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Join Date: Oct 2005 Location: SHIELD's Helicarrier
Posts: 214,477
Hogwarts RPG Name: Dhruv Vihaan Khanna Graduated Hogwarts RPG Name: Aryan Zahid Atreyu-Rehman Slytherin Fifth Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Idris Ace Grunt Gryffindor Third Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Dynah Aavni Atreyu-Rehman Hufflepuff Seventh Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Krittika Saanvi Joshi Ravenclaw Sixth Year
x12 x12
| ~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. SPOILER!!: The Cowardly Lion! Quote:
Originally Posted by FwooperOnYourLeft Az listened carefully to Professor Stewart as she explained the plot of the movie. Az knew it of course and had watched it several times, as it was one of her mothers favorites.. she paused for a moment as she considered the different characters and the scenes..
She really liked the song "Over the Rainbow" but she figured that would be a popular scene, so instead she picked her favorite character and one of the scenes he was in.. "I really like the Cowardly Lion, who wanted to see the Wizard of Oz to get some courage. And I really like the scene when he sings "When I am king of the Forest.." because of how he rolls his R's.. " She paused for a moment.. "Also any scene where you can see his tail is pretty funny.. cause it has a mind of its own. " She let out a soft giggle..
Kay laughed softly with Azura. “Quite right, he did do that, Ms Snow.’’ SPOILER!!: The Tin Man! Quote:
Originally Posted by Steelsheen Oh they get to talk about their favorite things in the Wizard of Oz?
Az mentioned the Cowardly Lion, which was also a favorite of this Gryffindor, but mostly because he thought him adorable. But really if he had a fave, its got to be this one "I really like the Tinman! Just give him a bit of grease and he can dance to the beat of his own drum. Like really he could!" Anybody who's seen the film knows this is true... in a manner of speaking. "Oh and yeah he's missing a heart too. Got no hearbeat so... I guess he makes his own." Badabumtush! “But it was always such a nuisance when he got stuck, wasn’t it?’’ The poor tin man! SPOILER!!: Glinda! Quote:
Originally Posted by RachieRu Eep! They were talking about the wizard of Oz! Harriet really liked that film. She liked books and films. And her mom was half blood so she had known about muggle books. This film was really old though, but she did really like it. And now they got to talk about their favorite characters. That made her so happy. Beaming, Hattie put her hand up into the air. "My favorite character is Glinda the good witch" Because she was good. Duh! "Because she's good, obviously. It's in her name, and she is pretty. And she flies by bubble! And that is just really cool" She wished she could fly by bubble. She wished she was allowed to fly period. But by bubble would be so cool. Quote:
Originally Posted by SarcasticStrawberry THE WIZARD OF OZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did anyone realize how excited they lesson was making her? They were going to watch the entire movie, right? This question was so SO hard for her to answer. Now Kat's favorite character was Dorothy, or was it the Glinda the good witch. Mmmm. "My favorite character is Glinda the good witch. But my favorite scene is when Dorothy throws the water on the wicked witchand she says 'I'm meltinnnng melting meeeeeeelting.'" Kat stood up in the dramatics of the act and fell to the floor in a dramatic act. She was fine, just dramatic
Take that theater geeks Katerina Markita Delgado could still a scene. Too bad she wasn't about the theater life.
Kay nodded vigorously. “I thought that her beautiful name matches her both physically and personality wise.’’ She couldn't help but laugh at Kat's theatrics. There did seem to be quite a few students that were into the performing arts. "I remembered cheering for Dorothy at that scene. I'd agree, Ms Delgado! It is one of the best!'' SPOILER!!: The Scarecrow! Quote:
Originally Posted by Pucki Which one was a character that he like?
That was a question that he didn't know whether or not he had an answer to. But there definitely was a scene which was one of his favourites. Mainly because he'd loved it when he was a child. That cemented his choice of his favourite character almost immediately. "The scarecrow Professor, because of the scene where he meets Dorothy but she doesn't immediately realise that it's the scarecrow that's talking to her..." he paused for a moment, before thinking of the students in the class that didn't know anything about what he was saying. "He's a scarecrow, so he doesn't have a brain and thinks that he's dumb... in the end it turns out he isn't despite not having a brain." “An excellent point! Often, the ones who think they’re not smart enough at something are the ones who are some of the most brilliant.’’ SPOILER!!: The Winged Monkeys! Quote:
Originally Posted by Bazinga FIFTEEN POINTS????? WHAT?
She was not losing 15 points when she just got back and started back to classes. UGH, UGH, UGH... She put her head down at her desk and took a few deep breaths. Looking up she started to listen to Professor Stewart as she spoke about the movie. Natalia has heard of the movie because of the muggle town she lived in. She got to know some of the muggle children even if she wasn't allowed to really play with them.
Deciding to get over the points and knowing she was in the wrong for being late she sat back up and raised her hand. "Though it isn't a great movie. I have to say the flying monkeys are my favorite. Even though the wicked witch was evil she had brains to send the flying monkeys to do her work for her. These creatures are very interesting. They are monkeys and fly, plus they are smart enough to follow directions. Even many people can't do that. "
She knew it wasn't a character but it was something that was her favorite about the movie the rest she really didn't like.
Natalie’s answer was quite interesting. Kay mentioned this to her. “Though the monkeys were in the end, glad to be free of the Witch’s clutches.’’ SPOILER!!: The Wicked Witch of the West! Quote:
Originally Posted by Sonea Listening carefully to what the professor was saying Leesha remembered again why she had watched the movie so long ago, the movie was boring and old. She had liked it when she had been younger but she couldn’t remember when she had seen it for the last time. It had been long ago anyway… Frowning slightly because of the question she tried hard to think about a character from the movie, she remembered the movie from long ago but… A character? Hmm…
Ah, she knew one! The one she remembered because of the characters green skin, she actually had been afraid of the character, thinking that it was real and that she too was going to have a green face someday. So she raised her hand and spoke. “I know something about the Wicked Witch of the West, her face was green and she was blind with one eye” she told the teacher while thinking if she knew more but sadly that was all she remembered. Quote:
Originally Posted by Govoni Olivia, after finishing her song, stood and bowed for the professor, because when one gave such a performance as hers.... A brilliant one, thank you... one needed to recognize their audience. Thank you, thank you. Hold your applause!
Anyway, they were moving on with the discussion, and Liv had zero problems following along, as the subject matter was among her absolute favorites. The Wizard of Oz was so much more than a muggle film, of course. It had been a novel originally, yes, but with time... it had also been a musical... and she felt confident that she could speak for Rooney (as well as herself) when she said that the play, Wicked, was far superior in every way.
There was really no competition, to be frank... but one couldn't make valid comparisons when theatre was involved, could one? "The Wicked Witch of the West, of course... but not because of this film. She was portrayed as Elphaba Thropp in the musical Wicked... and between the costuming, script, and original songs, there just really is no comparison. It explains more of her personal journey and why she is the way she is. I think that's actually the most interesting part! Learning why something is as it is." Were they going to watch the whole film, though?
Kay nodded again, pleased to see such a variety of answers from the students. “She’s quite an interesting character. In my opinion, the way Dorothy gets rid of her was fascinating.’’ SPOILER!!: Page! <3 Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie .................................
Ruby? Had the professor just said RUBY in association with Dorothy's shoes? That....wasn't right...at all. There seemed to be A LOT of discrepancies between the story she knew and what was presented in the film...which was making her head spin quite a bit when it came to this discussion. It was also becoming a bit difficult for her to keep a neutral expression now that she had realized what a book purist she was - something she had not considered until this moment since, well, film was not something readily available. The Hufflepuff had FAR too many thoughts regarding...well...everything...as the books delve in to much more than apparently the film did - including whether or not her visit to Oz was real or fantasy. But she was going to bite her lip and try not to look to terribly disgruntled.
"In the book...Dorothy's shoes are silver," the seventh year stated after raising her hand, her tone implying that she would rather like an explanation as to why they were RUBY in the film. Not character talk...but.... "These Silver Shoes are quite special in that they will only pass to a new owner if they have physically defeated the previous owner or the previous owner willingly handed them over to the new one. In a sense...they sort of behave similarly to and abide to the same laws of magic as the Elder Wand of the Deathly Hallows."
Which was something she had latched on to as a child when the book had been read to her, which had happened only after wizarding fables had been exhausted and those naturally consisted of Tales from Beetle the Bard.
How could she not appreciate the fact that Paige had read the book and that she was inquisitive about the slippers being ruby and not red? Kay had her answer and hoped her explanations satisfied the girl. “Quite right you are, Ms Skeeter. Everything you said about the shoes are true. Your comparison with the Elder Wand is spot on as well.’’ She beamed. “Based on what I have researched, the screenwriter of the movie, who was named Noel Langley, changed Dorothy's shoes from silver to ruby to take advantage of the Technicolour process which was used for the movie. You all must be wondering what this process is. It’s a process whereby scenes are filmed in black and white with different filters. Light-blue, red and green- entere these lens and were printed on black and white film strips which were then layered over each other to give the scene a fresh new look.’’ Kay drew her attention back to Paige. “It seemed this was the only reason the slippers were red. The technicolour process was still just developing and the persons in charge of the film wanted to try the process.’’
Pause. “By the way, Ms Skeeter. Two points for the excellent points you brought up and your determinedness to get answers.’’ SPOILER!!: Kitty! Quote:
Originally Posted by Goblinfrog Kitty beamed with pleasure as she was awarded one point for her knowledge of Wizard of Oz. It was awesome to get awarded points for being familiar with cool movies. Muggle Studies was awesome!
And ooh, favorite character time. "I like the Cowardly Lion too, for the same reasons Azura stated." Kitty leaned forward slightly in her chair. "But since he's already been taken I'll pick my second favorite: Oz, the Wizard the movie is named after. Of course he wasn't a 'real' wizard as in he could do magic, but that makes his character even more interesting. The world of Oz is full of magic and creatures and all sorts of strange things, but Oz was able to trick them all into thinking he was the most magical of all. That's quite impressive even if it isn't very nice. But that's not the real reason I like him. The real reason is because I imagine he must have felt very lonely and somehow trapped in the lies he allowed everyone to believe. He didn't really lie to everyone at first, they just assumed he was magical because of his balloon. That wasn't HIS fault but somehow he got trapped in the lie and didn't correct their assumption. So really, I feel sorry for him. All the people in the Emerald City loved him, but he was isolated knowing that they didn't know who he really was and wondering if they would still love him if they knew the truth. And all because they made a few assumptions early on. In a way, I think his happiest moment in the film came when he was exposed - because then people could know him for who he truly was."
She paused for breath. "Of course, I'm talking about the classic Wizard of Oz. I know other movies and books have come in the years since remaking the character of Oz, and my description might not fit all those remakes so well. So I only meant the Oz we see in the classic."
There was something that she felt like saying since they were on the topic of characters. Her hand went into the air again. "Remember how you said you think Dorothy was just dreaming? The director probably agreed with you, because everyone she meets in the world of Oz is a symbol of someone she knows in real life. They even had the same actors. My quick quotes quill is writing them down right now on my notebook." She held it up for Professor Stewart to see: Frank Morgan as Professor Marvel / The Wizard / Doorman / Cabbie / Guard / Doctor
Ray Bolger as Hunk / Scarecrow
Jack Haley as Hickory / Tin Man
Bert Lahr as Zeke / Cowardly Lion
Margaret Hamilton as Miss Almira Gulch / The Wicked Witch of the West "And even though Aunt Em and Glinda the Good Witch have different actresses, their characters are still similar."
Pretty interesting, right?
Oh, my! Didn’t Kitty Valentine have a lot of opinion and facts to share? The Ravenclaw’s love for Muggles was shining right about now. Kay listened in silence (and she hoped the rest of the class was paying keen attention as well). “The Oz in the classic certainly was a fraud. I was disappointed in finding out that he was. I thought that he ought to have cleared up the assumption.’’ Though Kitty did have a point, it was not entirely his fault. Kay peered closely at the notebook. “Indeed you are correct, Ms Valentine!’’ She practically glided over back to her white board where she listed the comparisons Kitty had made. “I would say this pretty much confirms the adventure was a dream but others have a different opinion.’’ Which was perfectly fine! “Three points to you, Ms Valentine.'' SPOILER!!: The Silent Ones Quote:
Originally Posted by 2111jen ------------------------
Jonas blushed as the professor heard him snickering. Whoops. Well, at least house points weren't taken away. Not sure which one I would like better. Flying bubbles or flying cars? But he kept that thought to himself.
=onto the question==
A scene from the movie? Ooooh it's been a while since Jonas has seen it....well crud. Alright....need to stay quiet maybe the others will help him ring some bells. Quote:
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo Was he the only one who found it ironic that they were talking about a movie with magic and wizards in Muggle Studies class? Just him? The idea was almost laughable. Hilarious.
Less laughable was Rooney Bronwyn making a complete and absolute fool of himself; as usual. Did the boy even KNOW what normal meant? Always yelling some fictional line that hardly anyone ever knew anyway. Blaise did his best to keep his eyes forward on the screen, even after the clip stopped and the Professor was giving them the run down of the movie.
All this, like the answers just now, he would leave to his quill to take down. At some point Blaise thought against having the quill jotting down the summary but in the end he decided it couldn't hurt. Worst case he'd just rip the page out later if it proved useless.
For now? More listening he supposed. Much like earlier, he didn't have an answer now and would have to rely on the answers of others. In all seriousness, it didn't bother him. It felt nice just sitting back in a lesson and watching the discussion take place before him. Very...relaxing. Quote:
Originally Posted by Stefan Jace noticed the smile Liv gave him, and he could not help but retract like an awkward turtle into its shell. He didn't like any form of unexpected attention, and blinked his eyes several times as he focused on the parchment in front of him while internally calling out Jakub's name. Merlin. What would his older brother do, really? Thoughts were broken when their male prefect did a bit of performance for them...and made...weird noises to boot. Now that is passion.
Notes happened, and rapidly too as the Professor recited the summary of the movie for them. And though he was usually interested in most muggle things, the story however sort of...bored him. Maybe because...it's really really REALLY old that the story is a bit cliche? Maybe.
And...characters? No idea too since he was clueless with the movie. Though it does seem to have interesting characters based on Azura and Ace's answers. Quote:
Originally Posted by Magical Soul This class was not one that Genny had any input for. All she knew was this Wizard of Oz movie/musical was fun and obviously talked about a wizard in a muggle perspective.
So. Instead of just listening to the people talk about characters, Genny grabbed her stuff and moved to sit next to Blaise who was also silent and seemed to be focused on this lesson. "Hey". Quote:
Originally Posted by littledhampir How was Olly supposed to name his favorite character when he had never seen the movie? This was turning out to not be a very exciting lesson for him and he was losing interest quickly. Why couldn't they have watched the whole movie? Maybe he would later. He'd ask his dad if he had heard of it. It did look very old, though, so it was possibly even he hadn't but he knew most muggle things.
Olly liked the dog. He could not remember what the dogs name was or if the professor had even mentioned it. Dogs were always great. He liked that the story involved a dog going along with the main character. All movies needed dog sidekicks. He also liked the witch. The good one, of course. Obviously he didn't know much about her besides the clip and what people were saying, but she sounded cool. Even if she wasn't quite a witch like he knew them to be. At least she was pretty and not green. Quote:
Originally Posted by Kaos.Doodles Tak liked movies but unfortunately he hadn't been given much of a chance to watch more than a handful in his life. And the Wizard of Oz had not been one of them. However what did interest him about this whole class was...well Liv. She seemed SO excited. He never thought he could see someone so excited about a topic in class. It was...sort of lovely. The excitement. And her. [QUOTE=Expecto-Penguin;12052665] So the Professor was asking for their favorite scenes? Well frankly he didn't have any. He didn't really care for watching the movie. It didn't appeal to him. He'd rather play video games than watch a boring old movie. He knew about the characters though. He knew about the Scarecrow, The Tin Man and the Lion. He knew other kids would mention them and he decided not to waste his energy. He shrugged and just continued to doodle. He actually drew the lion, the tin man and the scarecrow in his doodle just for fun. He wondered if the teacher would find it funny. [/QUOTE Quote:
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline So she had been close with her words and the professor at least approved of her attempt in her guess. Witch of Kansas…Wizard of Oz. Just switched the gender of the magic user as well as picked the wrong option of the two main locations in the movie. So very close. Cassie listened as Professor Stewart went into detail on the story of the movie, some things she remembered and others she had clearly forgotten. Maybe she should see about watching it again the next time she was home. As such, she wasn’t going to try her hand and pick a favorite scene.
Nope…she was simply listening. Play one of the unfamiliars. Just listening to what others had to say about their own.
No answers from any of these students? Kay didn’t mind just as long as they made detailed notes. They never knew what would be popping up in their final exams. “Alright, everyone! Before we move on to the activity…” Kay glanced at her watch. If they didn’t spend much longer on discussions, they just might be able to get the activity done in its entirety. Thankfully this lesson was a double one which meant that there was more time than a regular lesson. “I’ll be giving some fun facts about the movie.” Excuse her but she loved fun facts as anyone who knew her could tell you. “You should make a note of them since you will find questions relating to them in your exams.’’
Kay uncapped her marker. “Fact number one. The cowardly lion’s costume was actually made of lion skin.’’ She neatly wrote that down, followed by the rest she had some across while her extensive research on the film. Quote:
Originally Posted by Originally posted by The Whiteboard * The cowardly lion’s costume was actually made of lion skin.
* Toto was played by a female dog named Terry.
* Temperatures on the set often climbed to about 100 degrees due to the lighting needed to shoot in Technicolor.
* The tornado was really a 35-foot-long muslin stocking spun around with dust and dirt.
* In the movie, Dorothy clicks her ruby slippers and says, “There’s no place like home.” But in the book, she tells her magic silver shoes, “Take me home to Aunt Em.
* The yellow brick road originally appeared green in Technicolor hence it had to be repainted.
* An early design of Dorothy’s ruby slippers had curled-up toes.
* Four sets of ruby slippers were used during filming.
* The ruby slippers were a size 5.
* The Tin Man’s oil in the can was really chocolate syrup. “Before we move along to the activity, are there any questions?’’ OOC: Haaaaai! The activity opens tomorrow, guys! Anywho, for those of you more interested in the technicolour process, click here to view a quick demonstration  |