~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. 10. Engorgio “What do you think, Asher?’’ Fourth year Rachel surveyed the mini Christmas tree she had asked her parents to send to make the dorm a little more festive. She has situated the tree on the night stand between hers and Haddie’s bed. She directed her attention to the ferret. “Too small?’’
When the ferret made its ferrety noises, the Ravenclaw nodded. “I think so too but we can fix that. Engorgio!’’ Rachel ceased the spell once she thought it had reached an appropriate height. “Is it better, Asher?’’ More ferrety noises as the animal hopped onto the night stand to examine the tree closer. It sniffed the branches and then chittered in Rachel’s direction.
The girl giggled. “I take it you approve. Well then, let’s get to decorating. Wouldn’t Haddie be pleased when she sees the tree?’’ Tiny ornaments raging from Father Christmases to brightly coloured and mostly pink balls to squares made to look like presents were hung. The final ornament was a medium size star that was added to the tree’s tip. “Haddie will love this!’’
Last edited by sweetpinkpixie; 07-09-2016 at 02:50 AM.