A Poop * k8 *
It was a close call.
Such a close call, that even though Paul had originally planned on giving the teams points based on who came in first, second, third, and FOURTH place, he felt bad for poor Slytherin. They had been neck-in-neck with Hufflepuff before--alas! "Well done everyone!" he smiled. "Hufflepuff gets fifteen points, Gryffindor ten, and both Ravenclaw and Slytherin get five!" he smiled. "But WELL DONE EVERYONE. It makes me want to start a Hogwarts bowling league!" Wouldn't that be fun? "I am quite good at bowling myself--" which, he really was. NO ONE COULD BEAT HIM. "But anyways--if you all could give me your ideas on what to do with all that...pumpkin pulp...that would be nice. If anyone wants to take a bucket of it-please go right ahead! Or else I'll be sending my mum a lot of pumpkin to make pumpkin pie with!" he grinned. "So--take any pumpkin you want, take as much CANDY as you want, and have a great rest of the day! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!" OOC: Thanks for the AWESOME LESSON everyone! Paul and I literally had so much fun! I'll keep this thread open for another 24 hours before closing it. Feel free to talk to Paul about pumpkin pulp ideas xD
__________________ "You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough." 
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin |