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Old 10-05-2016, 04:22 AM   #128 (permalink)
Formerly: Tegz
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Hogwarts RPG Name:

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Ronnie Thurkell
Seventh Year

x12 x12
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet

Originally Posted by Steelsheen View Post

Oh right he had a question before he got distracted with the blue clay "Uh I got another question Mr Toussaint, you said you were like... live and breathe the Dark what are you practicing the magic on? Do you use things? Cuz like... you gotta find out how well your dark magic works right?" Legit question yeah?
Oh a question.

"Other than dummies and the like, in my family we practice on each other. As in other practitioners, who are fully informed of the risks. Never innocents." A slight twitch of the lip and Angelo added, "Usually I get to practice on my father." Never creatures. Never muggles. They had standards.

SPOILER!!: Blaise and Bentley drama. Also Katy and Genny and Rooney and Hirsch
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post
The idea to ask Grand Auntie Sophia about the restraining order was inspired--Tyler too because he was an Auror and could actually enforce it when the time came around. Blaise was nodding along thoughtfully to everything Bentley was saying when he suddenly felt the looming presence of the Professor hanging just over them.

Something to share with the class? Well. He wasn't PLANNING to but the Professor asked, yeah?'d definitely be rude to decline. The Gryffindor nodded, pushing away from the desk to stand.

"We were discussing restraining orders, Sir, because we keep having run ins with Toussaints and Toussaint relatives and quite frankly it usually ends in our poor health. Bentley doesn't figure we can restrain the whole family but we'll take whatever we can get." He paused to glance around the room, y'know, to make sure they were following along with his explanation since he WAS sharing with the class. "That and the fact we figure Angelo must be evil--it's all about association and it's nothing personal but you know how it is. It's actually good you're standing here. It's increased our margin of survival." His especially.

Eyes to his cousin. He might have had things to share too.

A little later on as the Professor went back to the lesson, Blaise couldn't help but draw the link between this and WHY people should just NOT cast spells. Merlin's beard, it just seemed like something to always go wrong.

Still standing as he was, the boy felt he could offer up some form of answer. "Herbology. It's got all these plants that'll happily devour you and are poisonous and can be used to the advantage of a dark wizard."

He could probably sit down now. Yeah.

Originally Posted by Davvy_Wavvy View Post
Bentley was about to add more to the conversation when the Professor made his appearance in their bubble. All the sighs.

Share? No they had nothing to share-----

Apparently they did. Bentley sighed heavily when his cousin stood and started talking. Boy he wished he wouldn't talk. Sometimes Blaise made sense but majority of the time he just didn't.

The sad part was that Bentley was forced to stand in solidarity with his cousin (figuratively). Reluctantly he pushed his table back...standing wasn't going to happen though.

"What my dear cousin meant to say is Professor, we noticed that Angelo basically just admitted to dabbling in the 'dark arts'. The thing is that family is pretty shaky if you know what I mean." He gave a pointed look at the professor and tugged on his cousin's sleeve. "Sit down Blaise."

"Occlumency and Legilimency or umm mind reading I guess..which is a form of Divination? I'm not sure." He shrugged.
Originally Posted by Cassirin View Post
Katy was super amused at Genny's inability to retaliate, although it was frustrating that the professor hadn't taken a million points from her for throwing clay. Anyone who wasn't related to a former headmaster would have totally lost a million points for that. She winked broadly at Genny before rolling her pancake into a snail shell shape and listening to the answers provided to Angelo's question.

And then the Bellaire boys happened. Katy shot to her feet, blue eyes hard and glittering at boys she'd THOUGHT were her friends. Friends, but they were saying extremely nasty things about her. About her family. And family... well, Bellaire boys, family was everything. "Stupid. Like restraining orders can stop us if we didn't want to be stopped. And if you can catch things like evil just by association, then everyone in this room is a blooming idiot for breathing the same air as you."

She frowned and turned to the professor. "I apologize for interrupting, sir, but honor, you know? Honor." She sat down and then immediately stood again. "Also, I agree with Liv about Potions, and I think love potions should be classed as Dark Potions. They subvert the will, just like Imperius."
Originally Posted by Magical Soul View Post
Nononono-- ugh. The dang thing hit the professor instead. Genny slouched in her seat, crossed her arms in a typical bratty move then nodded. "Yeah, sorry." Bleh.


Genny raised her hand lazily, still slouched and in a bad mood. "Runes can be used to perform dark magic." Simply put.

Genny doubled over in laughter. She legit had her head falling between her shoulders as her arms grabbed her sides and she laaaaaughed at Blaise calling Toussaints evil. He just indirectly peed on all the Toussaint family and in turn on KATY. Genny didn't even care that her mom wouldn't appreciate this.


Ohhhhh she could give the boy a kiss right here and there. Look how upset Katy just got!


Originally Posted by hermionesclone View Post

Before he could get a word in, this happened.

And Hirsch had to fight hard to keep a level of professionalism. It was the sass, you know? He was a sucker for the sass, a fact that some of his students probably knew all too well.

But back to the fiery young Slytherin. "That was probably not the nicest example to give, Miss Toussaint, especially to the two boys," For outright calling them idiots. Which, the man had hoped was only being used as an example. "But yes, that's fine."

Hirsch expected a lot of things but this wasn't one of them. For one, the boy had taken his word a little too literally than intended and for another, he, along with his cousin, were making an outright accusation in front of everyone. If there was one word to describe this, it would be embarrassing. Though, awkward did some a close second place.

And so, there were a few moments of silence before the man spoke. "That was a rhetorical question, Mr Bellaire."

His eyes flicked between the two of them, a small frown in place. The man gladly kept out of his student's lives unless safety was the concern but it wasn't. Not here. "That is a bold statement to make, boys. I assure you Mr Toussaint is not here to harm anyone but to give a more Auror-based insight onto the topic of today's class. Besides, I, for one, wouldn't let that happen."


"I suggest the two of you apologise to Mr Toussaint right now. In front of everybody." Because if they could make a public accusation, then they could make a public apology as well. And to this professor, this would count more than any loss of points or number of detentions would.

OOC: You're all doing exceptionally! Keep answering the question: (what other branches of magic, besides spellwork, could be linked to the Dark Arts) and we'll move on shortly ^^
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post
You would NEVER believe the amount of control it took--oh look at that Professor, putting the knowledge from the lesson to good use--to not burst into wild laughing as Katy stood up and said her piece. Forget the fact she'd called them stupid, she'd JUST admitted her family had means and were capable of intent. Point blank end of the day, she'd just confirmed her family was evil and the most amused of dimpled smiles spread across his face.

The smile dimmed a little as the Professor went on to inform them that it'd only been a rhetorical statement. Huh. Fancy that. He could feel his cousin tugging him to sit down but Hirsch was insisting on an apology.

Really? Didn't Katy have to apologize? No? Just them? Well if the man insisted.

Blaise gave a solemn nod, training his features into a more apologetic one. "You are absolutely right Professor Hirsch. I don't know what came over us." The boy had thought to insist that it both made NO SENSE to apologize when you didn't mean it (as he didn't) and that for the sake of equality, they deserved one too, but Merlin this might be a little more fun. The boy turned to face Angelo up front. "Deepest apologies Mr. YATI, we're such terrible teenagers. We lack discipline. Our Professor tries his hardest with us but darn those teenage moods." For his part, his expression was perfectly solemn, his amusement tucked away behind a look of tempered remorse.

The boy turned next to Katy. "You have a lovely family, Katherine. I know they mean the world to you and that they can't be stopped, so to you I apologize as well--And to the class, for being so disruptive."

There was an amused glint in his eyes as he turned to face his cousin. "I'm SO sorry for dragging you into this. Ugh. My dear, sweet cousin." Forcefully, he pulled Bentley into a hug, not giving him the chance to refuse to make an apology as he KNEW he would. "It's not his fault Professor. I just can't seem to stop getting him in trouble." He patted his cousin's head a few times. "I've learned my lesson Professor--dramatics aside. Don't blame him, he was just trying to cover for me when I took proper leave of my senses. Won't happen again." And a solemn nod. Still not letting go of his cousin. Look of innocence. Truly sorry.

Clearly he'd been reading too many of his quill's entries.

Originally Posted by Shanners View Post
Did the Bellaire boys ever stop being pains in everyones backsides? Rooney fought off an eye roll and ignored everything that Blaise was going on about, because he was very close to saying something and probably making the big baby storm out of class again. Like a BIG BABY. A BIG OLD BABY BELLAIRE. And that big old baby was taking his attention away from the big old babe Angelo Toussaint at the front of the class. "Please be quiet.." He muttered, before homing his attention down onto the clay on his table and continuing to work on the wing detail.

He scowled slightly at the dismissal of his answer and was glad that it wasn't Angelo the Angel that was making him feel crummy.

So crummy in fact that Rooney tuned out and didn't care to give his Head of House the time of day. (He also couldn't actually give him the time of day, because his watch had gone missing this week) "Yeah, what Liv said. She's right." And no one else was. Livvy Livvy Liv. Because he felt too awful to look at Angelo Toussaint, the angel.

He was such a dumbie.

Originally Posted by Shanners View Post
They really didn't know when to quit, did they? Rooney rolled his eyes and made a scoffing noise. "Sir, they just insulted an entire family in public and nothing came of it? It's libel. Defamation of character! How have you-- Ugh, it's your choice, but...I'm offended on their behalf." And he was so glad that Miss Katy Toussaint had gone all in on those Bellaire boys and made her point. "I can't learn around that, Professor." He couldn't even focus on the angel at the front of the room and he just wanted to follow Blaise around and snap his little quill goodbye.


Maybe he would stage a walkout.
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post
He thought he'd done a pretty good job of apologizing. It was more than he'd originally have given and far more than he was feeling but one look at the Professor had him loosening his hold on his cousin and lowering his arms.

Right then, so maybe not an appreciated apology afterall. In his defense, it was the best he could have given considering the circumstances.

All he could do was nod slowly as the Professor requested to speak with him after class. It wasn't like he was going to protest. Why would he? It was just lucky enough that was all that happened and he hadn't gotten his cousin in anymore trouble in the process given how serious the man sounded in the moment. Blaise got set to sit............................................... ................................................wh en Rooney Bronwyn happened.

"For the love of Circe." WHO was EVEN talking to HIM??? "Do you ever mind your own business? Merlin's sodding beard, you're always sticking your nose in other people's business unnecessarily. Ever thought of focusing on your own problems and not trying to make yourself relevant where you most certainly are not??? When did he say the Bronwyns were evil? WHAT did a restraining order have to do with him.

"If you can't learn then leave." He wouldn't be missed. Oh Rooney can't learn. Guess they'd all have to run around serving him hand and foot til his minuscule brain could manage to keep up. "Stop being so obsessed with me. It's creepy. Always following up on what I say. I don't see you. I don't hear you. It's only right you do the same." No one else felt they couldn't learn. What made his brain so special? A couple missing neurons?

Blaise fell into his seat with a huff, arms folded, eyes facing forward. Honestly. WHO was talking to HIM? WHO?
Originally Posted by Shanners View Post
As soon as Blaise was finished, Rooney shrugged. "Clearly heard me just then. Maybe the house elves gave you an earwax extraction. Pity that they took some brain cells with it." Not that there had been many to take already. Poor baby Blaise, born with little brain cells, no common sense and ugly to boot. This Ravenclaw felt sorry for him in that sense, but right now...he was going to give him a swift kick in the groin and not apologise for it.

Not even if he was told to.

Roo moved to slowly pack his things, leaving the little clay person on his desk. "But yes, I think I'll leave. I'm sorry Professor Hirsch, and Sir Angelo, but I could use my time effectively elsewhere. Great lesson, Hirsch. Great face, Angelo."
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post
He wouldn't dignify that with a response; firstly, because if the so called Ravenclaw couldn't understand he was using figurative language then he was a lost cause and a waste of breath and secondly because he would deprive him of this. Yes, a very deliberate act. If it was a reaction he wanted in that regard, one wouldn't be coming. Not from him.

Interesting enough though, the boy was out of his seat and collecting his things. This was a welcomed surprised.

The Gryffindor began a slow sort of clap. "Good job, mate. Really selfless. Thanks for finally thinking about someone outside of yourself." Leaving was for the best, for everyone's best. They didn't need Rooney to stay and he hoped to Merlin the Professor wouldn't try stopping him.

Just let him leave, okay? Please? Yes.
Originally Posted by hermionesclone View Post
This was just getting worse and worse, wasn't it? The man had always figured he'd get grey hairs during a ripe old age - naivety? Maybe - but this lesson was doing a good job of putting him closer towards that stage in his life.

"Enough!" Deep breaths. "Enough."

There was a pause in which the man looked between the two boys, bubbling up with more anger than he would've liked. Frankly, he hated it. None of this needed to have happened and now, it had turned into your average soap opera event. "Mr Bronwyn, who says that nothing will come out of it? Anything I decide to say to Mr Bellaire, any consequences I decide to give, will be done in private." A small frown sat on his face at the sight of the Ravenclaw packing up but ploughed on, "If you don't want to stay, Rooney, I'm not going to force you but we do have a good lesson planned." If he may say so himself.

"Mr Bellaire," he said, turning his head towards the Gryffindor, "Do not make things worse for yourself."

He took another moment to look between the two of them before speaking in the same would-be calm voice that he was trying to maintain, "I'm not wasting any more lesson time, not when people, I hope, have come here to learn about defence, not the feuds of Hogwarts students. This is the last I want to hear about this discussion."

Turning to the rest of the class, he paused for a moment before saying, "Does anyone else have any other suggestions before we move on?"
Originally Posted by Cassirin View Post
Even if NO ONE else in the class was outraged at the unfair and rude things said about her family, Katy was gratified by the professor's response. And by Rooney's. He got lots of starry eyed grins and maybe some blown kisses for his trouble. It was a shame that he was leaving, 'cause Katy was going to have to follow up and thank him in person.

"At least someone is a gentleman," she returned to rolling up her clay, squishing her snail shell into a turtle shell, complete with a little head and happy little footsies.

"Thank you, sir. I appreciate your intervention." She held up her clay turtle for his inspection. Katy Toussaint was a child used to praise for her every little task, and no one had told her how clever she was for her artwork yet.

Really now. Angelo was impassive at this turn of events, though he was kiiiind of amused at the Tate girl -she kind of reminded Angelo of their shared aunt Briony Toussaint who had married into his family.

He wondered if Sophia Bellaire knew how the youngsters in her family were behaving though, and was kind of surprised in that sense. He knew the Bellaire family. He knew that they had some pretty exacting standards of conduct. So it seemed a little odd to him.

His young cousin had done something idiotic, thoughtless, and cruel (and while there was an element of boys will be boys, nobody in the family had let Bastien off scot-free, because he was clearly lacking control, and control was important to the Toussaints, as was respect) but there had been apologies and Angelo was pretty sure nobody else had done this Blaise kid any harm. Maybe even the opposite.

He remained silent though he fixed Katy with a gaze and silently told her to rein it in. Never mind that Hirsch apparently supported her. It wasn't right to interrupt the learning time of the other students.

Were they done? He was unruffled. And he wouldn't apologise on behalf of his family because they had, with the exception of Bastien, done nothing wrong, and again, this was about the lesson and Angelo wasn't one to approve of hijacking a lesson for personal issues. Or of leaving. Too bad about that one kid.

Terrible apology, by the way, Blaise Bellaire. Seemed someone liked being the centre of attention. Too bad it was for all the wrong reasons. At least the other one, Bentley, seemed to have his head screwed on a little tighter.

SPOILER!!: herbology

Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post

Still standing as he was, the boy felt he could offer up some form of answer. "Herbology. It's got all these plants that'll happily devour you and are poisonous and can be used to the advantage of a dark wizard."

He could probably sit down now. Yeah.

Surprisingly, maybe, Blaise Bellaire gave a good answer. Angelo treated it as if it had come from anyone, of course.

"Yes, Herbology is absolutely an area that is often underestimated as far as its relevance to dark magic goes, either because of dark-bred plants, or because of the ingredients that may be used in potions." So that, Blaise Bellaire, was a good answer. Go figure.

SPOILER!!: poisons and potions

Originally Posted by Govoni View Post

"Potions, sir! Professor Newton has been teaching us about poisons in class." The blonde probably sounded way too excited talking about this, but... it wasn't about it being poisons. No, no... it was more to do with the fact that she finally felt totally engaged by a lesson. YAS! "I know there are several potions that can cause serious damage to a person."
Originally Posted by Cassirin View Post

"Also, I agree with Liv about Potions, and I think love potions should be classed as Dark Potions. They subvert the will, just like Imperius."
Originally Posted by Goblinfrog View Post
But it was on to the next question and hopefully this could distract her from that image. A form of magic related to spell casting that could be associated with the dark arts...Hmmm.... Well it didn't long for an answer to come to her. Plus, everyone else was saying it too. "I think potions. Potions can be used for all sorts of dark purposes. We experienced this first hand when Miffy poisoned Professor Art's antidotes two years ago." Ugh! A disturbing memory to combat a disturbing picture.

"Yes, potions is right. Either because of poisons or because of those potions which can take control of others. So its important to be educated in the topic." Good answers from the girls.


Originally Posted by SarcasticStrawberry View Post
Then Professor Hirsch spoke again and now Katerina had a answer. 'I like that Defense Against the Dark Arts would be a platform for Dark Arts, the unforgettable curses is only theorized, not practiced here. But I think you could look at Defense Against the Dark Arts as way to spike curiosity in Dark Arts." Like if someone didn't like Defense Against the Dark Arts or thought they were bad at the subject think 'why don't I just try dark arts instead.' Yeah that could happen right?

Did she mean the unforgivable curses? Angelo figured as much and chose not to correct what was clearly just a slip of the tongue.

"I suppose you could, but I would hope that anyone who does take that avenue as far as educating themselves on the dark arts does so in order to better their ability to defend against them." He wasn't condoning kids going off and dabbling on their own, to borrow a term from Bentley Moore.

SPOILER!!: Horcruxes and unicorn blood

Originally Posted by Sonea View Post
So she raised her hand and made a guess because she wasn't sure if it was right or not, she just remembered reading about it in a book a month ago. "I think Horcruxes, professor. I've read about it once" she said slowly while looking thoughtful, hoping that she had been right.
Originally Posted by Hera View Post

Call it procrastination from his clay dilemma, Zeke partially raised a hand... and yes, he was going to share a thought. "There are things that people do that are forms of dark magic, actions or practices, like consuming unicorn blood."

"Horcruxes are corrupting. That's where a lot of the associations between dark magic practitioners and the destruction of the soul and physical corruption come from. In no way would I ever condone that." Not ever. That was a hard no in his family. "Drinking unicorn blood, likewise. Those are some of the more insidious practices which add to the negative perception of the dark arts... however we're looking for less specificity in the case of Professor Hirsch's question." Branches of magic. Subjects. Wider learning areas.

SPOILER!!: creatures

Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
She was still working on her clay dog when the subject of other branches of dark magic came up and well, her answer was literally in her hand. "What about creatures, professor and, err, Mr. YATI? If you handled or maybe were a breeder of dark creatures, that would fall under dark arts, I think."

"Yes, the breeding of dark creatures absolutely has associations with the dark arts." Angelo agreed.

SPOILER!!: ....spellwork

Originally Posted by Stefan View Post
As Professor Hirsch walked up to the front, Jace momentarily stopped from rolling and mashing the rest of his clay and registered everything he had said. Other practices that involves the practice of dark arts? “Charms, sir.” He said out of the blue, and belatedly raising his hand to answer. His hands were currently full as he carefully placed the samurai’s sword in its hand and continued to put details on it.
Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post

Thinking of her mother made her think of an answer and she slowly raised her hand and spoke with a nervous quiet, "I have to agree with Hady, I think anything could really be used as dark magic. It all depends on the person and what their intents are. If someone is looking to harm, hurt, or use magic for their advantage in gaining power or control then it is very likely that the most simple form of magic could be considered dark if that's what they were using it for. Oblivating is used to help keep muggles from remembering when they see wizards. A spell used to protect them and us, but if a wizard were to do it to gain control over the muggle it is now dark and used for evil." She had watched her mother do this a few times.

Well.... yes but they'd been looking for non-spellwork subjects. And some elaboration. But Angelo did quite like what the boy was making. He nodded in acknowledgement.

As for the girl....

He wasn't sure where she was trying to jump to with that comment. Obliviating someone didn't immediately mean evil. She herself admitted it was for protection reasons. However, he'd noticed she was a little jumpy and reserved so rather than point out any argument or that the professor had asked for things other than spellwork and wand magic, he simply nodded.

"So you can see how its often a matter of how a spell is used, rather than it being inherently dark or not."

SPOILER!!: Runes

Originally Posted by littledhampir View Post
Olly did manage to catch Hirsch's question and he organized his thoughts enough to be able to come up with a suitable answer. He raised his hand. "I don't know a lot about runes..." Not a great start. Why did he say that? Oh well, he just kept going. "But I think that if somebody wanted to, they would be able to use them for evil purposes."

Originally Posted by Magical Soul View Post

Genny raised her hand lazily, still slouched and in a bad mood. "Runes can be used to perform dark magic." Simply put.

"Ancient Runes is absolutely an area which can be associated with the dark arts. Its all about how you invoke them, to what purpose you awaken their power, and how well you understand what you are trying to achieve." Definitely this was one of the answers he wanted to hear.

SPOILER!!: language

Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post

"La-language," Paige managed to squeak out after raising her hand, a rare occurrence in this particular subject. "The ability to speak certain tongues, particularly Parstletongue..." She paused here to bite down on her lower lip, trying to think of how best to phrase her inquiry. "But that feels like it is more of a trait that has gained a Dark association purely based on those historically who have been in possession of the talent..." Another pause to think.

And really she just left it at that. Thoughts a bit of a jumbled mess.

"Yes there is an association with the snake language, and you're right that its associated based on history specifically, because obviously those who are able to use it can talk to basilisks, which are a dark creature after all. However, your point about certain tongues is a good one because many dark spells use very old incantations, using dead and ancient languages, scripts, and rituals, so its actually important to have at least a passing familiarity with more than just say... Latin or Ancient Greek as a serious dark artist." But that was kind of beyond the scope of today's lesson, just an interesting tidbit... at least to some.

SPOILER!!: alchemy

Originally Posted by RachieRu View Post
And she had an answer now. So she put her hand up, and smiled, before speaking. "Professor. I think Alchemy could be used as dark magic? I mean Voldermort wanted to use that special stone to make him live for ages. He was a dark wizard, so he would have probably used it in a bad way"

Originally Posted by Lislchen View Post

"Alchemy maybe?" Once again she didn't raise her hand because she was very busy with that clay you know. That was a good enough excuse, right? Maggie certainly thought so. Somehow she'd managed to make her 'animal' look more and more like a pig. How did she go from dog to pig anyway? UGH.

"Alchemy is a great answer. It can certainly be used for dark purposes."
The philosopher's stone was a great example of that.

SPOILER!!: Occlumency and legilimency

Originally Posted by Davvy_Wavvy View Post
"Occlumency and Legilimency or umm mind reading I guess..which is a form of Divination? I'm not sure." He shrugged.
Originally Posted by ChanceCoeur View Post
"I know potions can be another field. What about legilimency?" She had read about that somewhere. Basically mind readers. But they did so much more.

"Occlumency and Legilmency can be used for dark purposes yes. They aren't divination, however." Nice try though, nice guess there associating it with divination. Angelo nodded at the girl as well, including her in his response.

"Occlumency tends to be considered a lot more positive in nature than Legilmency, the former being about self-protection, while the latter can be considered an invasion, though like anything its not always black and white. For instance, if you couldn't speak, consider how Legilimency might be useful in making yourself understood to someone who was open to you communicating with them. Also, by its nature, Legilimency requires steady eye contact and is much easier to do when you actually use the incantation for it, so using it for dark purposes is actually harder than you might think, unlss you are particularly advanced with it." He himself was good enough to read an unblocked mind, but not good enough to try and plant anything in anyone's head with any subtlety. Maybe that would come with age if he were inclined to practice, but Angelo couldn't see much good coming from it or necessity for that matter.

SPOILER!!: everything and anything

Originally Posted by Kolyander View Post
A lot was being said as she worked with the clay. A real lot. She was dreading having to write it all down later but she would. With clay covered hands she raised one to give her answer, "I don't think this is the answer you're looking for Professor but I think just about every branch of magic could be associated with the Dark Arts. It all depends on how it's looked at and how it's used." Hady lowered her hand and went right back to working on what was now very much a Hippogriff.
Originally Posted by Callie View Post
[FONT="Palatino Linotype"]
"Any branch, really, could be used for the dark arts. All of them." She was still more focused on the clay as she answered. Hads scratched her forehead, smearing a bit of clay there and began her second attempt to mold a shark's tail.

Okay.... sure. All of them.

That was kind of, to a degree, the point of the question, but Angelo had been hoping for more elaboration than that, and he was sure Hirsch had been too. Still, it seemed they both had got the point that it wasn't about being inherently dark. And dark didn't always mean bad, sometimes it just meant grey areas. And most people did things in the grey areas all the time.

"Its all about how creative your thinking is, and about how you play to your strengths, and of course about what your intentions are." He acknowledged.


Originally Posted by Kaos.Doodles View Post
Any OTHER suggestions? Well...after the whole drama that was taking place, it sounded like Hirsch was just bating someone to set him of. Glancing at the clay that sat untouched at his desk Tak stole another look at the professor. If the man wanted them to talk....then he couldn't get in trouble for voicing his opinions right? Even if what he had to say wasn't really helpful? Plus, if he got kicked out he wouldn't really mind it. "How do you know that....that guy...the auror. Isn't here to harm anyone?"

The third year rested his chin on his head. He knew the guys name was Tous...something but he couldn't exactly care enough to remember. Auror guy. "Isn't controlling people part of dark magic? What if he's being controlled? Maybe Rooney too since he seems to be in love with him." Just an observation. "Not Blaise because his mouth is always that big." Another very noticeable observation.

... and he was just going to ignore that kid. Though honestly he was surprised, from what he'd seen of the professor so far, that he was so laid back about the kids being disrespectful, generally speaking. Things were definitely different back at Durmstrang.


Moving on.

"Alchemy was mentioned and I can give an example of dark magic which is unique to that field: the homunculus. Some of you might have heard of something known as the rudimentary body potion, this was an alchemical potion which Voldemort used to create a miniaturised, deformed, host body. Unicorn blood is a component in this potion- it is truly dark, corrupting, and dangerous." And Angelo had never met anyone who could do it.... and if he had, they wouldn't because they weren't insane.

"Astronomy and Arithmancy also have their uses in the dark arts. This might surprise some of you to know. However dark magic has its own numerical vibrations, and certain spells and rituals are made stronger when astronomical alignments are taken into account, particularly when it comes to Blood Magic, which is a lesser known magic branch, that is neutral in nature, and most often is employed in invocation... for example when invoking runes."

Really, just reducing it all to 'the dark arts' was limiting, and meant that people were less equipped to face it and defend against it effectively. How could you fight what you didn't know?

"Runes can also be used to either create or break thralls. A thrall is being or form under control by another. A homunculus is an example of a thrall. So is the use of an imperius curse. Several potions create thrall-like responses in those who take them. Love potions for instance. The degree of the thrall depends on how the thrall is created." Were they following this? Because they were getting to the crux of the lesson now.

"Most of you have been forming something out of clay so far during the lesson. If you would, please look at what you have created, or if you haven't created anything, what others have done, and consider: what could theoretically be done to your creation, or in the case of those of you who made inanimate objects the real-life version of your creation, to make it be considered dark in nature?

And while you're at it, particularly those of you who have created a creature or being of some sort, does anyone know what a golem is?"

ooc: Hi guys! Two part question here! Feel free to answer one or both, up to you.

Part 1: considering the clay crafted inanimate objects: how could they be cursed to be dark? be creative! ie if you made a glove, maybe the glove could be cursed to shrivel up the fingers. If you made sunglasses, maybe wearing them could blind you. Consider the possible 'dark' things that could be done to the actual item, not necessarily the clay version of the item. Got it? Cool!

Part 2: What is a golem? Don't worry if your character doesn't know. There IS info online but we would RATHER you didn't just copy paste as if a textbook answer if your character has never been exposed to the idea before. This is new to SS canon after all, its okay to have your character not know, or only have the vaguest ideas, or have come across it in literature, or whatever makes sense for YOUR charrie. Your character could also use what they've just heard to take a guess or a stab at what a golem is. You won't lose out on points for not knowing! Kita's nice like that!

Kita will continue the lesson in her next post

love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you

Last edited by TeafortheSoul; 10-05-2016 at 04:31 AM.
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