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Old 08-07-2016, 04:12 AM   #6 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Maximiliano Delgado
Sixth Year

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Browncoat l Extra Syrup l Kita's Strong Confident Other Half l Lemon Patch

Potions Market and Trading
Want to increase your galleons? Why not invest in the Potions Market? Check out the descriptions of the different listed companies and speak to a Goblin about making an investment. The current rates will be available via the Gringotts Financial Times and do not reflect real world stock exchange rates, this is just for fun. To have a portfolio you must have a vault at Gringotts.

The value of each stock is shown in Galleons/Sickles/Knuts, listed in shorthand as ?ʛ/?⸮/?⁂ (which is as close to the canon galleons/sickles/knuts symbols as possible while still being easy to copy and paste on our forums!)

Each stock is listed with a three letter code called a ticker. The ticker code for each stock will be coloured as follows to denote change:
XXX - shares are up
XXX - shares are down
XXX - no change
XXX - new on the market

Stock Indexes
More indexes may be added as the market grows. An index is an indication of the health of the market overall. Usually they are calculated by averaging the share values across a certain section of the market. The current Indexes are listed below.
Laglast 30 - an average of the top 30 stock values
Urkus Index - an average of the middle stocks, the top ten and bottom ten are removed from this calculation.

Potions Market Costs
Cost to establish a new portfolio: 6 galleons
Minimum stock market purchase: 50 shares (+10% handling fees)
Cost to request stock and trading advice: 15 galleons for a one hour session
Cost to employ a broker to sell and trade on your behalf: 20 galleons + 10% of earnings
Potions Market company trade listing application: 580 galleons
Potions Market company trade listing approval fee: 1245 galleons
Potions Market company trade listing annual renewal fee: 1040 galleons

SPOILER!!: ticker codes

Trading Stocks
ASP > Arthur Spurges Potions Corp.
BAR > Barrufio & Sons
BBB > Bott ‘s Bean Business Ltd.
DJP > Dunstan Jerry Productions
EML > E. M. L. Potions Co
FER > Fergus Co
FLE > Fleetwood and Sons
GLA > Glacial Snow Candies Ltd.
GLO > Glossy & Glossy Co.
GSE > GothSaint Enterprises Ltd
KAC > Kaboom Choco Ltd
LPS > London Pumpkins & Sons
MBC > Madam Borboleta Candies Ltd.
MMM > Magi-Me-More Inc
MOL > Moldavite and Glints Ltd
MUR > Murano Potioneering Accessories Co.
QQC > Qizilbash Quality Confectionary
QUE > Queenbee
RBD > Rouster and Burleigh Research Corporation
RWS > Rubens Winikus and Company Inc.
SCP > Scower cleaning products ltd
SCR > Screaming snakes Inc
SEI > Sleakeazy Inc
SEP > Sepphoris Glass Inc.
SWL > Stainwright Ltd
TBL >Tongueburners Ltd
UBB > Ubbly & Ubbly Ltd
WBA >Wakefield Broom Accessories
WEE > Weasley’s Explosive Enterprises
WWI > WonderWitch Inc.

SPOILER!!: company and stock descriptions

Potions Market Company Descriptions
These Descriptions are intended to help you make your initial decision when buying shares in the Potions Market. Of course, this is just an overview, if you want more information you'll have to set an appointment with a Gringotts Broker.

ASP > Arthur Spurges Potions Corp.
Arthur Spurges Potions Corp is a Potions Manufacturing company, not known for any particularly interesting inventions or breakthroughs, but their products are certified and reliable so they manage to break into the top ten stocks quite frequently

BAR > Baruffio & Sons
While Baruffio was known to have been a slouch when it comes to charms, there are certainly plenty of people who swear by Baruffio's Brain Elixir. Allegedly this product will help a Witch or Wizard retain information better and think faster during examinations and other stressful times. Despite several tests proving inconclusive, there are enough believers in this claim that Baruffio and Sons still manage to gain new business, particularly when OWLs and NEWTs are in session.

BBB > Bott ‘s Bean Business Ltd.
Bertie Bott's Every Flavoured beans are still one of the stand out Wizarding candies world wide. Recently the company has been expanding and experimenting with non-edible and medicinal beans, though their candy remains their most popular product, regardless of the flavour.

DJP > Dunstan Jerry Productions
Another standard potion production company, this one specialises in healing potions though recently their contract with St. Mungos was cancelled, the hospital deciding to go with another company instead. DJP do very little marketing, though their products are very good. They are currently examining options in offshore markets.

EML > E. M. L. Potions Co.
E.M.L are best know for their Bundimun Pomade though they produce several other hair products and several effective cleaning products in bulk. In 2045 they had to recall an entire batch of their Pomade because it had a little too much Bundimun and not enough Pomade. It took a while to recover from this though the too-strong Pomade was remarketed as a scouring solution.

FER > Fergus Co
Fergus Fungal Budge is the leading product to combat ringworm of the foot. Fergus company also produces several other anti-fungal products, not just for human use but for magical creatures and magical plants too. All their products come in multiple sizes and come with a money back guarantee.

FLE > Fleetwood and Sons
Fleetwood and Sons are best known for their High-Finish Handle Polish, which is a high quality broom polish that comes standard in many Broomcare servicing kits. They also produce high quality tail twig clippers, magical grip tape, charm renewing oils and other products aimed at professional Quidditch Players.

GLA > Glacial Snow Candies Ltd.
Established in 1908, Glacial Snow Candies Ltd. was once one of the leaders in candy making. With their edible delights, wizards can enjoy the whimsical taste of snowflakes as they eat the sugary confection. In 1943 they invented a new candy, which unfortunately didn’t go over well with the Purebloods. However after some quick work on their part managed to regain some business and the incident was forgotten. Mostly.

GLO > Glossy & Glossy Co.
Glossy & Glossy Co, founded in 1789 by a Witch named Galmour, is a top of the line silver polish company which boasts it’s high sales with fast selling products. Want your silver to smell like any flavor you want, well Glossy’s is for you.

GSE > GothSaint Enterprises Ltd
GothSaint Enterprises produce several medicinal potions exclusively for St Mungos as well as a range of tisanes aimed specifically at pregnant women. Thanks to an exceeddingly well-funded poison research division, their antidotes are particularly effective and they have an ongoing contract with the British and French ministries as an antidote supplier.

KAC > Kaboom Choco Ltd
Kaboom Choco Ltd, established in 1843 by a young wizard who was tired of non exploding bonbons, has grown and flourished, attempting to break into the international market. As it sweeps over the world, the original bonbons remain in Britain, under secret tight security. Watch out for their new flavor coming when you least expect it. Not everyone likes their candy to explode however, and this company doesn't make much else.

LPS > London Pumpkins & Sons
London Pumpkin and Sons is a company that manufactures Pumpkin Juice, the most popular drink amongst young wizards. Founded in 1903, this business has had its ups and down, as well as some rumored goblin interference, which had helped it spring up among the other contenders. They are not the only company which produces and bottles pumpkin juice, but they are the most popular.

MBC > Madam Borboleta Candies Ltd.
Established in 1920, Madam Borboleta Candies Ltd. has since entertained thousands of customers with their fluttery sugar confections, even with their horrible line of taffy, which didn’t go over well. In 2034 they decided to stick to their original recipe. The sugared butterfly wings are their only popular product.

MMM > Magi-Me-More Inc
Magi-Me-More Inc, was founded in 1890. Their lowest point was creating a never-ending pill, which actually decreased magical ability over time rather than increasing it. After a long absence they came back in 1998 with a newer pill one which overthrew their horrid reputation and did exactly what it says on the tin... sort of. Side effects are not

MOL > Moldavite and Glints Ltd
Moldavite and Glints. Need a potion bottled? Well this is the place to go. Established in 1698, Moldavite and Glints has made it their business to give you the best bottling for your potions. In 1800, they almost went bankrupt when it became apparent that one of their employees claimed they had plagiarized his idea. However it was quickly proved otherwise. They also produce standard glass phials of a reasonable quality.

MUR > Murano Potioneering Accessories Co.
Murano Potioneering Accessories Co, established in the late 1800’s specializes in crystal phials, ones that don’t shatter when you drop them. The down fall: corks sticking to the liquid inside. They fixed this problem when they released their latest line of crystal phials and have since flourished. Their crystal phials are top of the line and resistant to most magic.

QQC > Qizilbash Quality Confectionery
Qizilbash Quality Confectionery, a company that makes cauldron cakes thrives to be the best. Their recipe hasn’t changed since they were established in 1709, when two witches decided to go into business together. Now a thriving company, you can find their cakes all over the Wizarding World.

QUE > Queenbee
Established in 1920, Queenbee has specialized in manufacturing the best Fizzing Whizbees. Changing their secret recipe each year, it’s nearly impossible to know where they’re going next, though they often bring out old recipes for promotional means. Feel like floating, have a whizbee is their motto.

RBD > Rouster and Burleigh Research Corporation
Rouster and Burliegh Research Corporation, a company that does ingredient based research has had hard times since it’s beginning in 1879. They’ve picked up their shoes however and have since become one of the top ten research companies Wizarding world-wide. They provide reports on effects of certain ingredients and will analyse how different potions interact with one another. St Mungos use them exclusively to test how medical potions interact with each other.

RWS > Rubens Winikus and Company Inc.
Rubens Winikus and Company, have a patent on Skele-Gro. It was established in 1689. From the beginning they have prided themselves on giving you the best product needed for your growing-bones-back needs. Skele-Gro may not legally be produced for sale by any other company and thus far, other alternatives have not proved as successful. Aside from their Skele-Gro patent, Rubens Winikus and Company Inc also produce several basic potions.

SCP > Scower cleaning products ltd
While it’s not clearly known when Scower Cleaning products ltd was established everyone agrees that Mrs. Scower’s All-purpose magical mess remover is the best cleaning solution out there. Second best, using your wand. All the products in the line are guaranteed.

SCR > Screaming Snakes Inc
Screaming Snakes is a newer product, specializing in hair potions. It’s not nearly as popular as it should be however, the name scaring off people before they buy it. Perhaps they need to work on the packaging. It is more popular in Canada and Australia than here in Britain, where it is struggling to break into the market.

SEI > Sleakeazy Inc
Sleakeazy Inc, makers of the famous Sleakeazy hair potion was founded in 1799 after the potion was created by accident. It turned out to be a fantastic mistake however and is now one of the most widely used products in the Wizarding World. In 1911, they changed their formula and the results have been unprecedented. Their product is guaranteed.

SEP > Sepphoris Glass Inc.
Sepphoris Glass Inc, a challenger to Moldavite and Glints was established in the early years of the 1800’s. While it’s unclear how they make their products, over the years they’ve had several shady involvements. Their product is of an acceptable quality.

SWL > Stainwright Ltd
Producers of Everklena, which ensures you will need to clean forever, its amazing this company, originally founded by Erica Stainwright, has managed to stay in business. Clever marketing has seen Everklena marketed at those who would use it for pranks or to demonstrate the effectiveness of their own cleaning product and so Stainwright Ltd has managed to stay afloat.

TBL >Tongueburners Ltd
Established in 1869, Tongueburners Ltd is a company which makes Tongue-Splintering Strongmints. While the name itself sounds scary the mafia incident was never proven.

UBB > Ubbly & Ubbly Ltd
Founded in the times of the early dark ages, Ubbly & Ubbly Ltd is known mainly for producing Dr. Ubbly’s Oblivious Unction. Not nearly as popular as he would have liked, with rumors spreading like wildfire of how he came up with the idea, the company still managed to hold on and still has a strong customer base.

WBA >Wakefield Broom Accessories
Have a broom? fly around more than taking the Floo-network? Well the you’ll need Wakefield’s Broom wax. Established in the late 1700’s, Wakefield had prided himself on making the best wax for your broom, keeping the recipe for his wax secret to only those closest to him. He almost lost it during the great fire of 1810, however it became more popular after it proved to be somewhat fire resistant, saving the brooms of several well known Quidditch teams who were visiting London for a conference at the time. The other Wakefield products are slightly less effective but no less popular.

WEE > Weasley’s Explosive Enterprises
Weasley’s Explosive enterprises. Established during He-Who-Must-Not-Be-named's reign of terror, Fred and George Weasley went above and beyond to create this brand of confections and hilarious pranks. Their line of products are still popular today, with new items appearing every so often and always dominating the market.

WWI > WonderWitch Inc.
Established in the same time as the Weasley’s Explosive Enterprises, WonderWitch are a line of Weasley products specifically aimed at witches. Each product is designed to turn girls into giggling ladies, with items such as love potions and pygmy puffs. They’re still extremely popular today and have expanded to include several popular beauty products.

Please PM Tegz if you have a suitable company that you would like to see added to the market and we will discuss further details.
I won't pass up on the danger I'd miss out on the fun _____

______________We'll live while we're young We'll chase down the sun _________________________

Last edited by TeafortheSoul; 08-07-2016 at 05:50 AM.
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