~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. Battle Scars- Paradise Fears I'll carry you home.
No, you're not alone.
Keep marching on,
This is worth fighting for,
You know we've all got battle scars.
You've had enough,
But just don't give up. 
Lucas re-read his letter that he had penned to Brody: Quote:
Dear Brody,
How are you? How is your first week at Hogwarts? I looked forward to a letter from you but I guess you have gotten busy. I’d love to hear from you though.
I know you’re still struggling with the new you but I’d like to have my nephew back. The old nephew. Do you even remember who you were back then, Brody? I miss that you.
Uncle Lucas.
Lucas watched as the owl as it flew off to deliver his letter. Brody was drifting away from him. |