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Old 10-07-2016, 12:42 PM   #166 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Alexander River Hirsch
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:

x11 x11
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse

Text Cut: You guys!
Text Cut: Cassandra
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline View Post
Very logical response…well done.

That made Cassie quite happy. Her answer apparently not only correct but pleasing her head of house. She allowed a smile back at him before listening as Hirsch moved on, both speaking with others and further explaining the ideas of gollums to the class as a whole. In the important bits went, into her notes on the subject matter, the Ravenclaw attentive and feeling a little better about the class. Maybe it was improving now that the drama was over.

“Could they be used for getting into someplace that maybe a human can’t get into,” she offered, raising her hand once more. “Like to rescue someone where a non-clay rescuer might be at risk.” The muggle world kinda had ideas like that, mechanical equipment that was controlled by humans to do stuff when they would be in danger if they interacted directly.

Getting into someplace that a human can’t get into? Hirsch paused slightly and looked off into the distance without really looking at anything in particular. In all honesty, the Ravenclaw’s answer reminded him all too much of Indiana Jones and the idea of having to rescue someone who was trapped somewhere.

"I don’t see why not," he said slowly, turning his attention back towards the young girl, "Particularly if the area was cursed to humans but not to objects made of clay or other materials. Most people would protect to keep out humans, not objects. Very well done, Miss McNally."

Text Cut: Azura
Originally Posted by FwooperOnYourLeft View Post
Whew, that answer went over well was still horrifying to think that her precious little red panda could be used to lure someone in for nefarious purposes.. Az gave a soft shiver as she turned her mind back to Professor Hirsch as he spoke and she tilted her head as she thought of ways they could be used..

She raised her hand to speak.. "I feel that they could be very effective teaching tools.. leaning how to disarm one sounds tricky, so having some around to practice on, seems like an excellent lighter use for them. " She said with a nod.

This answer amused the man a lot more than he cared to admit. She might find out why but as of this minute, he simply looked at her with arms crossed and an amused smile on his face. "That’s something to think about, isn’t it?" In terms of teaching methods. "It would be useful for teaching purposes but there’s no doubt that it could go out of hand as well." Imperius Curse syndrome?

"But thank you for those words, Azura." She would find out why.

Text Cut: Tak
Originally Posted by Kaos.Doodles View Post
Yeah. Even if the Auror guy was under some dark magic it wouldn't be something Tak worried about anyways. He didn't care. It was simply an observation. The third year bit his tongue and glanced at Hirsch sort of hoping that the class would be done already like he always did.

Aslan knew what she was talking about.

That didn't surprise him.

This..Golem stuff....dark creature made of clay....

How did any of this matter if they wouldn't run into one in real life? Tak's mind was spinning just a bit, trying to make sense of it all, when the next question was asked. What if.....well..the third year slowly raised his hands, his voice steady. "Protectors. Like....bodyguards.....for places. They never need someone to take over their shift."

Ah, he was hoping someone would bring up the protectors option. "Funny you should mention that because, historically speaking, people did use the Golems to protect themselves in case of an attack. Human bodyguards could be made abundant if you have larger, heavy-set clay figures at arms to look after you and your loved ones. Well done."

Text Cut: Jonas
Originally Posted by 2111jen View Post
Golems huh? Jonas knew about them yes...of course he did....but lighter uses? No...nothing. He just kept silent his cheeks red from not thining the professor had heard him about the gnome.
"It's just a gnome," he muttered. He always wondered why the sorting hat had chose Slyhterin for him, he wasn't the least bit confident about anything.

This answer amused him, there was no doubt about it. A gnome? "Way to bring down a Golem’s confidence." See the expression on his face? Amused. "If people want to put them in little hats and fishing rods, I guess they could. But de-gnoming a garden would get difficult if you had Golems as your gnomes."

Text Cut: Jace
Originally Posted by Stefan View Post
Jace could not help but smile at the professor. The fact that he’d given him validation, straight out of his mouth, made the Ravenclaw more confident in his class. When he thought the compliment couldn’t get any better, Professor Hirsch approved of his samurai…and even gave his thoughts on them. Jace can feel his cheeks blush, and his eyes twinkle at what Hirsch just said. Given that he’s learning the way of the sword himself, the Ravenclaw nodded enthusiastically agreeing completely to the professor’s statement. Being noble is hard, just saying.

When Hirsch moved on to another student, Jace sat back as he examined his clay samurai and finally understood why learning the way of the sword isn’t an easy task. No wonder his teachers were very strict, and at the same time, very patient with his progress in Kendo. To be able to fully understand what it takes to be a good samurai, master-less or otherwise, he must be able to fully control his powers on his own, and use the same to do good.

The Ravenclaw was too enamored by his thoughts, making it hard for him to think of a light use for a golem. He agreed to what most of his classmates have said, especially Takeru-san’s answer. A bodyguard? That would be awesome. He’d be like a real life shogun in the modern era if he was allowed to make one…

A silent one? No matter. The man highly doubted that Jace would go off on his own daydreaming path without paying the slightest bit of attention so, he gave the boy a smile and moved swiftly onwards.

Text Cut: Genny
Originally Posted by Magical Soul View Post
As it turned out, picking a seat next to the Head Boy was such a great decision. Look at the professor and how impressed he was with their headless Kappa. She was beaming, finally acting happy in this lesson, and even though her Gollum answer was not correct. It was worth a shot.

Those Golems creatures sounded interesting, though. Apart from having to learn Runes (prof Sack O Love's subject) Genny was ready to learn all the more about them. And look, they apparently had a non-deadly, non-dark usage. The bulbs in her head brightened at a thousand idea of how to use them. "Professor! Professor!" She raised her arm. "We can have them guard your yard. Or tree house." Tadaaaa!

Wait... did Tak just say that idea? Ekh. Ew.

Well, if that wasn’t an enthusiastic answer, he didn’t know what was.

"Precisely, Miss Tate." But treehouse? Really? Did her treehouse have to be that well guarded? "You could use them to guard more valuable pieces or objects, such as any valuables you have. Even Gringotts could use them." Let’s hope not but it was a suggestion.

Text Cut: Harvey
Originally Posted by Paintbrush View Post
Harvey thought about this one. He had the niggling feeling he had encountered a story about golems somewhere, or was it a film? Something, there was something…

No, he couldn't remember. But he knew what he would use a Golem for, or try to, if it wasn't all that Dark.

"What about companions? It would make the creator feel less lonely, wouldn't it? And if they can control a Golem then it wouldn't be a threat to them?"

Sweet. That was the impression he was getting from this answer. Sweet. He half expected the more outworldly adventurous answers so this was a pleasant surprise to him.

"You could. Especially if you have trouble speaking to people in the first place. Having that sense of companionship would be a healthier way of growing up." He was going to preserve the boy’s innocent mind by not mentioning that the Golems could easily turn against their companions.

Text Cut: Paige
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post

There was tons of that.

All the blinking directed towards Professor Hirsch when he responded to her.
Torn between elation and complete shock, the seventh year essentially gaped at the man for a good long while and, by the time she came to, he had already dove into the next portion of the lecture. Admittedly...she was pleased that the reality was not far from the narratives she had read. Although the unfortunate reality was that in order to defeat the creature one needed an understanding of both Ancient Runes and Arithmancy - neither of which Paige was particularly strong in. In fact...all of the subjects beginning with the letter A were her weakest.

It would be too much to ask to hope that any golem she faced have the Hebrew carved into it's head....right? That seemed to be the most straight forward...unless there was a standard format for both runes and numbers that she could easily commit to memory… was refreshing to see just how much the power of language and the written word could have over such a potentially fierce foe. One where ravishing your want and casting all sorts of powerful spells was not a means towards victory. Inspired a bit of confidence.

As for more benevolent uses...there was always manual labor, she supposed. Depending on the size of the golem and all along with a witch or wizard's casting ability when it came to lifting heavy objects. Would be an interesting reveal if they had somehow been involved in the construction of Hogwarts...hmmmm...

If Miss Skeeter had voiced her answer, the man would’ve been very surprised and impressed, indeed. That was certainly not an answer he would’ve expected the students to mention so it would come at a pleasant surprise, indeed.

As it was, he simply gave the silent girl a nod of his head before moving onwards.

Text Cut: Nat
Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post
Rolling her clay she started to calm once more so her eyes went to Professor Hirsch as he began talking. She continued to just roll her clay until... WHAT? Her eyes went down to the clay and back up. Was their objects they were making going to turn on them?


She pushed her clay away and wasn't going to make anything out of it. It could stay just a round ball. What if the round ball attacked her? Could she even defend herself. Feeling her heart pick up again she looked at him and took a deep breath. Now Arithmancy she could do, so that was an advantage. Looking back at her clay she got curious on whether or not it could do that and she could defeat it with numbers.

Could she smash it with a book? Now that was something she knew she could do. If there wasn't wand waving involved she might have a chance. What a pathetic sixth year she truly was in this subject, but she had to remind herself she had gotten better she had closed the gap somewhat and was not horrible anymore, but not great either.

"Could you make it into a nice little toy or something?" If they were objects that could be a good use for them instead of evil.

A nice little toy? This was another rather innocent answer, if he was completely honest with himself. He hardly expect it to come from a sixth year but, given the fact that this was Miss Franks-Mundie, the man was simply glad that she had chosen to speak up again. See? Grateful.

"I don’t see why you can’t," he said, shrugging his shoulders, "It would help with children who find it difficult to interact with others. Or if they need a companion during the rainier seasons where they can’t go out. Well done." Smile.

Text Cut: Blaise
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post
Moving into the lesson on golems, Blaise was starting to see the connection with the clay. Granted, it didn't leave him any more inclined to finally mold something but rest assured, he now saw what the Professor did there. Thing was...he was still waiting to see if he'd like it.

Further down in the explanation, Blaise found a bit of comfort. You couldn't throw spells at golems SO it was very likely that whenever they got to the activity it would have very little of anything to do with magic which....admittedly...didn't sound so bad at all. This might actually be fun now that that expectation was potentially off the table and so the boy sat forward in his seat. He was properly listening.

Had to admit, some of his classmates gave interesting responses. Bodyguards were always in demand. "I think they'd be good with construction too. I mean they're bound to be super strong so they could do all the heavy lifting and stacking and stuff while you expertly supervise." Because THAT was an important job too.

Blaise had spoken up again? He hadn’t angered the boy into a long, angry silence? Huh.

Slightly relieved, the man nodded along with the boy’s answer, even giving him a smile while he was at it. "Excellent! I hardly expected anyone to mention construction but that’s a very excellent answer. They would do the manual labour for you, which means that even those with less physical strength can work in that environment." More or less. "Well done, Blaise."

Text Cut: Miranda
Originally Posted by Devina Wellheart View Post
Miranda considered the questions laid out and listened and nodded along with alot of what she was hearing. But now she felt like it was high time to get a bit of class credit for being all involved in the topic discussion potion of the class since her tenny little racoon looked like it could breathe ....

So straightening herself in her seat she raised her hand and spoke, " Professor, really any type of magic could be used in a dark form... Everything from Charms to transfiguration... Afterall isn't it mailnly intent and that would direct whether not it is Dark magic or not? " Miranda had been thinking about her answer and it seemed to her that she was most logical in her answer/ question....

And after the question about the Golem which as she knew was probably what they were about to be doing.... Hence the little clay lumps they were shaping.. But Then again she hadn't released it until that very moment.. Until then it seemed quite odd as to why it had been sitting there when she walked into the class room...
" A Golem is a statue like thing that can be made to move by means of magic.... It's usually made fron clay or mud.... I'd say a good charm could make them do whatever you want... " She smiled.

Any type of magic can be used in a dark way? Oh, how he liked that answer. "Precisely. It’s important to remember that any of these spells could be twisted for dark means, and many have been done so, but it depends entirely on your intent and how you use them." Good. Very good.

"Exactly. A charm that’s, most often than not, could be turned dark as well." See that link with her previous answer?

Text Cut: Bentley
Originally Posted by Davvy_Wavvy View Post
Well he sorta didn't expect the lesson to take this turn. He hadn't expected any turns to be honest, so he was glad when they were finally moving on with the lesson.

Golems huh?

"I suppose if you're poor or something and can't afford house-elves they'd be good for cleaning messy rooms."

If they were going to be making golems then maybe Bentley should put his molding skills to the test. Having his own personal clean up thing sounded like it would be useful in keeping his mother out of his hair.

This was a very economical answer. He hadn’t expected the issue of money to pop up and yet, here it was. "Frankly, I wouldn’t be surprised if people did use them in the past. House elves have always been linked to the more well-off families so poorer families could make do, especially if they have a large family to boot. Well done, Mr Moore."

And he certainly hoped the boy wasn’t about to make a Golem in the hopes of having a clean room.

Text Cut: Junia
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
Junia didn't really have anything new to add but she made sure to pay attention to her classmates, even IF some of them made her want to roll her eyes. Her hands kept busy too, fingers working to make pinched ears for her clay dog. The face was proving to be quite tricky but she remained focused on doing the best she could. It wasn't like she was a sculptor or anything.

Another silent one? Again, that was fine. He’d had high hopes of gaining a logical answer out of Miss Botros but she probably needed her own time to relax and just listen.

So yes, that was fine.

Text Cut: Kitty
Originally Posted by Goblinfrog View Post
"I agree with all the answers everyone said," replied Kitty when it was her turn. "And I can't add much more. There seems to be all sorts of good things you could do with someone like that. I mean, if you were a fashion designer you could even use a golem for a stand in for your experiments." Random, but it was one of the first things that popped in her head.

If he was completely honest with himself, a fashion designer using it as a stand was an odd example. But then again, he didn’t really expect Miss Valentine to pump out the more normal answers. Unique was her style, from what he gathered.

"I guess you could. But that would be like putting a tutu on a troll, wouldn’t it?" And look how well that turned out.

Text Cut: Leesha
Originally Posted by Sonea View Post
Oh oh! More notes to make! With a worried look she wondered if she could keep up with the lesson AND make notes at the same time! There was really a lot of information given at once! Writhing as quick as she could she made her notes and tried to be neat at the same time, not wanting to make a mess of her work either.

And yes, she realized now for sure that she had made golem but she wasn’t that worried, the doll figure she had made wasn’t that well made, (she wasn’t such a creative person although she liked to it to work with her hands) and her horror doll was looking more funny than actually scary.

Hmm, another question she didn’t knew! Pff, she really needed to read more about this lesson the next time before attending because she didn’t wanted to look stupid!

Miss was oddly quiet during this lesson, wasn’t she? Huh. It wasn’t a cause for concern, was it? Because the man wouldn’t like it at all if she hadn’t voiced any issues she was having with the topic at hand.

Nevertheless, he paused to give her a small smile before moving on. She was taking notes, from what he could tell, and there was nothing wrong with that whatsoever.

Text Cut: Liv
Originally Posted by Govoni View Post
Olivia was completely finished with her pointe shoe figurine, but she'd abandoned any further molding or detailing, a slight frown on her face. To be honest, with what had just happened, she just wasn't feeling it any longer. Her best friend had stood up for another person and was treated very badly for it. She just didn't understand anything. Why had Blaise said those things? Why hadn't Bentley stopped him? It was just.....

Liv hoped Roo was okay.

As for Angel Angelo's questions, the blonde tried to push through her sudden funk....but it was extremely difficult. Not that she was any less attentive to the man. He was the sort of person that required (and demanded) everyone's focus. Olivia couldn't have zoned out even if she'd wanted to.

"A pointe shoe could cripple and severely damage ones feet." Like they kinda did, anyway, if you weren't used to dancing en pointe. "They could also be cursed to... cause the wearer to continue on dancing. Even long after they'd lost all will and stamina." That could be dark, right? Because it was like taking someone's freewill away. Like with the Imperius curse, only the wearer of the shoes would most likely be totally awake and aware during the entire ordeal. And it was completely possible for one to dance themselves to death. She'd felt close on a few occasions herself.

Also, no. Olivia did NOT know what a golem was, but from what she was gathering from her classmates, they all had this well in hand.... Luckily, Professor Hirsch was explaining in the next couple of moments, and she wasn't left to wonder at it for too much longer. Hey, it was wholly possible that her peers could be wrong. At least he was clarifying. Though, Liv had to fight rolling her eyes. NOT AT THE PROFESSOR, by the way, but at someone using a clay figurine to do any kind of dark biding. In her opinion, one would be much more effective with the Imperius curse as a standalone. If you could completely control an actual person, you could just have them jump out of high window if you wanted to truly hurt them.

... but then again, she supposed some dark wizards liked to be stylistic with their death and torture. Put the own stamp and flourish on things…

"They could probably be collected for fun. Like porcelain dolls." Olivia had several of those.

Pointe shoes was an interesting example because they were already a cause for harm. Hirsch didn’t know how people actually danced around in them: the injuries sustained afterwards did not look pleasant in the slightest.

"You’re completely right: they could be used to make someone dance forever, making them more and more tired over time. It’s an excellent example of a way in which an innocent, and even happy, task has been bent and twisted to the will of the caster." Pleased. He was pleased with this answer.

Dolls. That was another innocent answer right there. "Absolutely. They could act as a source of comfort for some or a companion for others. Or even just a thing to play with while you’re bored." He hoped no one would put a tutu on one, though.

Text Cut: Noelle
Originally Posted by ChanceCoeur View Post
Noelle looked around the classroom as answers were blurred out. She was very impressed with Alaskan who seemed to know a good bit about Golems... though, the only golem thing that Noelle could think of was the actual creature in LoTR. Her father was a muggle and that was his favorite movie..... and his favorite character. My precious. He was gray like clay too.

Noelle took notes before returning to forming her fox. She studied it, thinking of how it could be used in dark arts. And finding the paper and destroying it?? Non magical..... her mind went to the hand to hand combat that her and her friends had been doing secretly. She bet, if used correctly and with more practice, she could destroy the paper and the golem. Hmmm.... even more motive to get better.

Her mind went to how her fox could be good. She liked Az's answer. Protector. She also liked Olivia's answer. Collecting them.

A quiet Noelle wasn’t something to be concerned with either. Having worked with the girl all of last year on extra defence, he wasn’t at all concerned with her learning ability and whether or not she was actually paying attention to the lesson or not. Instead, he gave her a smile as he walked past her.

Text Cut: Katy
Originally Posted by Cassirin View Post
Evil turtle of dooooooom. Katy walked her stompy, ferocious, yet tiny little turtle across the top of her desk. Any creature could be made dark if it had its nature stripped away and was unnaturally sustained, given goals that weren't required to sustain life, that sort of thing... easy peasy stuff.

But golems, those sounded interesting. "Professor, if they are non-sentient but do whatever you want, then it's a more humane and economical solution to house elf servitude or paying human servants."

A more humane and economical solution to house elf servitude? "Firstly, that’s a very clever answer." Something far beyond her years, in fact. "And while that is the hope, you have to remember that Golems run the risk of turning against their caster. You’ll have to keep on applying that charm but they have, and could still, run amok. I, personally, don’t want a house elf that does that."

Text Cut: Skylar
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising View Post
Skylar had been paying attention, really. But some of the discussions today was a bit above her level, but she was trying to dutifully take notes as much as she could comprehend anyway. Rubbing at her hand which had begun to cramp up from the note-taking, Skylar bit her lip at the discussion of lighter uses for Golems and how to not make them dark or deadly.

Why had no one said like the obvious thing to her? It seems like her peers were trying to think way too hard on this matter; overthinking, if you will. Also, did Professor Hirsch HAVE a Golem there with him? Is that why he was teaching them about this to have them practice defense against them, much like practice facing one's fears with boggarts.

"If a Golem does a dark person's bidding, making it dark, then what if it was doing the bidding of a person who was innately good? Wouldn't that make them automatically lighter and not so deadly because they would be doing the bidding for the greater good?" Sky suggested, upon raising hand. It made sense to her, at least, that Golems would reflect the good versus evil of the person they did bidding for and they should automatically become less dangerous when they belonged to good people.

Huh. The man liked it when the students looked towards new ways of thinking and this was certainly a good example of that. It impressed him, especially considering how young this girl was.

"That’s the question, isn't it?" he said, pushing his glasses further up his nose, "They could turn out to be good if the intention behind them is good but the chance that they'll turn against their owner is still a great one." And not one he wanted to take.

Text Cut: Chloe
Originally Posted by pundantic View Post
Chloe, quite literally, hadn't the faintest idea what was going on in this class. There was some confusion over Blaise being unpleasant, which she marked and subsequently rolled her eyes at, but the actual subject material of the lesson? Haha. Nope.

She had extensive notes on it apparently. After class she'd catch up with what they had learned but she couldn't write down everything Hirsch said, stare at his face AND be expected to learn all at the same time.

She was only human.

Not like Hirsch. He was otherworldly.

Miss Newman was rather quiet in his classes, wasn't she? Again, was it a cause for concern? Because if she was finding the topic difficult, he could help her out with that, that was not a problem.

Right now, he simply smiled at her before moving onwards.

Text Cut: Tenacius
Originally Posted by Steelsheen View Post
Has he seen a lot of Muggle movies? Well that was an understatement. Tenacius nodded his head at Hirsch "My folks are Muggleborn, so Muggle-Magic-Mayhem-- its all normal. At least at home it is." All is equal. Outdoors though, yeah he knows, Magic-aint-for-Muggles. Suffice it to say his ability to weave in and out of Magic and Muggle situations have reached a certain level of finesse. Such is the Astor way.

But oh! So that’s what they mean by Golem, and yes it seems like the Pokemon did take some inspiration from the Magical version among a great many things. But yeah what other uses can he say for a Golem that doesn’t involve dark magic. Hmmm…. oh heres one "Bomb squad!" Yep totally "If theres some suspicious package like an explosive or a cursed object, send the Golem in first to investigate. If it goes off, it can still absorb the blast or neutralize any of the curses attached to it."

"That explains how you know so much about Muggle related items." Not that it was a bad thing, the man was simply curious about this level of thinking from the boy.

……… What in the name of?!

This. This right here had to be the weirdest answer he had had. Hats off to you, Tenacius. Hirsch was glad that some kind of explanation followed because if he'd left it at the enthusiastic ‘bomb squad’, he would've been very confused.

And the answer? The answer brought a smile to the Ravenclaw Head’s face. "Excellent thinking! This could further enforce security and keep everyone a lot safer. The Golems might be destroyed if it wasn't a magical based attack but that is a good way of using them for defence purposes. Well done!"

Once Tenacius had answered, Hirsch turned towards the rest of the class and waited a moment or two to see if anyone else was going to answer. When no one piped up, he decided that he would.

"Those were some excellent answers, I have to say. I hope it's given you all a clearer insight into the ways something as innocent looking as, well, a statue could still be twisted and turned to be dark but still have some lighter uses to them as well." It was the whole light vs dark concept and whether there was any real distinction between them.

"Now, we’re going to move onto…..." Oh. Was that the time? Already?! "It seems as though we’re running out of time so we’re going to dive head first into the main activity of the lesson. If you want to come back and learn to animate your Golems, you may." It was going to cut into their lunchtimes, he hoped they realised that.

"But for now, let’s put your knowledge to the test, shall we? This room isn't practical for the practical portion of the lesson so we’re going to move into another room." Could they see how excited he was? "If you could all get up and follow me. You'll need your wands and any notes you've taken."

And don't worry, Blaise, we have something for you too.

Hirsch turned to smile at Angelo quickly before moving over towards the door…..

OOC: I’m so sorry for the lateness of this post. There was a bit of a mixup (my fault) buuuuut we’re moving onto the main portion! YAY! ^^

You can post leaving if you want but go on over to THIS THREAD for the main activity. Thank you for sticking with us through this <3
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