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Old 09-20-2016, 06:47 AM   #77 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Roman Gellar
First Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Arden Toros
Sixth Year
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A Poop * k8 *

SPOILER!!: Paige
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post

..............did that mean he DID have ideas for what to do with the pumpkin pulp?

Catching a few bits of candy - well, sort of. Her reflexes were not the best and she sort of half swatted them out of the air rather than caught...but did scoop them up and stuff them into her robes for later consumption - Paige's attention went first to his question. Breeding giants was a lengthy process and came down mostly to genetics....but before skipping down that yellow brick road of though, Paige's hand went up.

"Shape, I suppose," Paige answered meekly. "Objects enlarged under the Engorgement Charm tend to mostly maintain their shape.which is mostly spherical, but those breed to be massive will be lopsided and longer than they are tall."

OH! And he was taking suggestions as to what to do with the pulp!

"I have some thoughts on pumpkin pulp uses, professor," she added. Something to bring up at the end of the lesson though, yes? Giant pumpkin talk first.

Paul nodded at Paige’s words. “Very good point--let me just add that--” he picked up a piece of chalk and began to write, manually, on the board. A second later, though, he dropped the chalk and patted his hands together. “Nah--nevermind--you know what….don’t worry about notes,” he grinned. This was supposed to be a CHILL lesson. Chill.

“But yes, you’re right. The shapes would be different!” he smiled. Clever clever!

And he would be asking her for her ideas after the lesson, yes.

Originally Posted by Tazzie View Post
Herbology with Professor Myers was a daily highlight. The man was silly and funny enough to be non-boring and knowledgeable enough not to compromise their learning. And he always something interesting to go about every lesson. Like this one, blindfolds and a guessing game. Owen opted not to do that one though because his seatmate beat him to it and, well, maybe one participant from each table was enough.


That was one enormous pumpkin. Owen couldn't help but remark, "Definitely a giant one, Professor! It's bigger than me." And that was saying something. Candy! Catch! Okay, two ways to get those giant pumpkins. Through magical and natural way. Candy! Catch!Owen wasn't taking notes today so he just made sure to pay attention.

He tried to mull over the man's question but no answer was just coming to mind. Candy! Catch! What he did have an answer to was the next one. "Lots of things we can cook with the pumpkin, sir. Pies, soup, sorbet..." It was Halloween after all.

Well, Owen didn’t answer his question, but he did have the baking idea Paul knew he would get. But surely this was TOO MUCH pumpkin to use on baking? They’d be living off of pumpkin pies for a few months!

SPOILER!!: Alyce
Originally Posted by Poolicious View Post
Evil Queen? Pout. "Its Maleficent, Professor" The first year walked towards the empty seat with the dejected expression on her face. But it didn't take long for her to cheer up because Junia compliment her on her costume. "Thank you. I like yours especially the tiara." The older Slytherin look like a Princess. A pretty Princess.

Alyce was playing with the blindfolds wondering what its for when the Professor decided to start the lesson. OH! Its a guessing game!!! She LOVED guessing game! The red hair eagerly put on the blindfolds and rolled up her sleeves, because she didn't want her awesome costume get dirty, before sticking her hand into.....

Its slimy. Squishy. And the smell. She know this smell. Its very familiar smell. "Pumpkin gut." Yup. Definitely Pumpkin gut. She took off her blindfolds and put it back on the table. And she took it off at the right time because its raining candy again.

GIANT PUMPKIN????!!! Oh! She was very excited to see this giant pumpkin. She saw giant pumpkin once when she visited her grandfather. They have this giant pumpkin festival thingy there. She wondered how big Professor Myers' pumpkin? MAybe its bigger than her grandpa.


That's a VEY BIG pumpkin!

How to tell the different between the natural giant pumpkin and charmed giant pumpkin? She had no idea. But for the second question she agreed with the Burgerman. He already said it all and that made her hungry.

He was unsurprised when the first year did not have an answer; they were typically quieter in lessons, it seemed. So he sent her an encouraging smile instead.

SPOILER!!: Hattie
Originally Posted by RachieRu View Post
Pumpkins! Halloween! This was a totally cool lesson. Harriet kind of got distracted though, thinking of Halloween and what she wanted to dress up. She wanted to be a princess, but she had done that last year. There were lots of disney princesses though. So she could totally just be a different one. That was good. But she needed to think about the actual lesson content, and not what she what she wanted to dress up as .

Now. She didn't really know what the difference was. "Would a naturally bred giant pumpkin be like.... different in shape. Different from each other? Because it grew how it wanted" And like doing it by magic meant she could decide what she wanted it to look like. "And..... You can carve pumpkins! It's pretty coo"

Paul smiled. “Yes, you’re on the right track! Similar to what Miss Skeeter was saying!” He smiled and nodded. “Well yes, but I need something to do with all the INNERDS of pumpkin I’ll have collected by the end of the lesson!”

SPOILER!!: Leesha
Originally Posted by Sonea View Post
Hah! Removing her blindfold she grinned widely, her guess had been right! It were pumpkins! Sticking your hands into something slimy and unknown had never been so fun! Haha! CANDY! He now was throwing candy AGAIN! Her grin widened even more because who didn’t liked candy! Very quick she grabbed a few delicious looking pieces of candy when they fell right before her and she waited patiently for the professor to throw more because she WANTED more!

Widening her eyes Leesha saw how big the giant pumpkins were and her mouth almost dropped open. Wow! Her mum needed to see this one! She would love it! Shaking her head she grinned, this was just so cool! Huh? Before going to the fun part? But everything up until now already had been fun!

Listening to the question she fell silent and she wished that she knew the answer but… She wasn’t a ravenclaw so who cared that she as a first year didn’t knew all the answers in a lesson? No, Leesha was satisfied with listening and making notes if needed. Buuuut, his next question was one she could answer because boy, she had idea’s! Her hand shot up immediately and she grinned widely. “Professor, we can make soup from it, or we can have a fight with all the orange dirt! Let’s say that the one who is the dirtiest after the fight has won!” Laughed Leesha delighted by the idea of a dirty fight with the inside of the pumpkins. “And,” she continued, “we can make monster faces from the pumpkins and scare others with it.” She finished while looking smug with herself for her absolutely brilliant idea’s, especially the fight idea!!

Ha. A….orange insides fight. “That sounds...ridiculously charming, Leesha,” and gross.

SPOILER!!: Hadleigh
Originally Posted by Kolyander View Post
Removing the blindfold from her eyes with her clean hand and setting it aside she realized she was indeed correct in her guess. It also helped that Paul had already told them what it was. Hady gave her hand a small shake or two of the bowl to get some of the slimy goo off her fingers. Really it was no use the stuff wouldn't just come off so easily, she already knew that. No point in even bothering until after the lesson.

Giant pumpkins?

Hady shifted her attention towards the side of the greenhouse where the professor had disappeared to. Whoa that was some huge pumpkin! Which only meant even more pumpkin guts.

How did you tell an engorged pumpkin from a giant one? Shape was all she could think of. "I would have to agree with everyone else and say shape professor. As for what we can do with all the pumpkin later on there's tons. All the cooking recipes we can use them in or crafting ideas," she commented raising her hand. There was lots of things it all could be used for.

Shape. They all wanted to focus on shape, but there was SO MUCH more!

SPOILER!!: Charlotte
Originally Posted by Tegz View Post
Charlotte, not being a dancer, settled for stalking in dramatically and being the DAAARK SWAN by SHEER FORCE OF WILL alone. She had to try and play the part a bit of course, to do being Liv's other half in this costume pairing any justice.

She was far too intent on staring around all dramatically and dark-swan-y with her fancy make up to pay attention to doing the touch and guess thing though! BUT she SMELLED pumpkin for sure. It totally had a smell.

How do you tell the difference? Char's hand went up and she answered cheerfully, "Well a bred pumpkin is going to be more stable right? Its not like the charm will wear off and it'll shrink down again like it could if it was engorged! And if you cast finite on a bred pumpkin there wouldn't be any spells to end! Also, wouldn't the bred pumpkin have more calories? Because the whole thing would have nutritional value and be edible and everything, while the engorged pumpkin would keep the same nutritional value that it had in its smaller form?" Because you couldn't just MAKE food with magic after all. It wasn't quite the same as the conjuring laws but it still applied.

And.... taking that into consideration Char added, "And because the nutritional value is different.... would that mean there might be different kinds of bugs or critters that would be interested in it? Like.... say you put an engorged pumpkin and a bred giant pumpkin together, maybe they'd pick the bred one cos its better for them?"


"OOooh and could we make a giant pumpkin FORT?"

He was also unsurprised to see that Charlotte Kettleburn had a lot to say about this; the girl always seemed to have a lot to say. Not that this was necessarily a bad thing. “Yes, everything you said was correct, Miss Kettleburn--” he smiled. “But I was more thinking of PHYSICAL things you can see. However, I hadn’t specified, so--” he waved his hand. She was right, after all.

Originally Posted by Expecto-Penguin View Post
Colt figured his answer was right because come on it was about pumpkins and it all dealt with Halloween. He liked Meyers enthusiasm thought. He seemed to enjoy this holiday. He heard his next question that got him thinking about the spell Engorgio. Well that spell was make to things bigger in size. How could a wizard tell when the pumpkin was enlarged to when it was meant to be bred that big. Colt was going through his thoughts and was tapping his quill in thought. He honestly had no idea. He raised his hand and gave his assumption. "Well Professor I assume the engorgio charm makes the pumpkin looked like it is swelled up. So you can sometimes tell when it was forced to grow? Alongside with a pumpkin that looks like it was meant to be big. It doesn't look so stretched out." There that was enough from his participation.

He heard his second question and what could they do with all the pumpkins afterwards. Well he could give it to the animals. I mean they would love the pumpkin guts. He heard the hufflepuff say the answer about using it in soups and pies and he went with his. No sense in repeating.

HMMM. “WELLLLLL Mr. Winchester, you are CERTAINLY onto something, yes! Take a point!” he winked at the boy.

SPOILER!!: Harvey
Originally Posted by Paintbrush View Post
Harvey took the blindfold off. Hmm. Pumpkins. Of course.

"Would their texture be different, inside, or something? If something's enlarged then everything about it would look magnified, like the seeds or something, if it's bred giant then the inside would be the same size as normal but there'd be... more of it?" he ventured.

And what could they possibly do with that many pumpkins?

"A cooking class?" he asked, half-joking, half-serious. He liked trying new stuff. It would be cool to see what kind of recipes everyone could come up with for pumpkin related things...

Cooking class sounded either like it’d be stupendous fun or a complete disaster, depending on which students attended.

“Ooohhh very good, Harvey, yes! Magnified vss multiplied.” He nodded. It was something he hadn’t actually thought about, but it was true, yes! “Take a point for your out the box thinking!”

SPOILER!!: Tencaius
Originally Posted by Steelsheen View Post
So he got it right? He got it right! And look Halloween candy straight ahead. Gimme gimme gimme!

And how can they tell the difference between the two ways to pumpkin grande? Well he wasnt sure himself, but he's gonna venture a guess anyway "Sir perhaps engorgio'd pumpkins looks like they were forcibly stretched? And perhaps are lighter in weight? Because they're little but the spell makes them bigger than they originally should be? While giant pumpkins that are grown arent like this, they've had time to grow and really fill out and really pile on the mass, so they're more solid, heavier yeah?"

Oh and what can they use these pumpkin guts for? "Lotsa food Professor!" just as he thought of earlier "Also all sorts of beauty and hygiene things like scrubs and stuff. I see them things from my Grandma."

And speaking of other uses for giant pumpkins "Professor would you know of a spell that can make a pumpkin into a carriage? Because apparently that can be done." Bippity boppity boop?

Another stretch answer! “Yes, yes, very good, Tenacius! So what you’re saying is the DENSITY would be different, yes?” This was all getting very sciency and giving Paul the excited wiggles. “Take a point as well!”

Also…….a carriage? Was this a fairy tale reference? “I am afraid I know of no such spell, but I can certainly look into it.” Wouldn’t THAT be a sight.

Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post
Hmm he must not have heard her question about the seeds. Well maybe she'd just ask him after class. Her eyes went back to him as he talked about what they would be doing today. Giant pumpkins? That was a bit interesting and even though it wasn't magical plants it was still cool. Her eyes glanced at Tim and she smiled. They had a pumpkin finding tradition and this just went perfectly with it. Though it wasn't them going to sneak and find them, but hey it was still going to be fun.

"Professor I don't know for sure on the outside, but if you open it up you could really tell what it is. A pumpkin made huge by magic would make the inside huge with magic. It would keep the same amount of seeds, but they would grow to. So they seeds would be huge. In a pumpkin that was bred to be big the inside would have the same size as normal pumpkins, but with growing bigger there could be more seeds in the bred pumpkin." She couldn't even imagine the amount of pumpkin seeds one could bake from those pumpkins.

"I like the idea of craving them professor. We could carve them and then put them around the castle to help decorate for Halloween. " Though she liked the baking idea to, they could do lots of baking and have it for the Halloween feast.

Paul liked how people kept mentioning the INSIDES of pumpkins in their answers; it was so interesting! And he honestly hadn’t expected it! It was delightful! “Yes yes, very good, Nat! Take a point for creativity!”

“Yes, but what about the GOOPY insides?
” He wasn’t as worried about the outsides of the pumpkin. He could chop those up for his compost.

Originally Posted by SarcasticStrawberry View Post
Pumpkins..... The or one of the best things she loved about Fall, Halloween and October. There was pumpkin spice things everywhere. Pumpkin spice everything. Kat loved it. Scented candles, pies, roasted seeds, Jack-o-lanterns, she really could go on and on about everything

Katerina thought about the questions. "The size and shape? You can engorge it and make it whatever size you want, yes? I have a question, Do the seeds also engorge when you engorge it?" Could you imagine pumpkin seeds the size of the palm of your hand.

"We could make pumpkin pies, and roast the seeds." Roasted pumpkin seeds were the best. Yum yum.

Paul smiled at her question. “Yes, the seeds would be engorged, Miss Delgado.” He had never heard of roasting pumpkin seeds….he wondered what the point of that was. Then again, he hadn’t much experience with pumpkins in the cooking field in general.

Originally Posted by Suziella View Post
Juno was glad to know that the stuff in the bowl was just pumpkin guts....because it had been worms she would be out of this dino suit running around trying to find a hose to clean off with...or running towards the Lake.

That being said, Juno pulled her arm back inside the giant Dino suit, that no one had seemed to notice yet, and used a cleaning spell to clean off her arm. She then stuffed it back into the proper arm hole of her suit.

She pretty much agreed with what everyone was saying, but raised her hand, as much as she could, anyway, "Sir, I agree with all the answers. The shape, texture, and nutritional value would all be different. And if you cast a finite spell, like Charlotte said, the engorged pumpkin would shrink back to it's normal size," She paused in thought, "Oh We could make pumpkin cupcakes or pumpkin bread or....really anything out of it that the whole school would probably enjoy. That is a huge pumpkin!" She said waving her dino arms about.

The dinosaur suit was too much for Paul to handle right now. He was chortling too much at her to really pay attention to her answer……..


SPOILER!!: Katherine
Originally Posted by Cassirin View Post
She did trust him, oddly, but only because it was hard for cheeseburgers to be sneaky. Like... she could practically smell the pickle slices on him, y'know?

She was intrigued by the giant pumpkins, especially with questions coming fast and furious from her classmates about carriages and pumpkin forts and pie. Especially the pie.

At his question, Katy raise her hand. "Professor? I bet you can tell the difference on the inside. 'Cause the engorged pumpkin will have everything made bigger, but the insides will be the same size as normal but in EXCESS in a bred pumpkin." Nod nod nod.

Ooohhh and it seemed Miss Toussaint was on the right track, too! All of his students were answering so brilliantly--”Take a point, Katherine!” Creativity and all that jazz.

SPOILER!!: Azura
Originally Posted by FwooperOnYourLeft View Post
So she had been mostly right, pumpkin seeds was part of pumpkin guts. So woo?

Azura took off her blindfold and took her hand out of her bowl and then subtly cleaned her hand with her wand. She didn't want to get her dress dirty! Or her gloves.

She looked up at Professor Meyers as he spoke again and she looked around as everyone seemed to give the same answer.. so she didn't bother repeating it.. instead she just made a menta note before He asked what they should do with all the leftover pumpkins..

A maze would have been cool, as would have been using them for baking.. but again, everyone was saying that.. so.. she kept quiet again.. she wasn't one to repeat stuff.

Azura was quiet on this question? Paul plopped a piece of candy on her desk for encouragement! Maybe he mistook her silence for nervousness.

Originally Posted by Govoni View Post
... And of course, Olivia was SO happy and excited to be doing this with Char. They'd not gotten a chance to do much together lately, given how busy school seemed to be this term. There was simply a lot to do and so much to be apart of... IN A GOOD WAY, of course!

Taking in her friend's performance, however, Liv wanted to clap her on the back and shout BRAVA! in a very obnoxious OLIVIA!way, but this was impossible as they were in the middle of class. AFTERWARDS! After the lesson, they would flail and talk about it.


To be honest, Olivia had no idea about differences in pumpkins and how to tell one from the other, but she DID know that this particular pumpkin was big enough to make A TON of pumpkin pies. As well as whatever other type of pumpkin-based food one might be interested in... And that thought alone got her thinking about the less fortunate and people who were probably going hungry in other parts of the world...

Heh, she'd been forced to volunteer this summer at a food bank. So, the experience was still fresh in her mind. "Professor, is there some way we could donate all the extra to someone in need?" It might be a stretch to send this stuff internationally, but locally? Maybe Hogsmeade? Diagon Alley?

What about muggles? They had loads of poor people. "It just seems kinda irresponsible... and a waste for us to keep it all when we have so much." Oh, if her mum could hear her now...

Also... Someone had just mentioned a carriage. A PUMPKIN carriage.

Why hadn't her mind IMMEDIATELY flown to Disney related things?!

Could she have one of the rinds afterwards? To play with?

D’awww. Wasn’t this...just simply...adorable? Paul couldn’t help smiling...widely. “I...I can look into something, MIss Phillips, sure. That is just--the sweetest answer--Oh--I want to give you a point for being so KIND--” and he would, but he just sighed and pressed his hands over his heart.

“Oh you know what? A point for everyone who spoke up! You all were wonderful and brilliant and creative!” Sigh. Wasn’t he just the luckiest man in all the WORLD to have students such as these? He wished he could bottle this feeling right NOW and unbottle it possibly tomorrow when someone (a student) plagued him for whatever reason. That student was probably Kaycee.

Could they TELLLLLL he was in the HOLIDAY SPIRIT?

“Okay! So, a lot of you brought up good points. The shapes would be different, the INSIDES would be different...the textures, the nutritional stuff….all of it. VERY VERY keen observtions.” He grinned and bounced on the balls of his feet. “And two of you mentioned STREEEETCHING.” He patted the enormous pumpkin next to him. “This one here is one BRED To be large. As you can see--” he traced his thumb over one of the ridges on the pumpkin’s side. “It has a LOT of them….because it is a LARGE pumpkin by nature. Just as a few of you mentioned the seeds in the inside being more in a naturally bred pumpkin--same goes for the ridges. In one charmed to be big, the ridges wouldn’t be MORE--they’d just be larger, stretched out.” He nodded. “And to...more to be silly than anything, we’ll move on to our next small activity before the BIG one.”

He paused in case he was talking just too quickly, which was likely. “There are normal sized pumpkins located in bins behind you all--if you would all go grab one, I will be handing out MARKERS to you all.” He grinned and levitated about a dozen tins of colored markers. “To demonstrate what I mean about the lines and whatnot--I’d like you all to draw a face on your pumpkin and then engorgio them! Easy enough, right? And you can keep know, when you’ve gotten them back to their normal size.”

Paul would working on one, too. “And I can answer any and all pumpkin questions while you all work!” Because that was his job. Yep. He got to levitating a tin of markers on each table for the students to share.

OOC: WOW that was a fun batch to reply to xD Thanks for being entertaining and awesome, dudes. I'm having a pretty busy week with school, so I've noticed all my replies are reaaaaally late, so I'm expecting to be moving on around the same time tomorrow. KETCHUP POSTS ALLOWED <3 Mwah!
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."

Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
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