the air .. why she had this burst of enthusiasm for the lesson was a mystery to her but she loved the thing that was waiting to be shared at the tip of her tongue as she waited to be called on... " Ma'am, My absolute favourite object ever invented would definitely have to be television... Or even films... It's fascinating how they're able to transfer live action into a non magical moving sound filled picture.." , she beamed... It really was something the way it had been mastered.. She thought whoever was responsible for it's existance was truly a genius... Quote:
Originally Posted by Goblinfrog "Gosh there are so many!" After saying it she knew she had just used a common Mugge expression (Gosh) instead of the wizarding one (Merlin). She wracked her brain to try to arrive at just one invention, but two popped up more than anything else. These were ones she'd experienced a lot of herself while growing up in her mansion and they really were things she couldn't imagine living without. "My two favorite Muggle inventions are movies and the internet. Actually, the internet is an even faster way of communicating to someone far away than owls are. I love owls, but communication is definitely something the Muggles are advanced with than we are." Stressing the part about her love of owls just so no one thought she was advocating giving them up. "And movies are awesome. Even if you don't particularly love the movie you are watching, as long as you don't hate it it's enjoyable. Like when we watched Wizard of Oz." Quote:
Originally Posted by RachieRu Ooh. They were talking about muggle inventions! Harriet was quite fond of her muggle technology. She used a lot of magic, or well her parents did at home, but she did still like the muggle stuff. It was like they had their own little bit of magic, that made some elements of life so much easier. "I personally love the hair dryer" Harriet murmured as she raised her hand into the air. "I mean... having to hang around with wet hair isn't cool, and the hair dryer literally dries your hair in minutes. It's pretty great" Quote:
Originally Posted by emjay Oh, there were plenty of Muggle inventions that Henry enjoyed and he perked up a little at the question. In fact, his parents had several at home, including some of the ones mentioned. Maybe that would help some of the cultural appreciation, knowing how cool some of those could be.
Henry raised his hand. "In addition to some of the ones mentioned.." Because television, movies, and the internet were some of his favorites, and he didn't want to repeat answers. "I really like to play video games sometimes. And airplanes are pretty cool too." Yes, he knew that wasn't three, but to be fair, most of his favorites had already been mentioned. Quote:
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline Could she live without magic in her life?
Cassie wasn’t sure if she could or not for she had never fully had to. Though it wasn’t like she abused magic or took too much advantage with it in everything she did. She still moved to retrieve items instead of just summoning them to her. She still cooked and cleaned up and did chores at home without the use of magic, and her mum would have likely made that a rule even if the statute of underage sorcery wasn’t in place. And she used electronics which didn’t work well with magic anyway. But before she could even think of giving some kind of answer, they were moving on to the next train of thought.
At least a majority seemed to think like herself it wouldn’t be too hard to be a muggle as they as students technically did during the summer unless one was in Diagon Alley surrounded by Magic.
Now what inventions did she have a fondness for. “I’d have to say the radio and any musical inventions for sure,” she answered after raising her hand. “And e-book readers." To be able to have both at your fingertips as you travel was awesome. And she was surprised by how much could be kept in small space, especially the portable readers. Quote:
Originally Posted by Star-Lord Tim was quietly listening and taking down notes. She didn't feel like giving an opinion on muggles. She liked them. They interested her. And now that she was living in the muggle world, she was still fascinated by them. But some of these comments were just plain rude, even for opinions. The blonde softly rolled her eyes and stuck to her notes. She took Nat's paper and wrote some down for her too. Nat wasn't big on taking notes sometimes so Tim did her the favor. As for the professor's next question, Tim had to think hard. There were many things she wondered about what the muggles had invented.
Sitting up properly, she smiled to herself and thought of how to break down her mental list. "I'd go with internet, video cameras," That was just off the top of her head. SPOILER!!: The Silent Kiddos! <3 Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie Still thinking over the previous question, Paige found herself feeling a bit sheepish when she finally registered the next. Her exposure to muggle 'inventions' was not as widespread as some of her classmates seemed to have. Yes, her mother had remarried to a muggle and had some exposure during those weekends she had had to stay at their home rather than with daddy...but most of her true exposure had only come recently. She still wasn't sure how exactly to use a computer or laptop, although she really did enjoy watching muggle films on them while all snuggled up, and electricity was certainly useful...but her own mind kept going back to the first time she had had a lecture on magical vs muggle methods of healing and they had been allowed to try their hand at using an X-ray generator. That had just been...eye opening for the seventeen year old - although she had been fifteen at the time of the experience - even if the lecturer was always referencing muggle doctor's methods as being primitive.
She would have answered with electricity...were her thoughts not drifting to her healing seminars and future studies. She was, at present, outlining the next four years of coursework in her dormitory when she could not focus on her NEWT studies. Which was admittedly most of the time these days. She had about five different variations of class schedules to fulfill graduation requirements at present and found the whole educational mapping...a little too addicting. Quote:
Originally Posted by 2111jen With Paige....well that turned crazy in a quick minute. As far as technology....uuuuh. Crap it left his mind. Well crap.
As each student gave their answers when they were called upon, Kay wrote them on her white board. She became more and more impressed at the growing list. “Excellent information, everyone. My favourite would actually be the internet. As Ms Valentine and a few others would have mentioned, it’s a really fast and almost efficient way of communicating.’’ The marker was capped again (for now) then she moved closer to the students. “Each of these inventions…’’ Kay indicated to the board. “Have helped Muggles and even some of you.’’ She knew that quite a few of her students used Muggle technology in some form. “We will explore a few Muggle technologies in the not so distant future so you can look at this as a gateway to that topic. “For now, we have delved a little on the broad topic of Muggles and before we move onto today’s activity, I would like to ask you… what would you do to keep a good relationship or build one with muggles but at the same time still keeping our secrets?’’ Quote:
Originally posted by The Whiteboard Common Muggle Inventions:
* The Internet
* Microwaves
* Electronic Toilets
* Computers
* Dishwashers
* Clothes washers and driers
* IPods
* Smartphones
* Cars
* Electric Guitars
* Radio
* Television
* Films
* Hairdryer
* Video Games
* Aeroplanes
* Video Cameras
OOC: HI! The activity shall begin in 24 hours, my lovelies! <3
Last edited by FearlessLeader19; 11-21-2016 at 04:08 AM.