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Old 11-18-2016, 04:00 AM   #12 (permalink)
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Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: SHIELD's Helicarrier
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Dhruv Vihaan Khanna

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Aryan Zahid Atreyu-Rehman
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Idris Ace Grunt
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Dynah Aavni Atreyu-Rehman
Seventh Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Krittika Saanvi Joshi
Sixth Year

x12 x12
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

SPOILER!!: Az! <3
Originally Posted by FwooperOnYourLeft View Post
Azura moved into muggle studies with a happy smile on her face. She loved this class and she was excited to be here! She blinked through as she entered the nearly empty class room, maybe she was a bit TOO excited?

"Hello Professor Stewart! How are you today? " She asked as she waved. The fourteen year old carefully surveyed the classroom before she chose a spot on the left side of the room!


Excellent! The first student had arrived! Kay smiled as Azura walked in. “Hello there, Ms Snow!’’ She could tell the girl was quite surprised at being the first one to show up for the lesson. “Go ahead and find a seat. I hope you like the lesson today.’’

SPOILER!!: Kimi! <3
Originally Posted by Saz Hale View Post
Kimi entered the muggle studies classroom and said "Hello Professor Stewart how are we doing today?" Kimi was glad to be hopefully learning about something fun

It was quite nice to see the younger ones being so punctual for the lesson. Punctuality was a trait Kay highly appreciated. “Hello to you too! I’m quite fine, thank you for asking. Yourself?’

SPOILER!!: Nat! <3
Muggle studies was always an easier class Nat thought, but usually a fun one. So getting to the class on time wasn't an issue, well except for the time she slept in and was late of course. Heading to class Nat stopped first at the kitchen to grab a coffee before heading in. Stepping into the classroom she was surprised to see she was one of the first in the room.

"Hello Professor"

She turned and gave Azura and Kimi a wave before finding her own seat. Did the professor have another movie for them to watch possibly? She could write Cal a note to read later when he was bored in one of his classes. Unless he was in class then she would just sit by him and not be focused at all.

“Good morning, Ms Franks-Mundie!’’ She was pleased to see the Slytherin keeping up the habit of not being late to classes. “Go right on ahead to take a seat.’’

SPOILER!!: Cassandra! <3
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline View Post
It was nice to finally feel like the weather was getting warmer and potentially staying less rainy. Even if she had to spend the day in classes rather than outside at the moment. Cass was certainly going to make sure to get out during break though for now she was grateful that the windows to the classroom were left open. Plenty of fresh air to be had in the meantime while they learn about…well about whatever the lesson was to be about today.

“Hello Professor,” the Ravenclaw greeted the woman with a friendly smile as she moved to find a seat. Hmm…right or left? “Hey,” she greeted Azura as she chose the left, taking a seat near her dorm mate. The third year taking out her paper and pencil to be ready for the lesson to begin.

Another young one! “Hello, Ms McNally. I’m glad you could make it early.’’ Kay watched the third year take a seat and was pleased to see that Cassandra remembered to get her pencil.

SPOILER!!: Jonas! <3
April already? The year sure went by fast this time around. Jonas walked into the classroom. A weird smell reached his nose. Was it the wind from outside? He didn't know. He saw the professor behind the desk waiting for the student's arrival. At the same time as he looked around finding no indication what they would be learning today, he gave the professor a small smile and then he found a seat to sit at.

Kay’s attention turned to the next student who arrived and that happened to be Jonas. She smiled warmly at the young man then looked towards the door again.

SPOILER!!: Kitty! <3
Originally Posted by Goblinfrog View Post
Kitty walked into the brightly lit Muggle Studies classroom. The open windows and the warm weather were making her feel very cheerful that morning. "Good morning Professor Stewart. How are you today?"

She then waved to Azura and moved to sit down next to Kimi, a first year Hufflepuff who she didn't know very well. "Hey Kimi. Mind if sit here?" Yes, she knew his name.

“Good morning, Ms Valentine!’’ Kitty was always so happy and eager for Muggle Studies that it made Kay in turn feel the same way. “I’m quite fine. And yourself?’’

SPOILER!!: Juno! <3
Originally Posted by Suziella View Post
Juno quietly walked into the Muggle Studies classroom. It was such a nice day out that she was totally and completely distracted by it. She wanted to be outside so badly, but she knew she had to focus and pay attention. "Hello, Professor Stewart," Juno said with a small smile before she went on to find an open seat.

She quickly pulled out everything she thought she would need for the class, and waited distractedly for class to start.

Prefect badge? This was obviously Juno. “Good morning, Ms Darcy!’’ The other twin was somewhere close, yes?

SPOILER!!: Jace! <3
Originally Posted by Stefan View Post
The urge to go outside was so strong, that Jace almost missed the Muggle Studies Classroom while looking outside the hallway's windows. Why can't they go and study outside? Surely, the fresh air would benefit everyone...except for sleepyheads.

Entering the classroom, Jace gave Professor Stewart a grin, and bowed his head in greeting. "Ohayo, sensei." Without wasting another second, he moved on to take a seat beside an older Hufflepuff student. Oh, and a badged one too! "Ohayo." he said with a smile, and proceeded with preparing his things for class.

This half-blood is ready to learn!

The ever so polite Jace! Kay smiled then inclined her head in his direction. “Hello, Mr Reed!’

SPOILER!!: Paige! <3
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Stepping into the classroom, Paige couldn't help but feel a sense of graduation looming even more than the April weather already implied. At least...she had seen graduation set ups like this before, the path down the middle for the graduating class to walk before taking their seats in the front. More common, however, were weddings which Paige was not keen on at the moment for two spooky reasons - Hayley's aside since she was doing the flower arranging for.

"Good day, professor," Paige smiled nervously as she took a seat all the way down in the front. Muggle Studies was a class, despite her upbringing, that she did feel a little more confident in. Even if she was still festering over the Wizard of Oz lesson and how they had NOT been discussing the source material.

Eyes travelled back to the entrance and another smile graced Kay’s face. “Good day to you too, Ms Skeeter!’’

SPOILER!!: Timmy! <3
Originally Posted by Star-Lord View Post
Muggle Studies!

Tim prance into the classroom that morning. Her recent moods had been better from before so she was feeling happier. Besides, this was one of her favorite classes. The blonde was staying to understand Muggle items more as time went. Growing up in the Wizarding world then moving to the Muggle one, sometimes made her confused. "Good morning, professor," Tim greeted her with a smile. She then spotted Nat and quickly sat next to her. Now class would be more better.

Well, well! Here came a particularly happy young lady! “Good morning, Ms Finch!’’ Finch… she missed her bestie. She had a lot to tell Ansley which reminded her that she needed to write him a letter soon.
* * * * * * *

The trickle of students had stopped and Kay knew it was time to commence the lesson. She rose from her seat, walked over to the door and locked it. Tough luck, late ones. Should they arrive now, they will most certainly loose points.

Smile on her face, she turned to her students. “Welcome to yet another Muggle Studies lesson! Today will be more of a discussion based class.’’ Kay hoped that they wouldn’t find it boring. She just would like to know where the younger minds stood when it came to Muggles. “My aim, for as long as I remain her as your professor, is to bridge any gaps you may have with muggles; for your respect to increase for them just as you would respect a witch or wizard. There is still some dislike for the non magical to some extent and I thought it would be interesting to know your opinions on them.’’ Some- like Kitty Valentine- she already knew their opinions. “So, that is my exact question to you all. What do you think of Muggles in general?’’

OOC: Hello The lesson has officially begun so no announcement of late charries should be done Please, no rude answers that would start a fight or something xD Let your charries be as respectful as they can. I shall post again in 24 hours!
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The ones in books who are as perfect as they can be.🌺🌺🌺
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