Pet Rock Project- Post 2 ~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. SPOILER!!: Hads! <3 Quote:
Originally Posted by Callie "Oh, hey, Professor." Hadley's focus was more on the game at this moment than Professor Stewart. She was almost across the street when Bam! Frogger got flattened.
The game over screen came up and Hadley shrugged. "Be careful with your pet rock around Asher. He's insanely jealous of rocks apparently." She laughed and scratched Asher's head on her shoulder. The ash grey ferret chittered gratefully. "He keeps pushing Timmy away from me, and off beds and benches and things."
She turned and looked over at Professor Stewart's rock. "Your rock says his name is Shawn." There. Problem solved. Hadley was being helpful. As they talked she wandered the room, checking out which game she wanted to play next.
Kay remained silent for a moment, observing Haddie's skills that she displayed at the game with Shawn. She wondered if the girl had played it before; she seemed excellent at it. That is, until the poor frog died.
Her eyes turned to the Ferret on Haddie's shoulder. "There's no reason to be jealous, Asher. I'm sure Ms Denaker has lots of love for you. Would he mind if I scratch his ear? I think we can see how well my rock can get along with him too.'' The question she addressed to the Ravenclaw. Just to be on the safe side, Kay kept her rock a fair distance away from Asher. "Timmy is a nice name. It makes me think of Timmy Turner from Fairly Oddparents.'' Her eyes twinkled, her mind drawing back to her Muggle Animation lesson.
How lovely! Haddie had named her rock! "Shawn is a wonderful name, Ms Denaker. Hello, Shawn.'' Yes, the name fitted wonderfully. "I just brought Shawn to show him the muggle aspect of life. Thanks to you, he got to see a bit of how Frogger is played.''
Last edited by FearlessLeader19; 07-21-2016 at 05:40 PM.