SPOILER!!: Jace, Azura, Kitty and Jonas
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Jace carefully watched Mr. Toussaint, noting the way he commanded each of the Golems. The third year was at awe as he momentarily looked at his own hand. If he learned how to make a proper golem...then he’d be able to do that? Eyes up front again, Jace discreetly took his wand out from his arm holster and eyed the heads of each golem. Back in his first year, he had fun climbing the topiaries at the tower patch so climbing a 7-foot tall golem wouldn’t be a problem. However, he thought that it was the easy route to take. He figured that his teachers have worked hard to equip him with the right information to execute and defeat creatures or beings that are dark in nature.
As he eyed the aleph on the wooden golem, Jace assumed the basic fighting stance in kendo with his cherry wand pointed straight at the golem’s head. As his usual in any kendo match, Jace was fully aware of his opponent, his senses automatically heightened. The sweeping movement of the golem’s hand was somehow anticipated as he saw the shift on the golem’s shoulder, and Jace quickly jumped back to avoid being hit.
There must be a way to stop the golem. There’s no way he could aim at the aleph and nick it out easily. Eyes still on the wooden beast, Jace reached out to the nearest student and shook his...or her arm. “Distract the wooden golem! I have an idea!”
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Azura still wasn't sure how to fight these things and she bit her lip a little as they started moving! Ackkkk! Okay! Maybe she should have stayed in the safe zone?
But then an arm grabbed hers and she turned to look at Jace.. distract the wooden Golem? Howwwwww did she do that, brilliant best friend? But she nodded..
"I'm on it! " She said with a nod as she picked up her wand and darted closer to the wooden Golem.. For the love of the Fwoopers please don't let her fall! She moved as close as she dared before pointing her wand upwards and saying "Avis!" She had been practicing that spell with Noelle.
Birds shot out of her wand and she bit her lip..
Was this a distraction?
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As soon as the Golems were activated Kitty ducked backwards inside the safe zone. Things were heating up very quickly. She watched as Jace asked Azura to distract the wooden Golem, and then as Azura conjured a flock of birds. Kitty clapped. "Woot! Go Ravenclaw!" Heh.
But being in the safe zone didn't mean that she couldn't help her team mates. Taking out her wand, pointed at Azura and shouted, "Contego Azura!!!" If her spell worked Azura would be protected somewhat from the Golem if it hit her.
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Thank Merlin it was Azura! He could trust her with this. "Keep going! We'll be needing those birds to nick out the aleph!" he said quickly turning away from Azura as he dashed for the blue paint. After dipping the paint brush in it, Jace didn't waste any second to run past Azura and braved to paint on the back of the golem's leg.
"raidho raidho raidho
r r r r r r r r r
ru ra ri re ro
rudh radh ridh redh rodh
or er ir ar ur
r r r r r r r r r..."
Painting on a moving object is never an easy task, so Jace kept the drawing of the Raidho smaller than he'd like. He also gauged that this task would've been easier if the golem wasn't this huge. He thought, maybe, using just one rune would be enough-- but then again the golem was controlled by strong magic. He ought to reverse it with a stronger rune. In this case a Raidho and Isa bindrune.
"isa isa isa
i i i i i i i i i
i i i i i i s s s s s s
(s s s s s s i i i i i i)
i i i i i i i i i"
Jace continued to chant the respective galdrs-- first was Raidho's as he painted a second rune on the other leg...and then Isa on top of the Raidho's stem. Raidho & Isa. Freeze the Action.
Also...Kitty? It would be awesome if he could get some protection as well over here. Thank you!
So...did it work??!
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Az wasn't sure if it was working or not but she heard Kitty cast a spell on her and she sent a grateful smile back at their prefect. "Thank you Kitty! " She said as she sent her another warm smile before she pointed the wand in the air again..
"Avis!" Once more, birds came out of her wand and she carefully danced around hoping not to get hit. Her wand went upward again and aiming at the air next to the Golems head she sent up a Purple firecracker jinx
Anything to keep it distracted! She kept moving and the yelled out "Bombarda!" In the air.. maybe the explosions would keep it focused on her and not Jace!
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Looking around, Jonas saw that a few of his classmates were using insendio as an attack. Facing the golem that was wood, he pointed hiw wand.
"Insendio" he called out not sure if the golem will be affected.
The wood golem was in the middle of stretching out its arms towards an unsuspecting child when the birds came. The figure stopprd and looked at the birds instead. The outstretched arm reached over to whip away the birds with its branch-like arms.. Where had the birds come from?
Then there were firecrackers and explosions. The two distracted the golem even more as it tried to move its arms in a whip-like motion. Need to bat them away. It wasn't until the fire directed at it that made the wood golem seem larger, deadlier. Unluckily, it was taken in.
All the while, the golem didn't notice the boy and the runes being carved on its leg. Its concentration was taken by the birds but when it tried to take a step back, it couldn't. Not with that leg. It looked down, confused, and tried to kick at the young boy with his other leg.
Maybe he needed to try and make it stronger.
SPOILER!!: Henry and Noelle
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Yes. He knew it. They were going to play a game. Henry listened to the guest speaker as he began to explain what they'd be doing next with the golems. So those large figures would be attacking them. Great. But Henry did find it interesting that Arithmancy could be used to hinder them as it was one of his better subjects. Just... how? He really needed to think creatively.
And he really didn't have much time to thin before the golems began advancing on them. Think, Henry! He glanced over to see Azura and Jace working on the wooden one, using runes, and he looked at the other three golems. Wasn't there a number in Arithmancy associated with warmth? Maybe that would have some effect on the golem made of ice.
He reached for a paintbrush to dip in the yellow paint, then cast Imperiano towards the upper half of the ice golem to hopefully shield himself from those arms. He reached out to paint a yellow nine on its leg, knowing that the Hidden Passion Number of nine speaks of warmth. Sure, it meant more in a figurative sense of personality, but he hoped that it could be taken quite literally as well and melt that ice with warmth.
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Noelle watched as each of the golems came to life. She barely registered the fact that even if they got hit, it wouldn't permanently hurt them. They might get the breath knocked out of them, but not permanently harmed. Her mind was elsewhere, trying to figure out how to disarm them. She wouldn't risk using magic directly at them since they absorbed it. She needed to think of another way.
A thought stuck her.
Noelle wasn't sure if the professor would approve of this method, but she was willing to try it. Her eyes locked on the ice golem for a few moments before making her mind up and pulling her wand from its holster. She pulled her vest off, leaving her buttoned down shirt on, and duplicated it. Not once, but multiple times. She wasn't worried about making the vests exactly like the rest.
Next, she yelled, "incendio" and lit all of the vests on fire. Now to get them at the ice golem without hitting another student. She levitated one of the burning vests. "WATCH OUT!" Noelle yelled to any students standing close.
The ice golem was set on the boy. It took a deep breath and blew as hard an ice cooooold jet of air towards the oncoming boy.
And then there was a girl. It took another breath of air and aimed to blast her with an icy jet of air as well but it was at that moment that the flaming vest caught its attention. Flame? Fire? It let out a small roar and reached out an icy arm towards the girl with the fire.
The glass golem approached the unsuspecting children. It was good at staying hidden so it could take them by surprise. It reached out a chameleon hand towards one of them. Maybe one of them will notice the shimmer around the edges?
At the sight of the oncoming children, the stone golem let out another, louder ROAAAAAAR of frustration. It moved forwards, crashing into the ground and causing small potholes as it charged towards a group of students.