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Old 10-02-2016, 12:16 AM   #38 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Alexander River Hirsch
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:

x11 x11
Default Class starts here! ^^
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse

Text Cut: You guuuuys <3
Text Cut: Azura
Originally Posted by FwooperOnYourLeft View Post
Azura walked into the Defense against the Dark arts classroom and she stopped as she saw someone else in there besides Professor Hirsch. She sent a hesitant wave to the other man before she smiled "Hello Professor Hirsch " She said with a warm grin as she looked behind them to see if there was anything written on the board..

There was..

She read it before turning and finding a seat near the front left of the room..

She settled down in her chair and stared to mold her clay with her hands..

It didn't take long for the first student to arrive and, when she did, Hirsch's face lit up. "Hello, Azura. I take it you're doing well?" Just a casual question in the eyes of anyone else but one that, he hoped, she picked up on.

And she was starting on her moulding? Good. That would come in handy.

Text Cut: Kimi
Originally Posted by Saz Hale View Post
Kimi bounced into the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom and said "Hello Professor Hirsch" Kimi grabbed a seat at the front of class and started to mold his clay

Enthusiastic students were always the ones he liked teaching the most, particularly the ones who actually wanted to learn. It made his job a lot easier. "Hello, Mr Kovalainen," he said, giving the boy a nod of his head.

Text Cut: Katerina
Originally Posted by SarcasticStrawberry View Post
Now Katerina was completely in her element on her way to the DADA classroom. YASS she was really for this, like every other DADA lesson.

The blonde headed into the classroom to see not one but two men standing in the front of the classroom. "Hello Professor Hirsch." She smiled as she passed them. Also giving the other man a hello and nod.

Turning to head to a seat she seen Az. ugh. She was not a fan of her, so no she was sitting there. See what happens when you mess with her friends? Yeah. She didn't care. Finally taking a seat she seen board and then the moulding clay. What was she going to do? Maybe she would group up with some others and bounce ideas off of them.

Speaking of enthusiastic students who liked the subject he taught, here was another one. "Hello, Miss Delgado," he said, returning the Hufflepuff's smile with one of his own. If the turnout for this lesson continued to be like this, then the lesson would be a breeze to get by.

Being the great Professor that he was, he was going to ignore whatever kind of tension there was between Katerina and Azura. Nope. Nothing was being seen here.

Text Cut: Leesha
Originally Posted by Sonea View Post
Wondering what she would learn today during this lesson Leesha entered the classroom but stopped shortly while looking around her. One, the professor wasn't standing alone and second, why was there clay on the tables? Not that she had a problem with it, she liked it to be busy with her hands. Walking over toward the adult she smiled friendly. "Hello professor" and after that she walked back toward her usual seat and started to play with the clay on her table. 'what shall I make?' muttered the first year softly to herself, thinking about all sort of thinks like something simple like a flower but about something more complicated like a dog or a cat too.

That reaction to the clay may have been small but it really was amusing, wasn't it? The man didn't say anything, but simply watched the young girl taking in the classroom and, in particular, the clay. There was nothing to worry about here, kid.

"Hello, Miss Griffel." Welcome, welcome.

Text Cut: Junia
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
Junia LOVED defense classes because they made her feel powerful! Princesses could be just as fierce as knights in shining armor and while she still wanted a prince, it wasn't because she needed someone to take care of her! She could totally do that by herself and Hirsch would help her learn how! Speaking of, the second year gave the very handsome professor and his pretty companion a big, Botros smile. Hello Professor. Hi." A curtesy was given before the brunette hurried off to claim a seat in the front of the room.

After putting her gloves on, Junia picked up the clay and began to roll it around in her hand thoughtfully, wondering what clay could have to do with this class.

Well, wasn't that sweet?

Hirsch couldn't help but smile at the sight of the young Slytherin who seemed much too excited to be here. And there were some manners, to boot. What a great turnout so far. "Hello, Miss Botros," he said, giving her a bow of his head in return.


Text Cut: Jasper
Originally Posted by Pucki View Post
Jasper had hurried in, worried that he was late. Clearly, he wasn't, somehow managing to still arrive relatively early. This year was at least going well in that he was always getting to class on time!

"G'day Sir... uh... Professor Hirsch" he corrected himself, realising that he actually did know the Professor's name. But who was the person beside him? He tilted his head slightly to the side, though he didn't ask. Eye's roaming across the room, they suddenly stopped at a familiar face. Azura was already in class, which made him smile seeing his first friend again.

Briefly, he scanned the class to see if he knew anyone else who was here, but no one seemed familiar. The Hufflepuff girl in his year... Katherine? Katrina? It was something like that. All he knew was his seat at been next to her in Transfiguration.

With that in mind, he moved to Az, sitting beside her and throwing her a smile. "Hey Zura," he greeted before looking down at his own clay.

Something creative? Now this he could do... but what did he want to make? A niffler maybe?

Nope, a bowtruckle he decided a few seconds later, figuring he could make a life size one. This was going to be epic!

An amused smile crossed the Defence Professor's face at the slight hesitation. Hirsch probably wasn't the easiest name to remember, not when the boy had so many professor's names to remember at the same time, but at least the kid hadn't gone ahead and called him by another professor's name. "G'day, Mr Quinn."

.......... Which, in his German accent, didn't sound very good at all.

Stick to the normal greeting, Hirsch. Please.

And what exactly was he making?!

Text Cut: Miranda
Originally Posted by Devina Wellheart View Post
Miranda arrived to defense against the Dark arts class a little early hoping to catch up with Brady or one of her friends before the lessen started. As she entered she saw the professor speaking with someone and she smiled a greeting, " Hello Professor Hirsch. You're looking well" And a nod to the other person.

.......... He looked well? Well, he certainly hoped he did.

Pushing his glasses further up his nose, he smiled at the young girl before saying, "Thank you for that observation, Miss Blaze." Was his excitement very clear on his face? If so, he was going to blame it on the topic at hand. It wasn't everyday he had the chance to teach something like this, after all.

Text Cut: Frankie
Originally Posted by Zoe View Post
The blond entered the Defence classroom way earlier than he had ever shown up to a History of Magic class. In all of his years at Hogwarts, Defence was his favourite. Frankie was always glad to show up to this class for two reasons: he had every ambition of getting into the YATI program once he graduated, and Hershey was a pretty cool dude. In his opinion, the best professor in the entire school even.

"Sup, professor?" the Head Boy greeted the tattooed man, giving him one of his classic head nods. His eyes then shifted over to the Auror standing next to him. Angelo Toussaint received a head nod as well. He seemed like a pretty chill guy, but he sadly was no Alexa Cambridge. The boy was secretly a little bummed out that she wasn't standing there with them, but he supposed she had other matters to attend to.

Truth be told, Frankie had other matters as well. The blackboard behind the pair caught his attention, which he took as a cue to find a seat and wait for class to begin. With a swagger in his step, he plopped himself down in a chair and reached forward for a lump of clay. He left the gloves where they were. Gryffindors didn't need gloves. Pssh!

For a moment, he sat there randomly rolling and mushing the clay. The first thing that came to mind tickled his funny bone, though he decided to begin moulding Plan B: a kappa.

...................... SNORT.

'Sup? Frankie sure was comfortable around him, wasn't he? Or he was showcasing his cool Head Boy side. Either way, the greeting amused the man a little more than it should have. "Hello, Frankie. You're sporting that badge of yours well." Surely, he didn't need to mention how proud he was?

Text Cut: Blaise
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post
First thing he noticed? The fact they had regular desks and chairs. Second thing? There was some guy standing up at the front with the Professor that his quill took an interest in. Third thing? There was clay on every desk and it looked like they would be pairing up even if only for a little.

So far, he didn't know what to make of the lesson, but like he'd told the Professor way back last term, he had no intention of skipping Defense Against the Dark Arts. If magic got introduced, he'd simply watch. No big deal. Perhaps this was something like Professor Ichihara's class with the clay and the spirits...except....maybe evil spirits they'd have to take care of after bringing into being?

Eh, he'd rather not think about it. All it did was make him want to leave.

"Hey Professor." Dude next to him got a nod before the boy slipped into a seat. What to do with the clay. Hmm. Nothing? Nothing sounded good.

Ah, if only Blaise had voiced his thoughts. Maybe, just maybe, that would've sparked an impressed response from the man who might've just let him sit out. He did remember their talk, after all, and knew about this boy's strengths and weaknesses.

As it was, the man simply took note of the lack of activity from this Gryffindor with the clay. Was this a sign of constant vigilance? If so, he was very much impressed with this. It meant that the students had learnt something from that combat lesson all those years ago.

Constant vigilance was important.

Text Cut: Daxton
Originally Posted by Felixir View Post
Well, he was here, wasn't he?

Very much present and with a most unhappy expression on his face, Daxton entered the classroom, without shoes or outer robes as he so often was, and dropped heavily (or as heavily as his slight frame would allow) into the seat at the desk nearest the door. It had taken a lot of effort to wake up and stay woken up today, let alone to force himself to class, and he had instantly started to question why he had bothered at all. Though... that was the case most days. School was seldom worth the energy it required, and, when he attended, Daxton almost always found himself walking out of his classes early anyway.

Noticing, but totally ignoring the sign on the board (just as he ignored the clay on his desk), Daxton set eyes on the two grown men stood up at the front of the classroom; Hirsch and Toussaint. Something about an extra adult in any class just struck Daxton as all too suspicious. His feelings on Hirsch had thawed slightly, but he was still far from trusting him. No doubt he was up to no good, bringing Toussaint along today. Why he had to bring Law Enforcement into this room was a complete mystery, and one that had Daxton's mood turning even more sour. He sunk down in his seat and glowered at Hirsch from where he sat, reflecting on how much he hated the man, and meanwhile conveniently forgetting that Defence Against the Dark Arts was now the only class he regularly attended by choice.

Hirsch wouldn't have noticed the next student to enter if it hadn't been for the heavy slumping into a seat that he managed to catch out of the corner of his eyes. Turning his head, he was not surprised to find a silent Daxton Prince sitting there with his usual expression that stated that his feelings for him hadn't changed. Well, okay then.

The Defence Professor didn't say anything to him but gave him a nod of his head, moreso out of acknowledgement than anything else. Thank you for attending, Daxton.

Text Cut: Katy
Originally Posted by Cassirin View Post
Katy was NOT being cool and collected. Nope. 'Cause there was an ANGELO in her classroom, and while he was a bit too old to be her most favorite cousin, he WAS her cousin and he was here and she knew him and was so so so proud to be related to their special guest.

"ANGELO. HI. I'M IN THIS CLASS, D'YOU SEE?" She waved and then threw her arms around his middle and squeeeeezed. He was her favorite for the moment, at least, and she was HIS favorite until Char or Cal or whoever showed up.

Also. "Good day to you, Professor." She was very polite while still hugging the life out of her cousin.

.................. What in the name of.

Hirsch STARED at the young Katherine Toussaint, who seemed much too happy to see Angelo - her brother, possibly? - if the way she was hugging him was anything to go by. The man was just glad that she wasn't hugging him like that. He still wanted his ribs, thank you.

"Hello, Miss Toussaint," he said, giving her a smile.

Text Cut: Natalia
Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post
It had been a month, but Natalia was now back in classes. She walked slowly and quietly into the Defense room her eyes moving around as she adjusted to the surroundings. Her eyes falling on the stranger in the room.


Why was there someone new? She hadn't ever done dueling club so she didn't know who that was and her anxiety raised a bit. Hurrying to the back of the room she found her seat and looked at the clay on the desk. Was this art time instead of defense time? For once Natalia wouldn't have minded. Defense just wasn't her best thing. Even if the professor had been helping her.

For now her eyes went to Katy who was hugging the stranger... well stranger must not be bad if Katy was hugging him.

.............. Ah. He should've expected this response.

He watched the Slytherin as she hurried towards the back of the class. Maybe he should've given her some kind of warning that this was going to happen, that there was going to be a strange new man in the classroom when she came.

As it was, there was hardly anything he could do about it now so, trying to catch her eye, he gave her a reassuring smile and a nod of his head. Nothing to worry about here.

Text Cut: Cassandra
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline View Post
Defense against the Dark Arts.

The class that switched off between classroom and whatever type of room was needed for any particular lesson. As Cassie walked in for today’s lesson, she took note of the return of desks to the layout for now. Lecture class perhaps, the Ravenclaw making her way to a desk. Though the additional person, a ministry person at that, made things interesting and the third year quite curious. “Good day, Professor,” she greeted politely as she sat down. “Sir…” she added with a simple nod at the other man.

As for the clay on her desk, Cass started fiddling with it once her books and parchment were out for notes. It certainly was malleable, the girl absently pushing and pulling as she thought on what she should form it into.

Another polite kid. It was nice to know that the castle had some of those around as well. "Hello, Miss McNallyl," he said, giving her a nod of his head and a smile. Hopefully she was fitting in well with the castle.

Text Cut: Juno
Originally Posted by Suziella View Post
Juno walked in to the DADA classroom, and knew right away that the guy standing next to Professor Hirsch had to be a Toussaint, she just wasn't sure if said Toussaint was one of Nico's kids or one of his nephews. Nico Toussaint was one of her dad's best friends and she had been around his kids some, as well as his sister Cela's kids. That's how she knew Char. This all quickly raced through her brain as she entered the classroom. "Hello, Professor Hirsch and Mr. Toussaint," She replied with a wave. It was very formal but she knew she had to be proper. Besides...she couldn't remember for the life of her his first name, or if she even knew his first name in the first place.

Juno quickly found an empty seat, and pulled out everything she would need for today's lesson. She then noticed the clay and read the board. She started playing with it right away.

This would be interesting!

Even more politeness? It was going to start getting into the weird territory if all the students who turned up started to be formal and polite. Not that he had any complaints, mind you, but the castle was known for havoc and hormones. "Hello, Miss Darcy," he said, giving her a smile. She knew a lot about his subject so, maybe unknowingly, he had quite a few expectations from her.

No pressure, Darcy.

Text Cut: Tenacius
Originally Posted by Steelsheen View Post
Admittedly the first thing Tenacius noticed were the clay mounds. Because clay! So naturally he made a beeline for the desk and just started messing with them.

He manages to look up though and sees the board. Oh see they are supposed to do something with them. And oh look Professor Hirsch is there with another visitor. Not Senpai Cambridge though (mini heart breaking).

Waves hello to Professor Hirsch and his guest with that lump of clay in his hand....

Was it surprising that Tenacius had noticed the clay and had made a beeline for it?

Nope. Not in the slightest.

In fact, the sight itself was one that amused the man very much, who watched the sight with interest. Heh. At least the boy had found some time to give him a wave. He smiled back at the Gryffindor and said, "Hello, Tenacius. Nice to see that the curls are back."

Text Cut: Bloom
Originally Posted by DragonLumos View Post
Bloom entered the classroom breathless . She had had some difficulties in finding it since the staircases went mad on her again . luckily the calss hasn't started yet.Her eyes roamed the room in an instant which was suffisant to note the ressemblence of it with muggles' classrooms. The teacher however seemed to be talking to another person therefore Bloom decided to skip the greetings for now and instead took a seat on the 2nd row, she then noticed the lump of clay, gloves and dinner knives that were on the table and instanctly lifted her head to the blackbord and read what was written
This should be fine right ? i can just see how the others are doing it and then manage to mould a handi like those i saw on tv the other time...

The next student to enter was a silent one but hadn't gone unnoticed. Especially not with the way she was breathless, as if she had ran the length of the castle to get here. Heh, she'll get used to it, before long. As it were, she had some time to get her breath back. Hirsch smiled at her but said nothing.

Text Cut: Olivia
Originally Posted by Govoni View Post
Needless to say, Olivia was PUMPED FOR DEFENSE. Not only was it her FAVORITE subject (OF ALL THE SUBJECTS, shh, don't tell anyone), it was the one class she truly excelled in. After failures involving the other subject matter (namely Transfiguration and Arithmancy), a little success went a long way. Well, for her, anyway. It was probably a different situation for others.

Bopping brightly into the classroom (which was looking very normal and standard), the blonde noted that Professor Hirsch was chilling at his desk with someone she kinda recognized. He had one of those faces, you know? One that made you feel like you should probably know who he was even if you truly didn't. Distinguished and important, was what her mum would've described it as.


"Hello, Prince Erik!" No, no... Liv never called this man by his name. It just didn't suite him as well as her given pseudonym. Besides, everyone needed a little Disney in their lives. So, you know, get on that. You all could thank her later.

............ Prince Erik. The nickname had stuck, had it?

It was still a name that startled the man - surely, he didn't look like a prince? - but, given time, it was one he was now quite a bit used to. Only a bit, mind you.

"Hello, Miss Phillips," he said, giving the all-too-enthusiastic Gryffindor a smile. Hopefully she didn't expect to be called Princess in return.

Text Cut: Brooklyn
Originally Posted by SilverTiger View Post
DADA was admittedly not necessarily Brooklyn’s favorite class, nor was it particularly one of her best subjects. However, she still found it interesting enough to actually take part in the subject. Activities, anyhow, usually proved more useful than ridiculous, although she’d admittedly given the lumps of clay on the desks as she had entered the classroom a speculative glance. It wasn’t an art class.

However, she had given Professor Hirsch her usual nod, adding another for the new comer standing near him before making her way to an open seat. “Good day Professor Hirsch. Mr. Toussaint.” The latter had been rather tacked on as an afterthought, but moreso because she’d had to use the information gleaned from Katy and the Hufflepuff prefect in order to give a proper greeting. Not by any disrespect. She didn’t disrespect anyone who could prove worth her time, and something told her he wasn’t the reason for the clay.

She still took said clay and started shaping it into a dragon, however. She wasn’t against adding to her collection.

Hirsch was very much glad that Brooklyn still found time for his lessons and still wanted to attend. It did mean a great deal to the man.

And no, there was nothing arty about the clay.

"Hello, Miss Andrews," he said, returning the nod with one of his own. He was intrigued to see what it was she would create with the clay.

Text Cut: Paige
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
With passing marks in the subject, mostly because the seventh year DID have the upper hand when it came to defensive charms, the Hufflepuff nevertheless continued to be filled with borderline apprehensive dread as she entered the classroom. She had nothing against Professor Hirsch, in fact she found him to be an outstanding educator, it was just the required range of spells that got the young woman's wand in a twist. Not to mention the requirement to actually attack others and want to do so. Under proper circumstances, naturally, she could accomplish this. Push any honey badger too far and BOOM, explosions would happen, but it was rather difficult to push this particular badger that far in a classroom setting.

Although perhaps some changes that had been occurring within her since summer would finally come to fruition this term. This lesson? The latter was left to be seen.

"Good day, professor," she chirped nervously as she walked by, also offering their visitor - who some seemed familiar with - a polite smile before finding her seat...and clay? Blue eyes flying to the board and finally reading the instructions there, Paige couldn't help but feel even more apprehensive. Mold a creature or being? They weren't going to animate these and then battle...were they?

Thankfully for her, or perhaps unfortunately if this turned her against her pastime, her mind wandered to flowers and began with a small piece to roll out to make the stem and a couple more pieces to smash and spread out to make the leaves. She would...figure out what sort of flower to make later.

It was part of his job to know exactly what his student's strengths and weaknesses were in terms of his subject and he knew about this particular Hufflepuff's ones. So, the man was all too glad to see her attending this lesson, which could very well prove to be one that could test her ability to want to attack.

"Hello, Miss Skeeter," he said, offering her a smile as he watched her mould the clay into....... some kind of flattened shape. She wasn't planning on making pancakes, was she?

Text Cut: Genny
Originally Posted by Magical Soul View Post
Genny, who was fourteen and a month now, walked into the classroom in what she considered to be 'different' spirit. She was older and wiser and more control of her emotions.... minus the fit she had yesterday at the cat that kept sneaking into her bed. That didn't count. "Hi guys." She greeted the professor and the other guy standing next to him. They weren't THAT much older now that she was fourteen.

............... Hey guys?!

Hirsch exchanged a look with Angelo before looking back at the young Gryffindor. What? Was she taking a leaf out of Frankie's book in the 'being comfortable with your Professors' department? Because if so, she was doing a good job of it so far.

Resisting the urge to throw Frankie's response back at her, the Ravenclaw Head of House settled, instead, for a simple, "Hello, Miss Tate."


Text Cut: Rooney
Originally Posted by Shanners View Post
Rooney was in a fresh mind about DADA this year and about duelling, actually. He wanted to actually try his hand at it and stop letting his feelings affect his judgement and also to not make girls cry at any point. That was his main aim. Now, whether it was going to be a thing that happened or not..he had no idea. So he was fresh and ready for class, hair swept back and satchel heavy with textbooks to reference in debate. His first port of call was giving Miss Olivia a head cuddle and maybe a sneaky kiss of the cheek. That wouldn't make her cry, so he could do it! And it was sneaky enough that hopefully no one had seen it. "Love of my stage life.." But that was all he had for her. Fleeting attention, because he was entranced by what was happening at the front of the classroom.

His Head of House and.... oh. Helllllllooo. Who was thisssss? Rooney decided immediately that he was going to make this clay into some sort of model of this new friend of the class. Reason to bog. Reason to have a goooood old butchers at him.

And also look at Liv, because he'd strategically sat himself n the table behind her, the seat beside him vacant.

The Defence Professor was very much glad that the young Prefect had decided to attend his lesson, especially given what the boy's thoughts about duelling had been last year. He was also very much glad to see the boy's name signed on a permission form to re-join the club. Thank you for that, Bronwyn.

He shot the Ravenclaw a smile but said nothing else.

Text Cut: Mason
Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi View Post
Another Defence Against the Dark Arts class had been scheduled today and Mason had wasted no time other than running up the grand staircase to go to the Ravenclaw Common Room to retrieve his bag before racing downstairs to the first floor. He knew he shouldn’t have left his bag in the tower during his free period of walking on the Grounds.

Still, the fifth year checked his watch as he rounded to corner on the first floor and noticed he was well on time. He stood still for a moment, catching his breath as his side hurt , Mason took a deep breath before entering the classroom.

A bit sweaty and red in the face, but he pretended he hadn’t just ran to class, his dark brown eyes found the clay on top of each desk as he entered. Then his eyes went to the blackboard and he raised his eyebrows slightly. Play around with the clay while the questions are being asked? He had no desire to play around with clay at the moment before class. No, he’d rather read his “Advanced Guide to Occlumency” book which he found far more interesting. And he had nearly finished now... Perhaps he would borrow another book from the library later.

Spotting the Professor himself leaning against his desk and talking to a man , Mason had never seen before, he made his way towards them. “Hello Professor Hirsch” he greeted with a small smile. He then turned to look at the stranger and gave him a polite smile as well. “Hello to you too” he said and then went to find a seat nearest the front which was luckily still not taken.

He leaned in his seat and crossed his legs over each other before taking out his book and began to read before class started. He’d play with that clay later.

Another student who had run to get here? That showed a lot of dedication, it did. And, considering what he knew about this student in particular, it wasn't at all that surprising.

"Hello, Mr Winslow," he said, giving the boy a smile and watching as he......... took out his Occlumency book? Should he be as amused as he currently was? Because, again, this was a display of constant vigilance - he hoped - and a dedication to a field that hte boy liked a lot, from what he knew.

Text Cut: Maggie
Originally Posted by Lislchen View Post
Defense Against the Dark Arts was maybe not her favorite subject but it was still one Maggie usually enjoyed. It was cool. And interesting. And certain people usually looked very cool when practicing spells or demonstrating them, so you know. It was definitely enjoyable to watch too.

Upon walking into the classroom, Maggie first looked around in search for Zeke. Who...was not there yet. Rude. Well, he'd be here soon, right? She was going to be a good girlfriend and save him a seat until-


What was Angelo doing here? She gave him a small grin before briefly turning her attention to Professor Hirsch. "Hello, Professor." Manners, she had them. Besides, she quite liked him too. Like, he was cool. And quite attractive too. Just saying. Her eyes returned to Angelo for a moment before she walked off to find a seat for herself. And the boyfriend too of course.

If he found the time to show up.

That was quite the response, wasn't it?

Not the one to him, that was pretty normal, but the greeting to Angelo had earned the Slytherin a slightly raised-eyebrows look. Maybe it would be better if he remained oblivious? Maybe.

"Hello, Miss Traulton," he said, giving her a nod and a smile. If she was here, that meant that Zeke wasn't too far behind, wasn't it?

Text Cut: Hadleigh
Originally Posted by Kolyander View Post
Hadleigh entered the room with the most relaxed and calm expression ever. Her day was running smoothly and though it was now December the weather wasn't at all that bad which meant that she was still outside whenever possible. Pushing her hair back off her face she quickly scanned the room her eyes instantly falling upon a certain blonde and then the person sat beside him. Where she normally sat. Well alright then. No fuss would be made about it, it wasn't a huge problem at all. Maybe.

"Hello Professor," she greeted with a small smile and nod of her head. Angelo Toussaint also received a quiet "hello" as well as a nod in greeting. The fact that someone else was joining in on the lesson not fazing her in the least. Lately nothing did anymore.

Making her way towards an empty desk that was on the other side of Frankie (so a space between their desks?) she lightly brushed her fingers through the blonde's hair as she passed him. "Hey you," was her whispered reply as she gave him her usual grin. And yes Genny even got a nod in greeting too even if she was sitting beside Frankie. Slipping down into her seat, her bag dropping to the floor near her shoes she reached for the mound of clay without much thought. No need for the gloves either, her hands working the clay to soften it before starting to shape it into what she wasn't even sure yet.

The next student to enter wasn't Zeke but it was also someone who was very much linked to the young Gryffindor as well. "Hello, Miss Lynch." Again, he was proud of the Head Girl title she was sporting but wasn't going to say anything about it. Nope. Just like he wasn't going to say anything about the hair brushing she was doing to a certain Gryffindor.

Oblivious, remember?

Text Cut: Dora
Originally Posted by Eriin View Post
Okay... so Dora still judged this man. Harshly, perhaps, but let's face it... he was no Sabel Dakest. Hmph. The Gryffindor did have manners, though. "Hello, Professor... and guest. " She had no clue who this guy was... and didn't intend to stand around ogling him or the professor.

The man had been hoping that any kind of judging would be gone by now but alas. This was something he was all too used to. Tattoos didn't scream 'professional', after all, and there were always going to be those who didn't approve of him. He was used to it by now so he hardly noticed any kind of judging coming from this young Gryffindor. "Hello, Miss Umbridge."

And guest? Interesting response.

Text Cut: Sam
Originally Posted by hermygirl View Post
Her bag slung on her shoulder, Sam walked into the classroom only to find...a normal looking classroom. How odd. With a slightly confused look, she gave a professor and visitor a polite "Hello!" and went to find herself a seat.

Apparently her bestie already had company, as had Genny. She didn't want to go too close to the front, so the Ravenclaw went to nearest empty desk to Dora and Paige. She greeted them both with a grin as she went past, before sitting down and looking at the lump of clay. They were meant to mould something with it?

How fun! Sam could totally do that.

The next student had an expression on her face that, once again, amused the man. It was these expressions and reactions to his lesson topics that he looked out for the most. If she was reacting like this now, how would she react when the actual topic of the lesson was introduced, hm?

"Hello, Miss Tyler." She got a smile from the man before his attention was drawn towards.......

Text Cut: Jace
Originally Posted by Stefan View Post
Jace ran all the way from the Ravenclaw tower to the Defense Classroom, paranoid that he'd be late. His hair was a mess, his tie was askew and his bag was open. The Ravenclaw stopped dead in his tracks as soon as his feet were inside the classroom. and wildly looked around to see that the class hasn't started.

Jace exhaled slowly, as he flattened his hair and bowed to the two grown men up front. "Good day, Professor Hirsch...sir." he said giving the other man a polite bow as well.

New face, eh? Interesting. Maybe they'd learn two things today too? That would be awesome! Jace quickly took a seat next to a fellow Ravenclaw and gave her a wave and grin. "Hi. Sam, right?" he'd seen her around of course, just...too shy to say hi.

And...clay? What is it for? Jace placed his bag underneath the table and started to poke the clay with the plastic knife provided. Oh and gloves? Brownie points to you, Professor Hirsch! This kid wouldn't want clay underneath his nails. Gross.

............... Oh Jace.

Hirsch couldn't help but let an amused smile cross his face at the sight of the young Ravenclaw. If he wasn't mistaken, it seemed as though the boy had flat out ran there and had disregarded his appearance because of it. "Had a nice run, Jace?"

He was just teasing. That was all.

Professors could be fun too.

"Welcome. Make sure you don't drop anything." Form his bag, you know. Anyone could take anything from in there. Constant vigilance, remember?

Text Cut: Kitty
Originally Posted by Goblinfrog View Post
"Good day Professor Hirsch," Kitty said pleasantly as she made her way into the classroom, smiling in a polite but awkward way to the other man as well. She eyed her clay curiously, and, seeing the message, decided to mold it into several long worms. Nine would be best, one named after each of her worms.

And here was the second one of his Prefects.

Hirsch smiled at the young girl as she entered, noting how pleased she looked. Good. That was exactly what he liked to see. "Hello, Miss Valentine," he said, giving her a nod of his head as he watched her making......

............ what was she making out of the clay?!

Text Cut: Haddie
Originally Posted by Callie View Post
Ah, DADA class. One class Hadley Denaker was always excited for. She bounced her way into to the class room and stopped, examining it curiously. This was the first time she's ever seen it look like a classroom. What was going on here?

Oh, they got to make clay sculptures! Neat.

"Sir Knight," Hadley greeted with her customary curtsy. And other guy. With that, she turned and made her way to a seat at random and began fiddling with the clay. Hads didn't really have a set shape in mind as she played with the clay, so naturally it was starting to look like a lioness.

If he was completely honest with himself, the man was a little surprised that it had taken this particular Ravenclaw so long to get here. Was it no longer cool to get to lessons very early? Because she had always been one of the first few to get to his classes.

But it didn't matter because she was here, at least. Here with all the reference to a certain event that had happened last year. One that, actually, made him smile everytime. "Hello, Haddie. Glad to see that you're not sporting your Halloween costume today." Though, if she did turn up looking like him, he would've just laughed at the sight.

Time was ticking and, with a glance of his watch, he noted that it was starting to tickle further and further into his lesson. Huh. He glanced over at the door before taking out his wand and giving it a flick. The door shut, resonating a small SNAP through the classroom. If that wasn't a cue for the chatter to die down, he didn't know what was.

"Welcome to another Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson! Today, as you may have noticed, I'm joined by someone else. This," he said, gesturing towards Angelo, "is Angelo Toussaint. He's a member of the YATI program in the Ministry and is going to give his own insight on the topic we're going to discuss today." Because an Auror's - or YATI's - insight was what was needed.

"You may have also noticed the lump of clay on each of your desks. Try and mould it into whatever object you want it to be. You can do this while we discuss a few topics today and by the time we move onto the bulk of the lesson, you should have your object ready." He paused to look over at those who hadn't even touched their lump of clay yet. Go on, it wasn't cursed.

"Now!" Hirsch said, giving his hands a single clap as he started to walk slowly around the classroom. "This is, obviously, a subject where you learn to defend yourselves against the Dark Arts but........." Dramatic pause, anyone? "What exactly are the Dark Arts? And who decides that they're dark or, in some cases, illegal?" Let's get those brains working, okay?

OOC: EEEEEE HAI you guys This is pretty self-explanatory but just answer the question above as creatively as possible (no copying!) and have your charrie mould whatever they want from their lump of clay. We don't mind what it is but PLEASE keep it SS!appropriate, okay? I don't want to have to tell anyone off.
Tegan (Tegz) is going to be picking up the next part of the class.
Class has already begun but you're mooooore than welcome to jump in if you haven't done so already. Just pretend as if you/your charrie have been here the whole time, okay? ^^
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