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Old 10-04-2016, 03:00 AM   #44 (permalink)
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Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: SHIELD's Helicarrier
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Dhruv Vihaan Khanna

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Aryan Zahid Atreyu-Rehman
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Idris Ace Grunt
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Dynah Aavni Atreyu-Rehman
Seventh Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Krittika Saanvi Joshi
Sixth Year

x12 x12
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

SPOILER!!: Wizard of Oz or close!
Originally Posted by FwooperOnYourLeft View Post
Azura smiled at Jace as he sat down by her and Jazz and she gave the Half Japanese boy a wave. She was about to say something when she noticed him and Liv have a bit of an exchange..

Hey now.. what was this?

She grinned and then tried to hide it as Liv spoke and said her name.. Azula.. Welp she was apparently a fire Princess. Woo?

She turned her attention to Professor Stewart.. and then she looked at the movie clip and she smiled a bit as she raised her hand.

"That's from the Wizard of Oz Professor. " She said with a warm smile,, Her mom liked muggle musicals!
Originally Posted by 2111jen View Post
“I’d like you to name the movie this scene is taken from if you have watched it before. Feel free to even take a guess.’’

Jonas bit his lip. He knew that movie from's just been a while....oh what was it?? What was the movie? Oh! He knew now.

"The wizard of Oz" He said as he raised his hand with confidence.
Originally Posted by Steelsheen View Post
The Gryffindor Ace always has a great time in Professor Stewart's class, and its a streak he's hoping not to break any time soon.

Oh and he has a task. He. Has. A. Task! He gets to hit the PLAY button. Aaaand clickity click that little triangle....

The projector lights up and flickers against the screen-- and even just a few seconds of seeing the image of the girl with the pig tails and the dog he KNEW what this was "WIZARD OF OZ!! Thats Dorothy and Toto and thats the Good Witch!" Hello endless reruns of childhood.
Originally Posted by Goblinfrog View Post
As soon as the clip began Kitty knew what it was from. Wizard of Oz, a movie she had watched countless times back in her mansion. "That's from the Wizard of Oz," Kitty offered along with virtually everyone else. She was pleased to see that everyone knew what movie it was. That just showed how popular it was. ROONEY especially seemed to like it. She giggled as he explained his passion for the film. "And I quite agree with Rooney," said Kitty once he had finished. "The Wizard of Oz is one of the most famous and beloved Muggle movies to ever be made. It was released in theaters in 1939. There were several sequels made during the next several years, but none as famous as Wizard of Oz."

"The scene we just saw," continued Kitty. "Is what happened after Dorothy's house was picked up by a tornado and dropped on top of a evil witch. Kansas is a state in America and the line 'not in Kansas anymore' is one of the most famous lines in movie history."

Yep, she was quite proud of herself for knowing that.
Kay couldn’t help but nod at Kitty’s words. “Quite right, Ms Valentine, about that! Take a point for your insight.’’
Originally Posted by Expecto-Penguin View Post
Colt was chilling in the back of the class when he heard the Professor asking one of the students to turn off the lights. He wondered what muggle movie they were going to watch. He saw the screen clearly and he grinned when he knew what it was. He remembered his aunt watching this classic movie. He didn't particularly like this movie too much. He heard Rooney say a line the wicked witch said. He rolled his eyes and went back to doodling and he figured he might as well say something incase the teacher thought he was sleeping. He raised a finger and said, "Wizard of Oz.." He knew one of the dogs was named Tutu...something like that.

He felt the actress's voice was annoying as well. He remembered why he never watched this movie again.
Originally Posted by Sonea View Post
Sitting relaxed in the classroom she watched the clip and smirked, she was going to get a VERY good score for this lesson, she was sure about it! Muggles were her specialty because she belonged to a muggle family.

Still smiling she raised her hand, yes, she knew the answer which Muggle did not? The movie was boring but well known. "It's from the Wizard of Oss" she answered while looking satisfied with herself.
“The Wizard of Oz,’’ Kay corrected with a wink.
Originally Posted by SarcasticStrawberry View Post
Why couldn't every lesson be like this nice roaring fire, and a movie? Or at least a clip of a movie. Musical? Movie musical! Mmmm Kat was even more excited to see what it was now.


She jaw dropped. She knew what it was. THE WIZARD OF OZ. WHOOP WHOOP. The third years hands, yes both hands shot up in the air. "It's from The Wizard of Oz. Dorothy Gale has just landed in the land of Oz." Oppps spoiler alert.
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline View Post
A classic muggle movie…Alright!

That was bound to be entertaining. Especially given the hint it was sort of a musical. So potentially funny, at least to see the classmates that might not enjoy it squirm as they watched it. Cassie glanced at the boy instructed to start the clip, waiting patiently to see just what they were going to be shown. Soon enough images were projected from the electronic devices that magically were made to work somehow at Hogwarts. Her gaze following the moving images with interest until a flicker of recognition came to her mind.

Wait…she knew this…

Or so she thought. The Ravenclaw racking her brain for the ability to pinpoint what she knew. “The Witches of Kansas?” she suggested, but that didn’t sound right. But it wasn’t until others mentioned guesses that it clicked. Yes…the Wizard of OZ. A movie of the 20th century that showed an…interesting view of witches and wizards.
[b]Close, Ms McNally. You are very close but not quite.’’ She offered the Ravenclaw an encouraging smile.

"Most of you are correct! This scene is indeed from the 1939 film The Wizard Of Oz. The book was written by Lyman Frank Baum who lived from May 15, 1856 to May 6, 1919.

SPOILER!!: The Quiet Ones! <3
Originally Posted by Stefan View Post
Oh Merlin.

Did...did the professor see him? Jace's cheeks were suddenly tainted pink, and immediately defended himself. "Oh...oh I'm not tired professor.'s the weather really." It was more of a psychological effect and has nothing to do with his body being actually tired. "S-sorry." he said, rubbing his right ear with his hand.

Looking up to where Liv sat, Jace's face lit up and blushed even more. The Ravenclaw couldn't do anything else but to grin back and look away in a shy manner. If it had been Jakub in his place, he was sure his older brother would know what to do or say. Thinking about it, maybe he should accept Jakub's lesson on how to be a studmuffin.

Sigh. It sounded like a sketchy thing to learn but...he wouldn't want to blush all the time.

Hearing the door close, Jace followed the professor with his eyes and waited for the projector to come alive. He sat back as he crossed his arms and squinted at the screen, trying to remember the title of that movie...or was it a musical? The clip was so old, even the effects weren't that nice. He'd sit this one out and let the others answer the professor.
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post
He loved Livvy, really he did. The boy could do little more than grin at her when she gave him that gesture. It was only in good fun and as tired as he was, he wasn't about to go taking it seriously.

Blaise flopped into the seat next to his cousin's and watched as the projector came on and the windows were closed. Were they going to be watching a movie for the hour...? Because....that sounded like the perfect invitation to just zone out. If he was being honest, it might have been the staying up he did the night before to catch up on the notes in his notepad. He KNEW he should have gone to bed by 3, now the day was going painfully slow and he could hardly keep up.

The Gryffindor blinked at the clip. No matter how hard he squinted, he was drawing a blank as to whatever that movie was meant to be. It was old, certainly, just look at the lighting and film but....that was about all he knew.

When it doubt, it was time to lean back and wait for one of the exceptionally muggle among them to provide the answer. Shouldn't take too long.

Ah and there came the answers rolling in.
Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl View Post
Ohhh, they were going to talk about a Muggle film? And watch a little of it??

Rula was definitely okay with this. She hadn't seen all that many films in her life, but she thought they seemed really neat. They were like portraits and moving pictures combined, but also not exactly like them in a lot of ways! So they sounded really interesting.

She watched, fascinated, as the clip played - TOO short really, because just as it got going it ended. But THAT PINK DRESS LOOKED SO PRETTY. It was all big and poofy and PINK and shiny and Rula wanted one of her own. She had no idea what the name was, but she was definitely going to copy it down so she could search later.

Costume idea for next Halloween/costume party? Maybe!
Originally Posted by Tegz View Post
Charlotte had.... noooooo idea. She wasn't super experienced with muggle things generally speaking. And her knowledge about movie things was basically limited to what she'd been exposed to by her friends. It was SUPER fascinating though. Like a BOOK but with PICTURES brought to LIFE! Even if it didn't look all that real!

Char turned her attention to Liv, assuming her friend would know the answer. This sort of thing was right up the third year's alley, right??
Originally Posted by Magical Soul View Post
UHM. No. She was not THAT involved with muggle culture. She did know what motion pictures or musicals were, but did not actually watch anything that stuck in her mind. So. Genny remained seated where she was, watching the pretty clip happily.

She was awed at the Rooney boy who seemed so passionate about the thing. Woooow, was that true what he said??? She looked at the professor waiting for confirmation.
Originally Posted by littledhampir View Post
Olly was there of course. He liked Muggle Studies most of the time. When it wasn't boring, that was. Last year had been pretty interesting most of the time and he hoped that trend continued. Watching a movie sounded interesting. He made himself comfortable - or as comfortable as he could get in a desk - and watched the clip. This was a class he could do fairly well in sometimes because one of his dads was muggleborn so he did know a fair bit of muggle culture. He knew a lot of Disney ones. This one, however, was unfamiliar to him. He had never seen it before.

There was bound to be some silent students in her lesson. Not everyone was going to be familiar with what she brought up in class but she hoped that they would take as much notes as possible.

SPOILER!!: The Excited Kangaroo! <3
Originally Posted by Shanners View Post
Rooney honestly had intended for this lesson to be used as a catch up on sleep, but clearly Professor Stewart had other plans for him. Such as presenting him with the most beautiful of things on Earth. He made a loud noise resembling some sort of water creature and rose into a standing position on his chair with one foot on his desk. "FLY MY PRETTIES, FLY!!!" Holy moly, wow oh wow. This class was no longer nap time. It was LIFE.

"Ma'am, this is not only a film. It is the FEEL GOOD FILM OF THE UNIVERSE. And it also opened a world that was delved into by another book and tHEN we got the best musical in the history of musicals and quite frankly the most flawed yet fantastic character in the hISTORY OF ANYTHING." More whale like noises. This really was his golden class of the day.

The only thing Professor Stewart could do wrong now was to NOT play them the entire movie and allow Rooney to reenact the meting scene.

And ruin the entire film by commentating the plot of Wicked alongside it.

N O T S O R R Y.

Kay could not say she was surprised at the reaction she received from Rooney. She had heard all about the boy’s love for the performing arts and she could see why he would be a great performer. Such enthusiasm and with just the perfect amount of drama. Kay was impressed. But was Rooney okay? Those noises coming from him made the woman want to keep a rather close eye on him just in case he passed out from excitement. “Oh, I quite agree with you there, Mr Bronwyn! I take it you’ve seen the film and or read the book?’’ Also, take a point for that well presented bit of performance.''

SPOILER!!: Paige! <3
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Paige was unfamiliar with muggle films, but not their source material, particularly this one, so even if her classmates had not been enthusiastically shouting out their answers she would have been able to reason out the correct answer. After all, only so many things had both Kansas and a dog named Toto in them. She could even remember the particular passage that this scene must be alluding to - chapter two, The Council with the Munchkins - but then a woman dressed in pink that she could only assume was the Good Witch of the South had appeared...instead of the munchkins. Well...adaptations did happen to do that sort of thing. Still, she could see the thoughts - one of her favorite little passages from the chapter - so clearly displayed on the actress' face...

...and murmuring in a voice very grateful to a little girl who had lived so long on the dry, gray prairies.

Wait...little girl though. Paige couldn't help but squint. "But that isn't the right age for Dorothy," the Hufflepuff murmured, a bit in shock now that the scene was clicking a bit more in her head. Wasn't she supposed to be around age 11 or so in The Wonderful Wizard of Oz?

No offense to the actress...but she was NOT a little girl.e Although Paige did find herself drawn to her big doe eyes.

Kay’s eyes turned to Paige as she heard the Hufflepuff mutter something. She couldn’t be sure but she thought it may have something to do with someone’s age. Dorothy’s perhaps? It was logical. “Are you referring to Dorothy, Ms Skeeter? Yes, Dorothy the character as written in the book, her age was approximately ten or eleven. Judy Garland, the actress who portrayed Dorothy was seventeen years old when the film was released. To give her a more youthful look, she wore a brace on her chest.’’

SPOILER!!: Olivia!<3
Originally Posted by Govoni View Post
Seeing her cousin and Cassie also entering the classroom, Olivia tossed them both pretty, bright smiles before turning back to the group she'd decided to sit with today. She wasn't cliquey, you see... Liv was the sort that could hang out with anyone... And that was actually a nice feeling. It'd have been super boring being around the same people EVERY SINGLE DAY. Nah, she wasn't about that life.

Also, the Gryffindor Third Year continued paying especially close attention to Jacen. She'd been serious before, you see. It was the Japanese. It was just so amazing sounding... like music to her dainty ears, and she very much wanted to learn. Perhaps Jacen would be so kind as to offer his services. Mhm, something to be discussed as soon as the lesson concluded for the day.

Also, was he..... blushing? It couldn't be explained, but Olivia loved it when boys blushed (especially because of her). It made the blonde feel stupidly powerful... and special, to be honest. But then again, what girl wouldn't have basked in the attention of a cute boy? Even if you weren't into them (boys, she meant), it was still highly complimentary.

...Anyway, Jacen was totally precious and the extra color in his face really did the Ravenclaw justice. In fact, it caused her to smile at him just that much harder.

ANYWAY, the lesson was officially beginning, and with it, Olivia's attention had been properly snatched away from her new group of friends. Unlike any subjects that required practical magic application, Muggle Studies was something she could feel totally confident about. Learning about nonmagic things wasn't nearly as intimidating as learning a brand new Transfiguration spell.... or a new set of charms...


THE.................WIZARD..............OF........ ...... OZ.........

Rooney had already stood, dramatically exclaiming dialogue from the movie, and to be honest, Olivia wasn't the least bit surprised. Wicked just so happened to be her Bestie's favorite. She'd have been disappointed had he not stood up and made a scene. It SIMPLY WASN'T HOW THEY ROLLED.

... but ALSO....

She'd already began singing Somewhere Over The Rainbow, not standing.... but using big, sweeping gestures from her seat with her hands and arms. A truly dramatic showing...

What's this? Someone was singing Somewhere Over the Rainbow? And quite beautifully if Kay may add. She found the source of the voice and was quite tempted to join in but decided to let Olivia have her moment. She clapped when Olivia was done, rather energetically too. "That was wonderful, Ms Phillips!'' she told the girl. The dramatic gestures were quite something to see! "Class, the song Ms Phillips just sang is from the film and it is one of the most popular ones. Two points for serenading us!''

SPOILER!!: Katy & Jonas!<3
Originally Posted by Cassirin View Post
This was NOT a Muggle movie that Katy had seen, or at least, if she had seen it, she didn't recall, but she found it to be quite fascinating. A Muggle film about witches and wizards? What did they think of magical people? What did they know... that was true, and what were they just making up?

"Professor, can we learn to travel by BUBBLE?" And the floofy dress wasn't completely heinous either. It reminded Katy of a dress she once wore in a pageant thing.
Originally Posted by 2111jen View Post
Jonas ha heard what Katy...was that her name? Yeah, he was pretty sure it was Katy...anyways, he heard what Katy said and somehow, he found it funny as he accidentally let out a small snicker.

Kay’s eyes twinkled in Katy’s direction. “If only, Ms Touissant! But I’m afraid that the residents of Munchkinland haven’t shared their secrets.’’ Her attention turned to Jonas when she heard him snicker. “You’ll be wanting to use that method of travelling if it ever becomes available to us, I’m sure, Mr Emery.’’ She winked at him.

SPOILER!!: Nat! <3
Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post
Nope... nope, Natalia was not having a good adjustment from her time away and now she was late for class. Nope! She ran down the corridor trying to make it, but of course it didn't matter she had fully not gotten up in time, which meant all her morning things she had to do before leaving her dorm now got later and made her later and now she was standing outside of the classroom looking at the closed door.

She could just skip the class today... yes, no one would notice! Her feet turned she was about to walk down the hall but sighed. No, this wasn't what she was suppose to be doing and she would be checked up on lots now. So she had to go in, she would just go in and face the music.


She would! Opening the door she tried to slip in. It was dark so no need to worry she could get away with this. That was until she headed to turn and slip in a desk, but the darkness made her trip over a bag on the floor and BOOOM down goes Natalia. Gathering her things quickly she jumped up embarrassed and almost flew to a desk. "Sorry ma'am so sorry."

So movie watching day? Yes, she fully knew what was going on right now... not so much.

Hearing the door to her classroom open caused Kay to turn to face it in surprise. At first she thought it may be another professor come to bring her a message or perhaps wanted to see a student or some reason. She certainly was not expecting Natalie. Certainly the Slytherin knew the rules about tardy arrivals. “Ten points from Slytherin, Ms Franks- Mundie, for late arrival. You may proceed to take your seat.’’ Kay had every intention to resume her lesson but then there came a crashing sound that led her to see Natalie on the floor. “Another five points for disrupting the lesson.’’ The professor hated to take points from her students but sometimes it had to be done.

SPOILER!!: Alex! <3
Originally Posted by Pix View Post
Alex walked into muggle studies he was sure this lesson was going to be fun. Hi professor he said and then sat down.

What was it with late comers today? Kay stared in utter bewilderment as Alex graced the class with his presence. She did not smile as she strongly felt that punctuality was a good habit to have. “Hello, Mr Sunfire. That will be ten points from Gryffindor for being late.’’

Kay now switched the lights back on so that the class was sufficiently illuminated. “Before we proceed, I will give a summary about this film for those of you who are not familiar with either it or the book." That’s exactly why they were here; so that Kay could enlighten them so that they would have more appreciation for Muggles.

"Dorothy, a young girl from Kansas, is transported, along with her dog Toto, to the fantasy land of Oz by a tornado that sweeps her farmhouse home away. The storm carries the house with Dorothy and Toto to Munchkinland, a magical place far away. She is proclaimed a national heroine by these munchins because the house had fallen on and killed the Wicked Witch of the East who holds power over the Munchkins. Just then Glinda, who happened to be the Good Witch of the North, appeared to explain all that has happened to Doroth whose only wish is to return home. But the sister of the dead Wicked Witch of the East also appears. Dorothy receives protection from the Wicked Witch of the West by Glinda in the form of the ruby slippers that were worn by the dead Witch of the East. As long as she wears the slippers, Dorothy will be safe.’’ Kay paused here and looked around at the class before continuing. ‘’Dorothy is sent along the yellow brick road by Glinda to find the Wizard of Oz and get his help to return to Kansas. Along the way, Dorothy overcomes a few obstacles and meets a talking, a tin and a cowardly lion, who also are unsatisfied with their lives and need to find the Emerald City where Oz lives. They believe that he will give them each what they desire. Instead, the Wizard sends them on a quest to retrieve the broomstick of Wicked Witch of the West.’’ Here, the woman took another pause. She wasn’t boring the class, was she? “Now, Dorothy and her friends overcome the Wicked Witch when Dorothy threw a bucket of water on her which caused her to melt into a puddle of green goo. In the end, Glinda reveals that Dorothy could have always returned home by clicking the heels of her ruby slippers while repeating the words ‘There’s no place like home.’ Dorothy awakens her bedroom in Kansas surrounded by family and tells them of her adventure. Everyone laughs and tells her it was all a bad dream with the exception Uncle Henry.’’ That brought her to the end of that summary! “Whether it really was an adventure or a dream, that’s for the audience to decide.’’ Kay personally felt it was a dream.

She moved to towards the whiteboard, grabbing a purple marker from her desk in the process. “For those of you have seen the film or even read the book, can you pick any character and give me either a fact about them or describe your favourite scene they’re featured in. Those not familiar, kindly listen to your classmates.’’

OOC: *waves cheerily* Thank you so much for your replies! You all have 24 hours to get this round of answers in!
🌺🌺🌺 I fall in love with boys I see on a TV screen.

The ones in books who are as perfect as they can be.🌺🌺🌺

Last edited by FearlessLeader19; 10-04-2016 at 03:31 AM.
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