Originally Posted by
Saz Hale
Kimi entered the classroom after climbing up the ladder and stopping to say "Hello Professor" Kimi made his way to a seat at the front of the class and used the parchment to write down his details.
Laurel was making her last preparations for the class when the first student arrived.
"Good afternoon Kimi," she greeted the hufflepuff with a smile.
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So, pink robes and all, he entered the Divination Tower. He had actually managed to get here in good time because he hadn't got lost (first time!). So it was that he was one of the first ones to arrive. It would be awkward to not sit next to the only other person in the room, so Finn strode over to a young Hufflepuff and took a seat.
"Hi, my name's Finnlay. Finn for short."
Before he had a chance to forget, he took out his quill and wrote out the information the professor had requested on both sides, folded it up, and made it stand on the front of the table next to the other boy's. Too bad he couldn't see it.
And of course, he gave a polite nod to the professor. Didn't want to disturb her aura or anything by talking to her. If that's even how any of this worked.
Nodding to the next boy that walked in she murmured
"Good afternoon Finnlay." even if he hadn't addressed her.
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Making his way inside, he greeted the professor with a wide grin "Hello, Professor Vance. Lovely day..." he is in a pink colored outfit and she is too. It's probably for the best but Sean doesn't like it one bit. He sat down and filled in a small parchment.
It was hard not to grin back at the boy that followed grinning too.
"Good afternoon Sean. It is indeed a lovely day, perfect for divining." Quote:
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Blinking away the tears that formed in the corner of his eyes, Jace stood straighter and inclined his head towards the professor. “Konnichiwa, Vance-sensei.” Jace then sat next to a Hufflepuff first year (Kimi), gave him a grin and a nod of his head, and wrote down his name plate as instructed:
Laurel was not used to the Japanese way of greeting so she simply smiled saying with a glance at his nameplate.
"Good afternoon Jace." Quote:
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[FONT="Century Gothic"]
"Good afternoon, Professor Vance." The lion all but choked, finding himself once again greeted by the strong scents that circulated the room. How was this still okay, a month into teaching? How had they not all been admitted to the Hospital Wing with respiratory problems? "Is it possible for us to crack open a window...or three?" Please? Strong scents bothered him and messed with his concentration.
Laurel wasn't unmoved by the student reactions to the heavy smell and heat in her classroom. So when Blaise addressed her and asked if they could crack open some windows she said with nod at him.
"Good afternoon Blaise, yes you have my permission to crack open a few windows. I expect you to close the windows if some of your peers starts complaining that its gotten too cold." He was old enough to take responsibility right?
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Strutting into the classroom (AFTER CLIMBING A MILLION STAIRS, GOSH PEOPLE, YOU TRYING TO KILL US?!), Liv held her head high! "Good afternoon, Professor." After the greeting, she flounced her way towards a seat and parked herself, getting her nametag in order.
The next girl to come into the classroom had taken the pink to a new level. She had even gone so far as to make the hood of her robes pink.
"Good afternoon Olivia," Professor Vance greeted with a cheery smile.
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Nimma appeared next to Professor Vance and slowly, nervously tugged on the Professor's robes to be noticed. Nimma would have to punish herself for such forwardness later. "Nimma is here, as Mistress asked."
She held up a basket of eggs. Nimma did good?
Nimma looked around wide-eyed at everyone's uniforms. "Why are studentsies pink?"
Laurel was looking at her watch to see how many minutes to wait before she got started when a loud pop was heard by her side and next minute an elf was tugging at her robes. Lowering her gaze to meet Nimma's eyes she beamed warmly as she accepted the basket full of eggs.
"Thank you Nimma. You did very good."
She was about to put away the basket of eggs when Nimma asked her a question. Shrugging Laurel said to the little elf.
"I was informed that there had been an incident in the laundry room causing everyone's washed robes to now be pink so that's why we all look like this." Laurel was not going to guess. It was the headmasters job to investigate.
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"Hey, Professor Vance! Did you see me coming?" Oh, she wasn't teasing the professor, not really. No. Hadley was just intensely curious about how often and how well the gift of foresight worked. Immensely curious. No assigned seating. That's one thing she loved about Hogwarts. No assigned seating. Though glancing around she only saw a few faces she knew and could tolerate, so it didn't leave her many options.
Laurel had just put away the egg basket on a table and turned back towards the student tables when another student addressed her. Smiling she said
"Good afternoon Hadley, yes as a matter of fact I knew you were coming to my class." Not the exact minute or so but she knew to expect her.
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It certainly wasn't helping her headache out at all. That was for sure. She managed a smile as she looked over at the Profesor. "Hello Professor. " She said with a nod as she looked around and found Jace she settled down next to him with a soft sigh and smile before looking down at her parchment and then writing on it.
"Hello Azura," Laurel greeted the young girl as she made her way to a seat.
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Turning and noticing all the pink she kind of giggled, "Pink looks good on some of you, but you do know there is a charm to fix it?" Seeing an elf near the professor she chuckled, "One of the elves get a red sock stuck in the laundry with the robes?" Though with black it shouldn't have turned pink.
"Hello Professor" giving her a smile she found a seat at one of the round tables.
The senior girl that followed the younger one was not wearing pink robes. She had charmed hers back to black by casting a spell. Laurel nodded to her.
"Hello Natalia." She wasn't going to comment on the colour of the girls robes. She had used her magic to aid her as any sensible student should do.
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Though seconds later, it was a lot less of a strut and more of a hunched back wobble. The amount of perfume in the room was going to make him sneeze.
"Gud aternun," he managed to get out as he passed the professor, pink uniform clad arm raised to his nose in case the sneeze finally decided to make an appearance. Which it DIDN'T. All he got was a burning sensation which made his eyes water..
"Good afternoon Lancelot." Laurel greeted the boy.
"Do you need a handkerchief?" Because he looked ready to blow off a sneeze at any minute.
Originally Posted by
Devina Wellheart
Miranda climbed the ladder into the Divination classroom and had a peek about as she push up the hatch. ' What in Merlin's name was up with this atmoshere?"
"Hello Miranda." Laurel called over after a glance at the badgers name plate.
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"Heya Professor Vance... you too huh?" of course he'd think her clothes got affected in the wash just like their robes have.
And find a seat he does. Oh look the Dazzling Denaker is there, and even rocked the pink look with her hair. He goes to join her and another young Ravenclaw student "Heya Hadz! Hey..... Finnlay" seems like these nameplates is just as beneficial to students as they are to the professor.
Nodding to the boy that spoke to her next she said simply.
"Hello Tenacious, yes, my robes were in the wash too." But Laurel could wear pink on other days too. It was a nice colour.
Originally Posted by
Holmesian Feline
At least divination class was the lesson for the day. Some might say it seemed fitting to have the crazy robes in the class. It certainly seemed to blend right into the reddish light of the tower classroom as she climbed the last few steps inside. And look…the professor even matched them. “Hello Professor,” Cassie greeted before reading the blackboard for any possible instructions. With no assigned seats, the third year moved to take an armed chair near a window as her seat. Setting quill to paper as she prepared herself for the lesson.
"Good afternoon Cassandra." Laurel greeted the next girl to climb up through the trapdoor and find herself a seat.
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Lucy entered the class and was immediately overcome by the heat. She was already unfastening her robe before she even made it halfway across the classroom to check the board. No assigned seats. Good.
She meandered over to one, rolled her robes into a ball and threw it beside her seat. She threw her hair up and rolled up her shirt sleeves. She sighed and filled out her nameplate.
Laurel watched as another girl entered without a word to her, to find herself a seat and pull off her robes to manage the heat she supposed. She shot the girl a kind nod.
"Hello Lucy." Quote:
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Today, in another day of Cornelius Orion Baltazar's life, he was wearing PINK. His robes had been dropped off as usual but...in PINK. He was baffled to say the leas, but considering he didn't have clean ones to wear (he wanted to be clean for miss professor blondie) he sufficed with wearing this.
"Lovely day to you, Professor. How do you do?" He was ever so polite.
The next boy to arrive was according to his name a polite Slytherin.
"Hello Cornelius," Laurel greeted with a cheery smile.
"I'm quite good, thank you for asking. How are you?" Quote:
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Echo had almost had a coughing fit as soon as she walked into the room.. Geeez so many scents such a little space... could someone possibly open up a window.... she couldnt breath..... not to mention everyone was wearing pink just like she was.. She was so going to write to her parents about this... these house elfs or who ever messed up her clothes so badly.
"*cough.... cough*** hiii Professor" she said inbetween her coughs as she went to a desk and wrote her name tag.
The coughing girl knowm as Echo got a nod and a simple
"Good afternoon Echo." before she turned to the next arrival, stealing another glance at her watch.
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Heading up into the tower, She poke her head in before walking into the classroom. Seeing all the pink, and the Professor, she smiled. "Good morning Professor Vance."[/b] She walked on pass the professor and heading up to a seat. Spotting a empty seat right next to Cornelius she grinned. "Hello Curly." Sitting next to him. She liked having all of these classes with him so that they could sit together. She wrote her name on her name tag.
Raising a brow at the badger that addressed her next Laurel said
"It's good afternoon to you too Katerina." It was after all well after lunch not after breakfast.
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So there she was, strutting in the class like the queen that she was, a smirk fixed permanently onto the beauty that was her face. "Good morning, Professor. . . Whatever." She said with a curt nod of acknowledgement. It wasn't like she knew any of these new peasants.
The next student to arrive caught her full attention. She did not take disrespect in her classroom. Eyeing the girl from her old house she said curtly.
"Ms Stevents, you will apologize to me right now and properly address me as Professor Vance or I will take 5 points from Slytherin house for disrespect. I will not tolerate sass in my classroom." Quote:
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There was a lot of dramatic coughing. A LOT of it. He didn't like enclosed spaces and he did not like strong smells.
"Professor...". Cue dramatic cough.
This was a lot of strong smells, and though he was being dramatic at the moment, he was uncomfortable with it. He climbed up the ladder after Phillip and plopped unto the seat, at the table where Blaise was sitting. He noticed at his cousin had opted out of wearing robes all together. He however just charmed his black.
Turning her attention away from the sassy girl Laurel's eyes fell on another boy that walked in coughing.
"Good afternoon Bentley." She greeted quietly.
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For now she just entered the classroom, looking more grim than ever because she wore PINK clothes! Pink!? She really hated that color, it was too girly and she had started to dislike that same color while wearing it that day. "Hello Professor" she said, still looking sour while walking to a seat as far in the back of the room, hoping to keep out of the teacher's direct view.
Sighing she folded her arms and waited for this o so boring and totally NOT interesting class to start.
The next girl to arrive looked like she had swollen a whole lemon for lunch. As long as she was respectful and followed the rules then Laurel supposed she could continue sulking. She greeted her though with a nod of her head.
"Hello Leesha." Quote:
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Her robes were pink though, thanks to a laundry mishap, which made today's lesson slightly more bearable but she was still not looking forward to it.
"Good afternoon, Professor," Sky greeted politely as she took note of the young professor there. Just because she didn't care for her subject didn't mean the professor was bad, right.
Another snake girl took a seat next to the sulking one. Shooting the girl a kind smile she greeted.
"Good afternoon Skylar." Quote:
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The very grumpy third year shambled into the Divination classroom. She was not happy, not happy at all. She was not a fan of pink, and suddenly her clothes were all pink. The only good thing was that everyone was pink. Maybe the professor would say all their auras were pink or something. The girl looked around the room to find a seat.
Another girl arrived this time a lion that looked awfully grumpy. What happened to her class notice of a positive attitude? Shaking her head Laurel smiled all the same at the girl.
"Hello Samantha." Quote:
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"Good day....Professor Vance," Paige greeted, eyes and tone completely distracted as she finally plopped into her seat. Blue eyes glancing up at the board, Paige blinked several times at the start remembering...but did not question it further than that. Quill out, she set to writing the requested information, again, on a piece of parchment and set it on her table facing the professor.
The next girl to arrive Laurel didn't need a nameplate to remember her name by since they had had a long conversation a few days ago in the quiet of her office.
"Good afternoon Paige." Laurel greeted with a kind smile. It was good that the badger was there despite her feelings towards things.
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Divination.He then saw the Professor upfront and waved. "Hello Professor could you crack open a window? Im sort of sweating.." he said fanning himself. He saw a note and realized the Professor didn't know his name. He scribbled down his info...
Catching another youth's wave Laurel called over
"Hello Colt, you can help Blaise open a few windows, but I expect you to close the windows you open before you leave the classroom." She was not going to do it. It wasn't she that was sweating or feeling uncomfortable.
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The bouncy red headed 2nd year strutted into the room in his pink get up, Helllooooo everyone! He had his handy dose of Chocolate and sugar this morning... did you? "gooooooood lovely morning Professor Vance!!!" He wasn't overly loud, but he was overly large in actions today as he pratically bounced to a choice seat up front. Riiiiiiight in the center. He took the closest available seat while he started on his Nameplate.
The red headed youth that came in next got a long look as Laurel greeted him.
"Good afternoon Landon, did you just wake up from a nap? It's after lunch." Quote:
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Sorry, Professor. He was trying his hardest to get used to the smell but sometimes it was just too strong. Rubbing his nose, he bowed a bit at the woman Professor, "Good afternoon, Professor maam." Nimma was there too! "To you too, Nimma. Good job with the robes." He remarked, winking as he went to find a vacant table. Then wrote down on his name tag as instructed.
Now here was a polite young man Laurel thought when she even got a bow from the badger which in turn got a warm smile from her.
"Hello Owen." Quote:
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She skipped into class and sat down. She didn't mind the heat (colour wasn't the only thing charmed in her robes) but the smell was a little strong. Hadn't anyone ever told the professor that sometimes less was more? Oh well!
"Good afternoon Charlotte." Laurel chirped to the lioness that had skipped in and found a seat.
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"Hello, Professor. You look lovely in Pink." She told the Professor before she went to look for a seat. Oh. Look. Empty seat beside a Ravenclaw (Landon). "Hello." She gave him a small wave before she sat down next to him. "I like how you write your name. Its pretty cool." A bit weird but cool.
Looking down at her attire and then up to meet the young girl's gaze and inclining her slightly in acceptance of the compliment.
"Afternoon Alyce. Thank you for the compliment. You wear your pink uniform for the day well even if it clashes slightly with your lovely red hair." Quote:
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Feeling a bit better that his clothes hadn't become the only victim, the fifth year nodded at the Professor as he spotted her and said a "Hello" as he took out his robe and put it on to match the other kids with the pink.
The boy that followed actually wore his house robes in blue and bronze which first made Laurel think he had escaped the laundry mishap but such was not the case it turned out when the boy donned his pink robes suddenly. Confused Laurel still shot the boy a smile.
"Good day Mason." Quote:
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Not surprisingly, he entered the classroom with a roomful of kids dressed in pink. Silas greeted the divination professor, "Good day Professor Vance, you look lovely in ...uh pink." Yes, cast that charming smile. Good job, Silas. Wait...where was this smell coming from? Silas sniffed the air and couldn't help rubbed his nose. Ooph. Too strong.
Stroking out some blond strands of hair out of her face Laurel smiled broadly-
"Thank you for the compliment Silas. Pink is the new black, havent you heard?" Quote:
Originally Posted by
Jean Granger
Wearing his pink uniform, Carl entered the classroom through the trapdoor. Pink was not his favorite color, but since everybody else's robes were also affected, he guessed him wearing pink would not stand out too much. "Hello, Professor Vance." He said to the Professor (also dressed in pink, he noticed), smiled at his classmates, then made his way to a seat at the side of the room.
Behind the last boy Laurel closed the trapdoor with the use of her wand. Smiling cheerily to the badger she said
"Good afternoon Carl."