Thread: The Great Lake
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Old 08-01-2016, 11:33 PM   #186 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

Join Date: Oct 2003
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♥Dunkin | Pixie's Precious Pea | kpop goddess | sneaky sounder | forever slytherin♥

Now that his rock was officially a pet... it had to meet Jaemin's other pet. It was a nice day outside, so the small teen headed aaaaaall the way back downstairs and right out the doors, into the warmth of spring. It was nice that it was so warm... it made it more comfortable for him to be outside. He carried his little bear-eared rock to a nice grassy patch and settled down into it, placing the rock carefully in front of him as he laid on his stomach. The grass smelled so nice... he closed his eyes for a minute, just basking in the smell, before remembering that he was very definitely supposed to be doing something right at that moment.

"Gom... you're not my first pet," he murmured, absently touching one of the pipe cleaner ears. "I have a hedgehog named Sniffler. He's been my pet for a while now. I think you'll like him."

It felt weird talking to a rock. Like really weird. But... he talked to plants all the time. So maybe a bit less odd than it could have felt, considering. Jaemin tilted one hip up to have better access to his pocket, reaching into it for the hedgehog that was nestled inside. Sniffler was snuggled up in a little ball, contentedly sleeping before Jaemin very rudely awakened him. The teen gave the hedgehog an apologetic pet as the little thing stared at him owlishly (hedgehoggily?) before being set down in the grass.

"Gom, this is Sniffler. Sniffler... this is Gom. You're both my pets now. Okay? So be nice to each other." The hedgehog waddled closer to the strange rock creature, and sniffed at it curiously. As long as Sniffler was polite, they could just... stay out here and enjoy the nice warm sunshine for little while, like a weird fami- "Sniffler NO."

The hedgehog had apparently decided that he and Gom would NOT be friends. As soon as Jaemin's attention had begun to wander, the prickly little creature had opened up his mouth and chomped down right on one of Gom's little pipecleaner ears. There was a rather strange moment of panic, during which Jaemin bonked Sniffler right on the nose to make him let go, before he remembered that Gom... really couldn't feel the ear nibbling anyway. Making a face, the small Slytherin pushed himself up to his knees and scooped the hedgehog up, stuffing the small ball of spines back into his pocket rather unceremoniously. Sniffler shifted around, clearly indignant about this, but Jaemin just stuck his tongue out at his pocket before picking up Gom again.

"You take a nap, grumpypants," he muttered, very carefully fixing the new little bends in Gom's ear. The googly eyes looked up at him, judging him, and Jaemin sighed. "He'll grow to like you. Don't worry."

He spent a bit more time outside, dozing a bit with the rock on his chest while he laid in the grass. Occasionally the small boy would run one finger along the bear ears, feeling for any more little bends from the hedgehog attack, but he was sure the bear rock was just fine. Its googly eyes seemed to indicate it, after all.
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