Pet Space Rock Extra Credit Post 3 Teapot Occamy| gryphons&giraffes&goats,OH MY | chaser of the truth | flutifulā§ The lake was one of Penelope's favorite spots for walking her pet rocks, and she liked to think they they enjoyed the walks along the shore of the lake as much as she did. With Luna on the purple leash, Aquila on the Ravenclaw blue leash, and Petra securely fastened to a length of string, Penelope had set out for her routine morning pet rock walk by the lake. It was nice and sunny out, perfect weather for walking. "This is the lake. There are lots of magical creatures that live in it, including a giant squid." That was for Petra, who didn't know about everything at Hogwarts yet. With help from Luna and Aquila, Petra was becoming accustomed to life as a pet rock on Earth at Hogwarts. There were new things to discover and learn about all the time. "Petra, I found you near here on the ground." Penelope pointed to a patch of grass nearby, indicating where she had discovered the meteorite. That had been a fun astronomy lesson.
Last edited by griffin; 07-31-2016 at 11:50 PM.
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