Sassenach l theJoff l RoughDough l Aslan l Snidget l My Lord Kate l Dark-Side l BEETSSS l smol George  Spring 2094
4 Years Old For Jess According to what Uncle Archer had told her, Mason knew that whilst Gabby had been pregnant with little Valeria, she had had an incurable case of Sweet Tooth. This was future proven by the fact that she had seen the amount of ice-cream tubs the man lugged home once when Gabby was pregnant again.
That sweet-tooth never left apparently, because standing in front of her, hands placed stubbornly on her little hips, was Leria. Her face was set in grim-determination as she stared up at Mason, pouting at the jar of chocolate-frogs that she held, silently begging to get one.
Last edited by Hiraeth; 09-04-2016 at 08:41 PM.