Angelo judged that they'd had long enough to look at the golems up close so it was time to start the activity. Hopefully they'd enjoy it and work together to succeed.
"Alright listen up. The goal here is to stop the golems from attacking. They have all been charmed so that if they make contact with anyone and actually hit you, it won't hurt you - they're cushioned essentially, but you might get the wind knocked out of you and get thrown back if you are hit with enough force. Remember that they absorb magic so you can't attack them with spells directly, however you might just be able to effect the environment in a way that could stop or slow them down. You can also use certain shielding spells to protect yourself and each other, Impiriano is a good one to protect yourself, and Contego is one that is quite suited to casting on a friend to protect them from a hit." Did that make sense? Angelo wasn't going to be teaching anyone to use those spells though, that was up to Hirsch or the older children.
"This is a competition of sorts in that you are going to be trying to score for your house. Those four flags will each change to show points you earn -not house points but competition points- as you work toward the goal of destroying golems. In other words, you all work together for all four golems, but for your participation, you'll score for your own house." That way they could work with friends from other houses, but still do their parts to compete as a whole.
"Use your strengths, subject-wise. For example if one of the golems seems extra fast, perhaps you might try and use arithmancy numbers to represent slowing things down. Perhaps you can invoke a rune or two to be helpful. Of course in order to do this you need to be able to mark the golems somehow...." Angelo helpfully summoned four tins of paint, one in each house colour, each appearing under its corresponding flag, several brushes alongside for those who weren't inclined to get their fingers covered in paint. Probably they'd all get pretty painted up though, honestly.
"Other than remembering that the golems will absorb a direct magical attack, you need to keep in mind that the marks on the forehead ought to be a target." Which was fun because they were seven feet high.
"Additionally, in the mouths of each golem there will be a piece of parchment that you must remove to fully disable the golem. You don't have to get it through its mouth if you can figure out another way though." So. He walked over to the first golem and used his wand to etch the symbol 'א' alongside the symbols that were already there. They glowed and Angelo beckoned the golem with one finger. It bent almost double and opened its mouth. Angelo put a piece of parchment inside and the golem seemed to swallow before straightening up. He went down the line and did the same for the other three golems until all four were stood with:
glowing and carved in their heads.
Time to begin.
The flags each flashed with a great big ZERO.
0_______________0______________0______________0 ooc note and instructions:
WHEW. Hopefully this isn't going to be too complex. The idea is for you guys to have your charries think creatively and logically and work together to defeat the golems.
Those who are in the safe zone can cast shields on their friends if they wish (contego is good for this according to SS canon, you just say contego [person's name/object being cast on] in order to do that) or they can use the books and their own notes to come up with ideas for what people can try and paint on the golems.
speaking of the paint, feel free to have your charries use their fingers or a brush, depending on their preference.
Spells CAN and should be used, but not on the golems themselves. The floor could work. Conjuring useful things could work. Try and be creative!
The golems are additionally cushioned/charmed so that if they hit anyone (and they will!) that it won't damage your character, or seriously hurt them in any way. They might be knocked over though, or have the wind knocked out of them. NO SERIOUS INJURIES ARE TO BE RP'D. There are TWO adults on hand who are here to intervene if necessary!
Your character can step into the safe zone at any time, or out to join the battle!
Finally, there is a golems account, so please react accordingly to it, and don't RP outcomes! And have fun!
ss textbook
Any number meanings found in here can be used on the golems, as long as your character justifies the reasoning behind the number choice (if they want to take the arithmancy route) for example if you wanted to bring a golem that flies (none do, this is an example!) down to the earth again, you could literally use a number (or number sequence) that means 'down to earth'. As long as you can justify the number's application in some way then it might just prove useful. Chaldean and Pythagorean are both acceptable.
Ancient Runes:
a resource (but feel free to google and use whatever)
There are rune meanings that you could use here to combat the golems. For instance if you want to slow down a golem that seems to be quite fast.... there is definitely a rune that could help
Don't forget to invoke the runes
You have until the 11th of October, 11:59pm GMT+1/BST to make as many posts as you'd like!