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Old 09-15-2016, 05:26 PM   #112 (permalink)
Nordic Witch

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Join Date: Sep 2005
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Posts: 14,115

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Rose Snakebark
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
JT Forsfelle
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Ariadne Rose
Third Year

Ministry Department Head:
Violet Fawley
Ecological Protection
Swedishfish Girl! Madame Librarian! Jess's Soul Sister! Sweetest Swede!

SPOILER!!: Individual student responses

Originally Posted by FwooperOnYourLeft View Post
It almost sounded like tea leaf reading, but she wasn't going to say THAT again.. So instead she raised her hand. "Professor, this method sounds similar to molten lead divination, where people read the shapes the lead forms as it cools." She said with a warm smile as she nodded..
Turning her gaze to the eagle girl Laurel said "Very good Azura , it's interesting that you brought up just that method but you are of course correct too. Molten lead divination is similar to how we will work with our eggs."

Originally Posted by PhoenixRising View Post
Now what about that egg white shape ?? Sky took a bite of her egg taco as she studied the glass and then turned to look at the professor . Similar methods?? "Uh we kinda have to interpret shapes with tea leaves ?"
Glancing over at Skylar she nodded encouragingly. "Yes, how you interpret the shapes tea leaves makes is very similar to Ovomancy." It was the easiest method to think of Laurel realized since it was so widely used.

Originally Posted by PuppySara View Post
Snacking in class! Now that was something Philipe was perfectly fine with. Oh.. um... What was similar? He tried to think and looked a the professor, "Isn't this similar to Molybdomancy?" He went up and got a cup and quickly poured some water into it then grabbed a tea bag before going back to his seat. He paused about halfway realizing he'd forgotten his egg.
Looking over at the badger that spoke next Laurel smiled "Yes, Molybdomancy, eg divination with molten metal is very similar to ovomancy."

Originally Posted by SarcasticStrawberry View Post
"What about gastromancy?' She asked, or while that was her answer to the question from the professor. In ended up being more of her asking a question. Gastromancy was divinationing by using sounds coming from the stomach, she knew this from her mother picking on Phillip about getting off gas. And eggs was a gassy food.
"Gastromancy is not exactly similar since then you listen to sounds coming from your stomach while ovomancy is looking at shapes an egg makes in the water. Good guess though." Laurel said to Katerina.

Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Back in her seat, and trying not to stare too much at the back of Charlotte's head, Paige found a little spark of confidence to respond to Professor Vance's inquiry. "It can be combined with tasseoggraphy," she repeated, echoing her own thoughts and the very words the woman had spoken to her only a few minutes prior.
Next person to speak up was Paige echoing some of her peers. Smiling Laurel agreed with her "Ovomancy can certainly be combined with and is similar to tasseography."

Originally Posted by Yourenodaisy View Post
That thought sent another pang of hurt through her, and she moved her chair around to face away from her friend. "Professor," She said raising her hand. "it kinda reminds me of seeing shapes in clouds, or when sometimes on the news they report about seeing famous people in burnt toast or some other food."
"Oh clouds is a good similarity since they can take shapes too. I haven't read any reports about people appearing in toast though." Laurel answered a little confused. Was that common?

Originally Posted by Paintbrush View Post
Tea! Harvey loved tea. It was almost as good as hot chocolate.
"What about Tessomancy?" he asked as he sat down ad took a sip of tea. Black. He liked it black.
"Yes Harvey Tessomancy is similar to Ovomancy since in both methods you interpret shapes." Laurel responded.

Originally Posted by HaRoHeGiNeLu View Post
So...egg shapes could tell the future? Or...something? That was new to her. She thought for a moment as she took back her seat. "Like stars?" she ventured a guess. Because didn't they find shapes in stars? Constellations? Didn't that have to do with telling the future?
"Stars or do mean constellations? Constellations can take on shapes just like our eggs will do in a bit." Laurel smiled.

Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post
He wasn't particularly sure about anything related to egg reading either but he did have a few questions of his own. "Wouldn't you think it's also possible that the predictions simply lead to self fulfilling prophecies, Professor? I mean, it's not like the future's set in stone. Nothing's already been decided for sure. I sometimes think people bring things on themselves, like if someone says you'll trip then you spend the day focusing on your feet and before you know it, you're stumbling all over the place."
"I believe some people turn to it for comfort. When they're unsure, they'd like to think someone else is--especially when the prediction is a promising one."
Blaise. Turning to the lion who answered her question by asking her questions of his own. Placing her hands in her lap Laurel responded thoughtfully. "It's individual but yes predictions can sometimes lead to self-fulfilling prophecies in some cases but not always. The future isn't set in stone which i actually think is good because then we can impact it with our choices."

Nodding Laurel said "Divination can be a comfort for some yes, something to hold on to or look towards. It's not a bad thing if Divination can make a dark day for someone become brighter by something we predict."

Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom View Post
As she prepared herself a little snack, she raised her hand to answer the professor's question. She seemed nice - Scarlett was still withholding judgement until they actually got to reading these eggs.
"There's Favomancy. It's divination using beans. You could prepare yourself a nice meal of eggs and beans," she told her with a grin.
"Good Scarlett. I hadn't even considered Favomancy. Its is though very similar to Ovomancy since in it you interpret the shapes bean makes when they fall." Laurel responded.

Originally Posted by Steelsheen View Post
But then there was something more important that has taken the Curly Top's attention-- they wuz gonna be eatin! Oh yeah he got way more interested in this activity now. They had tea and toast and bread... suddenly this place really did feel like a tea shop. But Tenacius has another recipe brewing in his head, as always "Professor do we have any milk? And perhaps some sugar or honey and cinnamon? If we're not gonna be using the yolk for this session, I could make some simple eggnog." Waste not want not right?
Tenacious wish for ingredients bewildered her just a little. "Um, look in the cupboards. Most of the spices and deary products can be found in there if I've stocked it." Eggnog Laurel thought was an adult beverage more than something for children.

Originally Posted by Callie View Post
Hadley considered the question. "Tea reading is similar. And it can probably be combined with it too..." She shrugged and made a face at the thought of tea reading again. [/COLOR]
A few more answers then she was moving on. Shooting Hadley a warm glance Laurel affirmed "Yes Tea reading is very similar and can be combined with Ovomancy too." If you wanted to get a more accurate reading of your future.

Originally Posted by OnceUponAStar View Post
Ashwin sat near the back and scribbled his name and information as instructed on a piece of parchment.
He listened to everyone's answers and quickly gave his. "Haruspicy is a form a divination. Isn't it kinda similar ta ovomancy? Yer kinda lookin' at the insides fer interpretation." Alright, it wasn't the best answer, but all the normal sounding ones seemed to be taken.
Another badger ventured a guess. Looking over at him she said after a quick glance at his nameplate. "Good Ashwin. Haruspicy is similar since the organs of our body also has shapes just like the eggs form."

Originally Posted by Roselyn View Post

Lance got himself a good helping of those and a piece of bread before heading back to his seat, skipping on the tea because ew. "You can use other foods in divination too?" He asked as he loosened his tie a bit. The warmth in here was starting to get to him.
But someone had mentioned beans, didn't they?!
The last boy she turned to was Lancelot again with a nod. "Yes, other foods can be used in divination too like beans, figs, cookies, cakes and onion sprouts to name a few."

Beaming around Laurel said "You've all made good guesses. Tasseography is the though the method most people would combine with Ovomancy for a more accurate prediction but any of the others mention would work too."

Deeming that it was time to move on Laurel walked over to her big kettle and called out "Everyone gather around, so I can demonstrate what you are doing to do." When the students had gathered around her she took an egg from the basket left by Nimma, cracked the shell in two and then she separated the egg white from the yellow. "We are going to solely be working with the egg whites today so make sure you separate the white fully from the yellow. When you have done that you drop the egg white into the hot water and watch carefully what shapes the egg forms on the hot water surface." Doing just that Laurel watched as her egg shaped itself into what she could only interpret as an apple. "Look students my egg shaped itself into the form of an apple. If I look in my textbook then I can see that an apple predicts that I will have good health and fortune in my life."

Stepping away from the kettle to open the cupboards Laurel said "I now want you all to partner up and practice Ovomancy and predicting your futures by looking at the shapes your eggs make in the water. We've got plenty of eggs and lots of hot water and kettles you can take to your tables so don't be grumpy if you lose an egg or you can't make out a shape. Just take a new egg and try again."

OOC: Let's practice Ovomancy.Minimum post requirement is 4 posts for full credit. You have until Sunday 18 Sep to complete the activity. The steps to follow is: separating the egg white from the yellow, dropping the egg white into the hot water, interpreting the shapes they make and finding the meanings in your textbook/using the website provided.

Partnering up is fun so please do that if it works with your daily schedules but you can do it on your own too! Have fun with it! Be creative. Be silly. If you have any questions for Laurel then say so in your post titles or I might miss it.
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