the one ring lol Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN This was supposed to be guitar sesh times. But it was hard to do any free style acoustics when a poltergeist's shrill voice was echoing around the lake and disrupting the ambiance.
With a huff, the Gryffindor Ace stood up and walked towards the peeps already around Peeves. He figured if he could help out with this ring picking business, the sooner the poltergeist can go away and get on his honeymoon... or whatever it is that poltergeists do. "Need a ring eh?" the leonine lad chimed in as he joined the group. "Do you even know what kind of ring Miffy would want? Like... is she an environmental crusader because I'm pretty sure there are some toilet paper rolls we can spare." You know from the ones you threw around and wasted Peeves. "If she's a one of a kind kinda girl....." because arent all love struck spectres think their girl is one of a kind "...then what about a fish skull? You know just poke out the eyes and trim the skull down to size then you gotta ring." Kinda morbid, but then again poltergeists so this is right up their alley eh? |