3 Lovely™ | Captain Hurted | Ariana's Bane | Resident Antagonist | Unparalleled Delight Daxton Prince did not tend to go outside. Generally speaking, he was an indoor person. The outside was bright, usually too loud, often uncomfortable, and always unpredictable. Inside was better, quieter, more easily controlled.
But today, he had ventured out of the castle, and not for anything mandatory or unavoidable. In truth, it was likely obvious to anyone who looked at him that he had not been in direct sunlight for some time given the almost sickly pallor about him. Daxton himself had every intention of getting back inside as soon as possible, but first, it was time to vent some rock-related frustration. While he was at it, he could 'share' with his meteorite one of the things that made Earth so unique, just as the assignment briefing had called for. And what better way than to reintroduce it to Earth's own earth.
Daxton was not barefoot today, but instead wore the boots that he had obtained over a year ago. Big boots... all the better to kick things with. As he walked through the pathways, he slowed to drop his 'pet' rock onto the ground, before immediately giving it an almighty kick, sending the rock socking through the air and landing just a short distance away - Daxton did not pretend to have any sort of athletic skills, kicking or otherwise.
Meandering along at his own pace, Daxton soon reached the rock's position... and proceeded to boot it as hard as possible once again. This time, 'Pebbles' did not lift very far off the ground, but skidded away instead, spinning along the dirt with its felt 'ears' flailing around almost comically. One eye became unstuck and flew off, but Daxton simply stopped to pick it up, intending to re-glue it on later; this tended to happen, what with how aggressive he often got with the rock.
His walk did not take very long, but Daxton got five good kicks out of it, by which point he had tired himself out. At last, he bent down to pick up the battered and beaten up meteorite, giving it a quick once-over to see if there were any other lost 'facial features' that might need replacing. Finding everything else to be in order, Daxton turned back the way he had come and began the long, exhausting walk back to the castle, suddenly feeling as though the rock weighed much more than it ever had before. Idly, he wondered whether he might take the time to visit Airey Flamsteed later; it had been a few days since his last attempt at a provocation, and Daxton was growing more and more bored.
__________________ Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?  You are Chocolate! |