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Old 07-20-2016, 03:01 AM   #29 (permalink)
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Join Date: Oct 2005
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Dhruv Vihaan Khanna

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Aryan Zahid Atreyu-Rehman
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Idris Ace Grunt
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Dynah Aavni Atreyu-Rehman
Seventh Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Krittika Saanvi Joshi
Sixth Year

x12 x12
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

Kay took her eyes off the class for one second to set the model in the center of her desk and when she looked up again, practically a hand from everyone was in the air. Some of them like Charlotte and Arielle looked rather excited. Secretly, she was very, very pleased with these responses. It told her that she had picked a great topic for the lesson. Smiling, she began calling on them individually to give their answers.

SPOILER!!: Naming the Landmark!

Originally Posted by PhoenixRising View Post
When Professor Stewart introduced the lesson. Sky just wanted to be all likei knew it. Cause of the colours and the French braid and really it just made a whole lot of sense.

The first year's hand shot in the air though when she asked about what landmark it was and where it was located. "That would be the Eiffel Tower!", Sky spoke up enthusiastically. A dream of hers to visit there with a significant other; one day.... And she'd leave the where it's located for someone else to answer.
Originally Posted by Saz Hale View Post
Abby knew that landmark and raised her hand and said "That is the Eiffel Tower in Paris" Abby had actually been up the Eiffel Tower many years ago when she was on holiday in France
Originally Posted by littledhampir View Post
Olly had not really noticed any particular change in the decor of the classrooms. Colors were not really things he paid attention to regularly. So he did have any guesses as to the subject of the lesson until class actually started. When he saw the figuring he definitely knew what it was. How could he not? Who would not know the Eiffel Tower when they saw it? "That's the Eiffel Tower," he said. Yes he knew that several other people had already answered the question, but there wasn't much else for him to say. He didn't like to stay quiet.
Originally Posted by FwooperOnYourLeft View Post
Azura's purple eyes went wide as the Professor revealed the replica of the Eiffel Tower!

She had been right!! They were going to study France today and she was mentally flailing because the teen loved France and it was a dream of hers to see the Eiffel Tower!

The Raven haired girl's hand went into the air and she said with a happy smile, "That's the Eiffel Tower! "

Yeah there was slight bouncing going on but for the most part Az was keeping her excitement inwards.

For the most part.
Originally Posted by Eriin View Post
Dora had been WATCHING. Everything and everyone! And Paris. Siiiigh. Her mum had a house in Bergerac and she had spent many a day in Paris over the years. Her 14 year old self had lived life!

Not really.

But there was Char... and she had plopped herself RIGHT NEXT to her friend and even smiled as she spoke. This was a peace offering smile, yes? Did Charlotte see it?

"The Eiffel Tower," she said with a smile. Now focusing on the professor. Her maybe new favorite professor! She had, after all, gotten Wasabi to act like a normal owl... which was QUITE the feat.
Originally Posted by ginnilie View Post
Arielle's eyes lit up even more than they already were when she saw the replica Professor Stewart pulled out. Her excited little hand shot straight up into the air. "That's the Eiffel Tower! It's in Paris, France!" Arielle grew up in France and having a part of her original culture here at Hogwarts made her face beam with light. She knew she was excited for this lesson before it even began, and this? This was something to be excited for.
Originally Posted by Squishy View Post
Yep. Esme was not surprised when it was revealed that the focus of today's lesson was France. She had worked it out as soon as she had seen the flag and was rather excited because she loved the country. This was going to be fun but then Muggle Studies was always a good time.

Raising her hand, she said, "It's the Eiffel Tower and it's in Paris, France!" Who cared if other people had already answered? SHE WAS HAPPY.
Originally Posted by RachieRu View Post
Harriet adored Muggle Studies. Though she had grown up in a family that did have some muggle influence, and her mother taught her about muggles, she didn't know that much. So she loved the classes. It was such a different class to anything else that they learnt at Hogwarts. So it was a pretty refreshing class. She beamed as she looked at the Professor. She was excited. She was excited about everything that they would learn today.

Ooh. She knew that land mark. She'd been to Paris and seen it for herself. "That's the Eiffel tower" Hattie murmured, as she raised her hand into the air. "It's in Paris France, and has been there for ages."

SPOILER!!: Location, Location, Location! Some individual responses under here too ^_^

Originally Posted by Steelsheen View Post
Oh! Well this Curly Top didn’t really think very far with the red white and blue beyond the stars and stripes or the union jack did he? But yeah France did have the same coloration with their flag just not as cool a design cough. "J'aime Paris!" he replied as he raised his hand, or rather twirled it in a flair. Something his grandmother always says. And probably the most French he could every spout other than French Fries.

But, speaking of patriotism he gotta wonder "Professor, are you French?"
Did Tenacious speak fluent French? Kay wondered but shook her head in response to his question. “I am not but the Eiffel Tower has always held my interest.’’

Originally Posted by Saz Hale View Post
Abby knew that landmark and raised her hand and said "That is the Eiffel Tower in Paris" Abby had actually been up the Eiffel Tower many years ago when she was on holiday in France

Originally Posted by Tegz View Post
Oh so they were learning about FRANCE? Cool. Not that Char needed lessons on France!!! She knew stuff! Also she spoke French fluently and had been there a TON.

She put her hand up and added onto the answers already given.

"Its on the Champ de Mars, in Paris!"
Kay had guessed that most students would have said the Tower was located in Paris or France or even Paris, France and had secretly hoped someone would have been more specific. Char came through for her! “Excellent, Ms Kettleburn! Take a point for a giving a more specific location.’’

Originally Posted by Squishy View Post
Yep. Esme was not surprised when it was revealed that the focus of today's lesson was France. She had worked it out as soon as she had seen the flag and was rather excited because she loved the country. This was going to be fun but then Muggle Studies was always a good time.

Raising her hand, she said, "It's the Eiffel Tower and it's in Paris, France!" Who cared if other people had already answered? SHE WAS HAPPY.
Originally Posted by RachieRu View Post
Harriet adored Muggle Studies. Though she had grown up in a family that did have some muggle influence, and her mother taught her about muggles, she didn't know that much. So she loved the classes. It was such a different class to anything else that they learnt at Hogwarts. So it was a pretty refreshing class. She beamed as she looked at the Professor. She was excited. She was excited about everything that they would learn today.

Ooh. She knew that land mark. She'd been to Paris and seen it for herself. "That's the Eiffel tower" Hattie murmured, as she raised her hand into the air. "It's in Paris France, and has been there for ages."
The Eiffle tower in France. Huh, interesting. She could swear she's heard of it before but would never in a million years remember the name.
Originally Posted by Daydreamer11 View Post
The doors closing meant it was time for class to begin. Janelle turned her attention to Professor Stewart and had her pen ready. She was sure that she would need to take notes at any moment. She discovered that they would be focusing on a famous landmark and she did not have to wait long to find out what it was. When she saw the picture, she recognized it immediately.

Janelle raised her hand to give her answer. "It's the Eiffel Tower and you will find it in Paris, France." Now she was even more intrigued. What would they be learning about La Tour Eiffel? She would find out soon enough. In the meantime, Janelle sat back as her classmates continued to share their thoughts.
Originally Posted by griffin View Post
So the colors were for the French flag, and they would be focusing on the Eiffel Tower. This would be a fascinating lesson. Penelope had read about the Eiffel Tower in a book about architectural wonders around the world. Around her house there were a lot of books, with Dad owning a book shop. The Eiffel Tower was a really amazing structure, and it had been the tallest man made construction in the world for over 40 years. A true wonder of it's time. "The Eiffel Tower. It's located in Paris, France. The construction of the tower began in 1887 and was completed in 1889. The tower was one of the main attractions at the 1889 World's Fair in Paris." It was over 200 years old now. Were they going to discuss any of the fascinating points of the architecture? Architecture was much more interesting than food. Oh, she had said too much again. It was hard to stop talking about things that she knew about once she started talking.
Kay was impressed at the amount of the information Penelope shared with the class. The girl had even broached some of the aspects of the Tower’s history she herself wanted to touch on. “Excellent insight, Ms Wright! Take two points.''

SPOILER!!: The Quiet Ones! <3

Originally Posted by Magical Soul View Post
Genny was here. She had some muggle culture in her family but she was raised among wizards most of her life so she didn't see attending Muggle Studies could hurt anyone (better than arithmancy anyway). Leaning forward on her table with her arms crossed, the replica the professor placed on the table was not easily spotted from where she sat. Not that she needed to answer since a lot of people seemed to know what it was.
The Eiffle tower in France. Huh, interesting. She could swear she's heard of it before but would never in a million years remember the name.
Originally Posted by Meizzner View Post
Well even a first year can tell you what that was. The only somewhat challenging question is where it was located. But that was answered just as quickly. So yeah. Well Dante was just going to look around the classroom and see if something was interesting to stare at.

Too bad they were in Muggle Studies because actually learning about magical anything in France would be interesting. But none of that is muggle related.


He did not even feel like taking a nap or daydreaming.

This was a problem.

There was bound to be a few quiet ones. Kay gave an encouraging smile. Hopefully they would participate in the ‘questions’ aspect of the lesson soon.
* * * * * * * *

Once the answers were volunteered, the woman moved to her white board with her purple marker in her hand. “Well done, all of you!’’ Could they tell how much they always impressed her? “Yes, this is indeed the Eiffel Tower. It is located in Paris, France. To add to what Ms Kettleburn said earlier, the full address given for the Tower is Champ de Mars, 5 Avenue Anatole France, 75007 Paris, France.’’ As she spoke, Kay neatly made notes on the board.

“Let us focus on the construction itself. As Ms Wright mentioned, the work for the tower commenced in 1887 and concluded in 1889 for the Exposition Universelle of 1889. This happened to be a world’s fair which was held during the year of the 100th anniversary of the storming of the Bastille. The storming of Bastille was an event which signified the beginning of the French Revolution.’’

Kay paused to add some more notes. “Can anyone tell first who designed or constructed the Tower? There are multiple persons credited with this.’’

OOC: Hiya again, guys! Just want to say keep up the great work! Guesses to the last question there are more than welcome Look out for another post in 24 hours!
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The ones in books who are as perfect as they can be.🌺🌺🌺

Last edited by FearlessLeader19; 07-20-2016 at 03:06 AM.
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