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Old 10-06-2016, 03:00 AM   #75 (permalink)
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FearlessLeader19's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: SHIELD's Helicarrier
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Dhruv Vihaan Khanna

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Aryan Zahid Atreyu-Rehman
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Idris Ace Grunt
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Dynah Aavni Atreyu-Rehman
Seventh Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Krittika Saanvi Joshi
Sixth Year

x12 x12
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

SPOILER!!: Jonas! <3
Originally Posted by 2111jen View Post
Okay, beautiful. So that's what happened...any questions huh? questions. What kind of questions could be asked? He didn't know. After copying down the notes, Jonas was glad to finally, finally, get to the activity. Whatever that would be. Now that he thought about it, though, there was one question that was more of a curious thought than anything. Still, he raised his hand so he could share it with the class.
"I think I would like the earlier design for the ruby slippers better," he said and blushed as he felt like everyone was staring at him.
That and the fact that every time he spoke last year it seemed he was loosing points for Slytherin instead of gaining them.

A comment about the shoes? Kay didn’t mind a bit. “Thank you for your opinion, Mr Emery! Yes, I agree. The earlier design was rather pretty too.’’ It was true. Curled tip shoes could be rather attractive.

SPOILER!!: Az and Paige! <3
Originally Posted by FwooperOnYourLeft View Post
Azura didn't miss Jazz's answer.. the scarecrow..who thought he was dumb but wasn't.. Yeah.. She gently nudged her friend and gave him a look.. he wasn't dumb.. even if he thought he was..

She smiled at him and then turned her attention to the notes and the fun fact.. she carefully wrote them all down before tilting her head a little.. the Technicolor thing was intriguing to her and so she raised her hand..

"Professor, you said the reason why the slippers color changed was due to Technicolor right? Was there any reason they specifically chose the color Red? I feel like blue or geeen would have been pretty as well..If they couldn't be silver that is. " She glanced at Paige and mentally apologized.. she wasn't meaning to change the slippers color again.. but Sapohire or Emerald Slippers would have been cool,
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post

Point reward aside, Paige had hardly found her frustrations quelled with the explanation and did not satisfy her growing disdain for the emphasis of the lesson being on the film rather than the source material. Although she did understand the technicolor aspect a little ... she recalled a conversation she had had with someone at WADA during one of her numerous visits. A performing arts student who was working on an illusion spell of sorts to make a play she was writing appear in technicolor when it was done on the word was a little familiar. Satisfying enough of an answer? She supposed...but was THAT the reason why they were focusing on the film? Besides its obvious popularity given that many of her classmates were quite familiar with it despite it being well over a century old now.

The book, and all those that followed - 13 of which were written by the man himself - were older though....and quite striking compared to all other literature at the time. Baum himself even wrote that the time had come for a newer set of fairy tales, one which eliminates “all the horrible and blood-curdling incidents devised by their authors to point a fearsome moral to each tale.” He essence...written the FIRST American fairytale, a story written by an American taking place on American soil - not to mention its strong push towards independence. After all, the way things ended for Dorothy and her friends drove home that there is no real need for wizards or benevolent witches and that each of us carries all the gifts we need within us, and bears the potential to make something of ourselves.

"Is...that why this particular film, professor?" she asked - because yes, more questions were rolling around in her noggin. "...the technicolor aspect?"


"Blue or green would not have stood out nearly as much against the yellow brick road nor the colors of the Emerald City like ruby red would," Paige mused in response to Azura's question. Which was why silver had not been used. Clearly, she was not cut out to be a film studies student.


“Great question, Ms Snow! Since the technicolour process was still being fine-tuned or completely developed, there were some issues. For instance, if some colors were fairly subtle, would show up as different colours. It was said that yellow showed as green if much of the wrong colour was filtered. They felt that red was rather noticeable and it did not create issues with the colour mixing process.’’ Kay paused to nod at Paige. “Ms Skeeter has correctly answered your question. The studio company thought that silver would blend in too much into the scenes along with those other yellow or green especially.’’ Then her attention was fully on Paige. “Yes, it would seem that was the reason, Ms Skeeter. The Technicolour process.’’ Kay could really understand what the Hufflepuff felt. Who liked it when the aspects of a favourite thing of theirs is changed. Yes, she was making the assumption that The Wonderful Wizard of Oz was one of Paige’s favourite.

SPOILER!!: Liv! <3
Originally Posted by Govoni View Post
Olivia was quick to take notes, being that she LOVED this subject matter very much, yes, thank you. But more than that, the blonde also felt kind of superior to her peers at the moment... given her actual understanding of this particular story. She liked to think she'd fallen in with Hufflepuff Paige Skeeter, honestly. She was a purist, to the material, though she'd forgotten that the shoes had actually been silver. The book hadn't been read in a VERY long time. And even when it had been, it'd been read TO her, not BY her. Certain things were more easily retained when you were actually reading and seeing the words.



Had they... Was the Cowardly Lion's costume real lions fur?

"That is terrible!" Not that it changed her stance on the movie, nor did it mean she was some animal rights activist... but.... The lion was her house animal. Liv felt morally obligated to be appalled. AND SHE WAS. Her bright blue eyes grew brighter still and she was judging the choices of studio costume designers. Hmph.

Kay was expecting concern and or surprise to be show at the mention of the lion’s costume. “I’m sure they used a lion that had already passed on,” she assured the Gryffindor with a small smile. “But the costume was very heavy and with all the bright lights on set, the actor portraying the lion would sweat a lot.’’ Such commitment by the actor!

SPOILER!!: Blaise and Bentley! <3
Originally Posted by Davvy_Wavvy View Post
Bentley turned to look at his cousin. To be fair the only thing he ever saw was rugby. He grew up watching that with his father because he was muggleborn. He wasn't exposed to or interested in the T.V that much, given the fact that any spare time at home was spent outside.

"Is any of this stuff even making sense to you? How do muggles come up with this stuff?" Witches melting because they have water thrown on them?

Rooney seemed to be in his element though. He couldn't recall the moment the boy got so.....odd. He couldn't think of a better word to describe the transformation.

To each his own though.

The fourth year leaned back in his chair, a little frown on his face as he listened.
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post
For as much as he didn't have any questions, Paige had LOADS of them. It'd started as one but now it was another and...well....Merlin the Hufflepuff obviously took this seriously. Blaise might have tried to figure out why but Genny quickly caught his attention by picking up her things and crossing the room.

At first, he thought she'd make a walk out like she did in Ancient Runes (this one being more silent than the last) but even more curious, she'd taken the empty seat on the other side of him.

Brown eyes shifted to her at her greeting. "I take it isn't doing much for you either, huh?" He spoke low, not wanting to disrupt whatever Paige and the Professor would have going. Honestly, the boy was still trying to make heads and tails about this Wizard that came from Oz and why shoes were needed to go places and why it mattered that a mundane animal's coat was used. "D'you know any of this?"

Ah, leave it to his cousin to make sure he wasn't the only clueless one in the room. Bless him. This was one of the reasons why they sat together. The 14 year old shrugged, his confusion as plain as day.

"Beats me. I'm still wondering what the hygiene laws were like back then." just...normal persons didn't....showers are friends people!! "Maybe the water was charmed but they just didn't wanna say so because it'd ruin the moral of the story?" Seriously, he had no idea.

He had even less of an idea about the seriousness behind the shoes but hey, whatever Paige needed to learn. He would just sit and listen to her questions and wait for answers in the absence of his own.

The talking between the cousins that was going on while Kay was delivering her information to the class did not go unnoticed. “Mr Bellaire, Mr Bentley-Moore, I would appreciate it if you focused solely on the lesson.’’ It was rather rude to be talking the same time as she was.

SPOILER!!: No Questions for Kay! <3

Originally Posted by Stefan View Post
From characters and their traits, to Dorothy's silver and red slippers AND technicolor stuff, to Elder opinions whether Dorothy had dreamed everything or not...everything was taken down by the half-Japanese, including the fun facts in Japanese. He found it easier to scribble characters than numerous words especially when information poured in like it's no one's business.

Jace had no questions though, seeing that none of the topics discussed triggered his curiosity. After writing down his notes, he placed his quill down and sat back, opening and closing his writing hand. He'd have to revise those notes at some point, seeing how messy looking his parchment was.
Originally Posted by Sonea View Post
Uh, no question this time, just making notes… That was boring BUT easy! Sitting up while hearing that those notes were important for her exam she didn’t looked that bored anymore, she had no idea how difficult the exams were here at Hogwarts so she didn’t wanted to be stupid and forget important things, especially when the teacher told them that they WERE important. So quick she wrote down everything what the professor was explaining but she had trouble with understanding WHY a movie was so important for witches and wizards? It was just a muggle movie but, she could understand that most wizards had never seen a tv before so to them this could be interesting…
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post
The more he listened to his classmates talk about their favourite characters and scenes was the more he found himself wondering what WAS this movie. Circe. Lots of twists and turns in this one, clearly.

For his part, Blaise listened--more accurately put, he peered over to make sure his quill was taking notes as he himself still was not. It was his quills job.

To help it along the way, after the Professor had written the extra facts on the board, the boy muttered them line by line so the quill could have them jotted down. Exams were a real thing, and although he might not have cared about some wizard off in Oz, the Professor might and at the end of the day she would be the one setting the exam paper.

As for any questions he might have had before the activity, that would be a nope. He seldom did.
Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post
Listening to the others Nat was starting to get bored so she began doodling over her notebook. How had her doodling had changed over the last few years. Names like Nigel Barrington did not grace the pages of her notes. Not that he wasn't on the top of her list still, nope, the TDK boys were still in her heart and still her number 1's but names such as Alex, Roman, and even Hugo had found their way on her pages. Now though it was just The Sirens and her own name in different ways.

As the professor started talking again she tried to listen. The fun facts were very interesting though the lion costume made out of lion didn't seem very nice. Did they not have animal rights during the filming? Also wasn't there a rumor around the filming that something happened on set? She couldn't remember so she didn't bring it up. The ruby slipper part didn't really interest her because movies and books were always different so what was the big deal, plus ruby was prettier then silver anyway. Thinking of Ruby made her look at her nails and realize she really needed to make an appointment to get them done during break. Maybe she'd owl Ruby Banner after class.

Did they have any questions? Well she didn't, so she was going to just keep quiet and go back to her doodles.
Originally Posted by Paintbrush View Post
Harvey copied everything down as instructed, excited about what was going to come next. He like the Wizard of Oz. He did hope they would do more than just take notes - although these facts really were fascinating - a tornado caused by a stocking?! Brilliant!

No more questions from her students? Then it was time to let the fun part begin! Kay cleaned the whiteboard then adjusted the lights so that the room was sufficiently dark again then moved towards the back of her class without saying anything for now. A few taps on her laptop’s keypad and she had everything ready.

“As I’m sure many of you would hope we’d be watching the film today, I thought that would be the activity for today!’’ How was that for a treat? “We’ll be having a few visitors while you watch it but I’m sure they wouldn’t distract you lot too much.” But what said visitors would be bringing would be enough to delight quite a bit of the students. “You may put away your writing materials if you wish.’’ Kay gave them enough time to do this then hit play. “Enjoy!’’ Small but powerful speakers had been strategically set around the classroom so audio was not an issue.

The movie had begun!

OOC: Helloooo! This brings us to the activity of the lesson which will occur until Friday 7th of October at 11 PM EST. All you need is at least four posts to your charrie reacting to scenes from the movie. It can be any scene at all. Charries may interact about scenes with their friends in whispers but don’t go overboard since no one likes when chattering happens at the movies
🌺🌺🌺 I fall in love with boys I see on a TV screen.

The ones in books who are as perfect as they can be.🌺🌺🌺
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