A Poop * k8 *
Paul was delighted that many of them knew JUST what it was----PUMPKINS! “Very GOOD! Most of you got it right--though, others of you were very creative with your answers, which I enjoyed, so--” BRAINS. INTESTINES. How silly! But they got more candy. Paul was throwing MORE candy at them. Maybe Paul himself had eaten too much >.> “But today we are not going to focus on just ANY sort of pumpkins. We’re going to focus on GIANT PUMPKINS.” Paul jetted, suddenly disappearing to the side of Greenhouse Three and, for dramatic effect, pushed it out from the side of the greenhouse to the front of the blackboard, where the class could see it. It was enormous. Taller than Paul, to be sure, and very VERY orange. “We’ll talk about them BRIEFLY before moving on to the fun part of the lesson!” He grinned. “Now, when it comes to giant pumpkins, there’s two main ways to get giant pumpkins.” He paused, so everyone could start PAYING ATTENTION. “One...is to engorge them with the spell. Engorgio…” he smiled. “The second way...is to breed them that way.” “How do you tell the difference between a pumpkin who has been enlarged with a charm from a pumpkin BRED to be giant?” he asked, eyes twinkling.
Also, he should add, "In addition to all that, if anyone has ANY ideas what we can do with all this PUMPKIN when we're finished let me know, because we're only going to accumulate more by the end of the lesson." OOC: moving on at some point tomorrow NOT EVEN SURE WHEN because another busy day <3 Happy posting! Love y'all!
__________________ "You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough." 
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin |