Sassenach l theJoff l RoughDough l Aslan l Snidget l My Lord Kate l Dark-Side l BEETSSS l smol George Age 12
Slytherin Dorms, Hogwarts Castle Mason couldn't help but shudder as she read the passage. The faltering candle-light didn’t do much to stop the feeling of unease that crept up on her, seemingly crawling from the pages themselves. Morsmordre. The spell that cast the Dark Mark, old Voldy’s sigil. One that her own ancestors had so blatantly brandished themselves with.
Pulling the green quilt tighter over herself to try and stop the goose bumps from forming. It wasn’t even that cold in the dank-Dorms, but the content on the passage had creeped her out enough to clutch the quilt even tighter. Frowning down at the musky old pages, Mason couldn’t help but be fascinated by the information. Tracing her finger over the ink, her finger following the path of the serpent as it slithered from the mouth of the skull. She shuddered again at the thought of this sinister-sigil blazing in the sky.
She couldn't help glancing over to where Aria slept soundly. Her entire family had basically been Slytherins, right? And since the Slytherins of old tended to be the ones foolish enough to follow Voldy. . . Mason wondered whose side her family had fought for, and hoped that they hadn’t been as stupid as her own. . . |