1; ♥Dunkin | Pixie's Precious Pea | kpop goddess | sneaky sounder | forever slytherin♥ He had not forgotten about the extra credit assignment. Honest he hadn't. Jaemin had put his still faceless rock on top of his bedside table along with his other belongings, each day looking at it and reminding himself that he needed to work on the project. And each day he had gone to class before crawling back to the Slytherin common room, absolutely exhausted; he had had little energy to spare for his regular assignments, much less the hike up to the lab to make his rock into a pet. So Jaemin had put it off, and put it off, and put it off some more...
... until he realised that the end of the term was looming, and his project was still completely unfinished. Cue a mild meltdown in the second year boys' dorm, and one small thirteen year old rushing up to the highest tower in the school clutching his small, unadorned space rock. He hurried himself inside, found a seat near all the things Flamsteed had put out for them to use, and gently plunked his soon to be faced friend down on the tabletop.
"What do you want to look like?" he murmured, eyes straying to the craft supplies. There were eyes of course, and pipe cleaners... he wrinkled his nose and stood, fetching some of each before returning to the table. Brown pipe cleaners... he absently felt for his wand and set about sticking two of the larger eyes on the place where it seemed the rock's face would be, if rocks had faces regularly. In Airey Flamsteed's world they might, but... not in this one. Permanent sticking charms would keep both eyes in place; Jaemin prodded at them, very obviously pleased with himself for having taught himself that charm in his off-time. It was coming in really useful.
Now that the rock had eyes... Jaemin looked at the pipe cleaners. Arms? Legs? No... those would look silly and just end up getting all bent out of shape and dirty and gross. The small teen picked up one of the pipe cleaners and absently bent it, curling it around his finger until there was a small 'o' off to the side. A mouth, maybe? Did pet rocks need mouths?
Probably not, though the litte circle had given Jaemin another idea. He put the pipe cleaner atop his rock, measuring as best he could, before picking it back up and making another open circle a little ways away from the other. Two little open circles! The Slytherin set the pipe cleaner on top of the rock again, tilting his head and poking his tongue out in focus as he tried to center them juuuuuuuuust riiiiiiight. When he was sure they were where they should be, he lifted up the rock and wrappd the rest of the pipe cleaner around it, twisting the ends together to secure it so it wouldn't fall off.
Now his little rock had eyes, and ears. Little bear ears. Jaemin looked at the rest of the items available for decorating, blinking thoughtfully, before deciding against it. This was good. This was nice enough and he liked it the way it was already. Cradling the rock in his hands, he stood up and, after putting everything back where he had found it, headed out the door.
Pet Rock officially born, yo. |