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Old 06-26-2016, 06:29 PM   #65 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Finnlay 'Finn' Cameron Muir
Fifth Year
Default All the important info ever!
Ravenpuff | Cap'n Crunch | Bedtime Queen | O Minion, My Minion

Text Cut: Replies galore
Originally Posted by Goblinfrog View Post
"Oh that makes sense," responded Kitty with open relief. She smiled faintly."Thank you Professor." Now she wouldn't have to worry about getting blisters if she failed the spell.

Right. With that out of the way, Kitty could practice the spell in earnest. She was pretty certain that she had the pronunciation nailed so the next step would be the wand movement. Pulling her wand out tightly she brought it out at waist level. That was what Hady had done nearby and she looked like she knew what she doing. Then she brought it up in a clockwise spiral motion, stopping when she reached her chin. She repeated this slow movement several times. Kitty's practice went on as long as Hady's practice.

Now was the time to try it. Kitty took a few deep, silent breaths and closes and opened her eyes. Then she brought her wand up at waist level and muttered the incantation. "Arithmos Revelio Scindo, Arithmos Revelio Scindo, Arithmos Revelio Scindo," She muttered this repeatedly until at last she shouted it. "Arithmos Revelio Scindo!"

Golden numbers started appearing in her view. Faint, but unmistakably they were numbers.

"I did it!" Kitty squeaked and turned to beam at the professors.
Tiara beamed with pride. "Well done!" she exclaimed. Once the fear of repercussions was gone, Kitty got it easily.

Originally Posted by Suziella View Post
"Thank you for clarifying, Professor Tanner and Charlotte." She gave them each a small smile before beginning to practice.

Juno first practice the swirling up circular motion and stopped just at her head. She did this multiple times because she wanted to make sure the motion was correct. This kinds of spells could be really difficult.

She then repeated the phrase, "Arithmos Revelio Scindo. Arithmos Revelio Scindo. Arithmos Revelio Scindo. Arithmos Revelio Scindo!" When she felt she had said it enough, she stood firm, closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and exhaled. When she was ready she put her wand in the proper beginning place. She swirled her wand in a clockwise motion while slowly moving her arm upward, "Arithmos Revelio Scindo!"

AND....nothing happened.
"No problem, Miss Darcy," she said, smiling. That was what she was here for, after all. Although in this particular case she hadn't actually done much.

Originally Posted by Ameh View Post
This wand movement was awful. Jaemin watched the professor do it, blinking slowly as his empty hand hovered above the desktop and absently started trying to duplicate it. He didn't lift his arm up the way she did, but even without that it just seemed so intricate, and he wondered why it was like that. What was it supposed to be doing? Why didn't they have classes dedicated solely to this?!

The small Slytherin felt around in his pocket for his wand, and gave the wand movement a few tries through, this time properly. Clockwise spirals, up up up until it was near shoulder level. The spell echoed in his head, and he did his best to get the timing to fit it. It was worse than the gravity spell, Meeeeerlin.

He was pretty sure he had that part down. Now... now he just had to make sure he could say the spell right, and hopefully it would work. Jaemin set his wand down, humming to himself, and looked up at the box the professor had cast upon. The numbers were still there... he wanted to make them show up too.

"Ah-rith-moes," he murmured softly, eyes drifting down to the desk top as his fingertip tapped against it with every syllable. "Ruh-vel-ee-oh. Sin-doh."

He repeated it a few times more, fingertip still tapping lightly away with each part of the spell. He'd spoken easier spells, and he's spoken harder ones, so this was nothing hugely awful. It was just long, which meant the timing for getting the wand movement right was gonna be weird. Jaemin picked up his wand again, lightly turning it in his fingers until it felt comfortable, and went about combining the spell with the wand movement.

"Arithmos Revelio Scindo." He started off with a point right at the box, then started the weird curly spiral movement. His hand was getting up too high... too high. It was going to pass his forehead. MEHHHH. He gave it another shot. "Arithmos Revelio Scindo!"

...nothing, though his timing was a little better. The small boy looked around the classroom as others got the numbers to appear, frowning a little because it was frustrating to not be able to get it as easily as they seemed to. He squinted at the gold numbers, then had a sudden thought.

"Professors?" he raised a hand curiously. "Is there only one curse on the box? If there's more than one, do you have to do the spell for each curse, or does it get them all at once together?"

Would they all get the same numbers, or would their spells possibly catch different curses and spit out different numbers? New spells were so interesting, even if they were sorta... difficult.
Jaemin seemed to be struggling with the pronunciation, not surprisingly. It was a tongue-twister, this one. But he finally managed it. And then he had an insightful question! "The short answer is that each curse will have its own set of numbers appear. Our box has one curse, so one set of numbers." She was thinking they might actually make it to that level of advanced curse breaking this year and didn't want to give too much away, but she also loved satisfying student curiosity.

Originally Posted by Squishy View Post
Tighter spirals?

She could do that.

Nodding in appreciation for the tip, Esme continued to make the clockwise spirals with her wand, this time making them even tighter. Was this good enough? Once she had performed the movement enough times to make her feel satisfied that she was doing everything correctly, she decided to give the spell another try.

"Arithmos Revelio Scindo."

Nothing happened, so she was clearly off with her timing. UGH, this really WAS difficult. Professor Tanner definitely wasn't lying there. Another try and she was STILL off. Third time WASN'T always the charm but she was still not going to give up. Nope. She would succeed in the end. "Arithmos Revelio Scindo. Arithmos Revelio Scindo. Arithmos Revelio Scindo..." On and on she continued trying to get the spell right until...

... "I DID IT!" Yaaay. Did Juno see that???? Kitty got a thumbs up because she had also managed to do the spell correctly.
"Fantastic!" Tiara applauded. Her little psychological experiment had indeed yielded success for Esme.

Originally Posted by littledhampir View Post
"Arithmos revelio scindo." Olly started by pointing his wand at the box, and as he said the incantation he worked the spiral upward. By the time he was done, though, his hand was reaching way above his head. That was much higher than it was supposed to be. He was not surprised when nothing happened. So he tried again. "Arithmos revelio scindo." Again he started with the point, but this time he tried to move upward more slowly. It went pretty well and his wand hand ended up about eye level, but still nothing happened.

The wand movement was weird, and it seemed pretty unspecific. Why wasn't there a specific number of spirals he had to complete by the time he was finished? Wasn't magic usually pretty specific like that? Maybe that was one thing that made this spell a bit more complicated than others. Part of his problem was also probably that he was focusing too much on the wand movement instead of the spell. Spells needed a lot of focus, and that was often a problem he had with making them work. Olly tried again.

"Arithmos revelio scindo." This time he tried to let his arm do it's own thing without thinking about it too much. He let it do whatever felt most natural. His spiral ended close to his shoulder and the whole thing had felt a lot better than the others, but apparently not good enough. He still had not many any numbers appear. But how would the professor know which students had made which numbers appear anyway?
Next, Tiara made it to Oliver. "This is a hard one. Keep trying!" she told him.

Originally Posted by Tegz View Post
Char's spiraling wand and arm lifting had a natural flare to it, though in a controlled way. It was perhaps obvious that she wasn't too worried about the wand movement

She beamed at Juno and then went right back to practicing the wand movement and the incantation together, working on getting the timing right and natural.

"Arithmos Revelio Scindo!" Or, physically, twirl twirl twirlytwirl twirl twirl. It was feeling pretty good! And with her understanding of what the spell meant, the intent part shouldn't be TOO hard, Char thought.

"Arithmos Revelio Scindo!"

Just wait until she told her dad that she could break curses!
Charlotte appeared to be enjoying this challenge. "Keep up the good work, Miss Kettleburn!"

Originally Posted by Kolyander View Post
Hadleigh lifted her head to catch sight of Professor Tanner walking around and stopping near her for a few seconds. Her encouragement was met with a smile and firm nod. Complex spell or not she was sure she would get it. If younger kids around her were getting it then so would she. Cause really how hard could it be when these second and third years were seeing the numbers appear.

Flexing her fingers around her wand more comfortably she went over the incantation in her head. She knew for sure that she was saying it correctly so there was no problem there. There wasn't a problem in the wand movement either or Professor Tanner would have mentioned it. So if nothing was wrong she would continue with what she was doing.

"Arithmos revelio scindo!," Hady called out clearly and slowly while making the clockwise spiral from her waist up to shoulder level. When it didn't work she tried it again speaking more slowly, firmly and picturing the numbers floating above the box in her mind. She was seeing it so clearly in her head that she even blinked a few times to prove it wasn't there but wait...that was- golden numbers! Clearly floating above the box. Not bright blinding ones but the numbers were there and readable. This was good enough for her right now.
"Well done, Miss Lynch," Tiara said quietly. Hady wasn't the type for exuberant displays, but Tiara wanted her to know she did belong here and was doing well.

Originally Posted by Steelsheen View Post
He caught the look from Professor Hirsch. Alriiight he is on the right track.

So pipping away some imaginary icing on this imaginary cupcake. Giant imaginary cupcake. Giant imaginary cupcake with a scary exterior but a yummy interior. Ok now he was hungry.

Now that he can visualize what he was doing, the wand stroke didn’t seem to hard anymore. It was saying the spell that’s the next hurdle to overcome. "Artemius Revelius...." No that didn’t sound right. "Artemy Revelio Sin.. Sin..." gah why cant they have English spells for once eh? Now he understood the perks of doing things non-verbal.

He staaaared at his notes for what this spell actually looked like Arithmos. Revelio. Scindo. Arithmos. Revelio. Scindo. Arithmos. Revelio. Scindo. Get that through your thick skull Gryffindor.

"Arithmos. Revelio. Scindo. Arithmos. Revelio. Scindo...." he repeated it to himself over and over, first towards his notes and then now with his wand doing the clockwise piping swirl in the air "Arithmos revelio scindo."

✨✨twinkle twinkle golden numbers hello! ✨✨

"Oh! Oh! Look!" he beamed pointing at the sparkling visage floating ahead of him.
Well he was excited! "Excellent work, Mister Salander!"

Tiara kept walking around the room. She kept an eye on Daxton, who appeared to be doing his own thing, and that was fine with her. As long as Hirsch didn't get too close, he would be fine.

"I see good progress from many of you!" she said to the class with evident pride. "If you have not managed it yet that is alright, you will have more opportunities in a bit." Tiara waved her wand and a list of ten numbers' meanings appeared on the board. "These are selected meanings for the digits, which I took from your textbook, I believe in chapter two." She didn't have the order memorized, after all. "You should be quite familiar with them if you take Arithmancy. Keep them in mind, because breaking the curse depends upon them."

SPOILER!!: Numbers 0-9
0: Decay, nothingness, cessation
1: Beginning, independence, innovation, leadership, verbal expression
2: Harmony, unity, relationships, collaboration, duality, humans
3: Imagination, house elves/house elf magic, complex thought
4: Endurance, sober-mindedness, practicality, complexity
5: Change, freedom, physical world, physical touch
6: Balance, nurturing, family focus, domestic and work issues, stability
7: Analysis, wisdom, spiritual focus, magic
8: Authority, self-mastery, fluidity, movement
9: Endings, metamorphosis, power/strength, short-lived, immediacy

Here came the information overload portion of class. "Right. There are four major parts of a curse: the basis, kernel, range, and cline. The basis is always first and tells who or what the curse affects. The second portion is the kernel, sometimes called the core, and tells what the curse does. Third is the range, which tells you how the spell is activated or what triggers it. Last is the cline, or type, which is the two single numbers you see at the end; it tells what kind of spell it is and its severity." With another wave of her wand, the other half of the board summarized the information.

Parts of a Curse (in order)
Basis - What the spell affects
Kernel/Core - What the spell does
Range - What/how the spell is activated
Cline/Type - What kind of spell it is (2 single digits)
Tiara performed the arithmos revelio scindo again and the same numbers appeared over the box for all to see.

28 . 080 . 527 . 4 . 9

So now to break down the parts of the curse. "So for this particular curse, we see the basis is 28. Remember, the basis is what the spell targets or affects. From the meanings of 2 on the left side of the board," she pointed towards it, "I would guess humans are affected, and from the 8 I would guess movement. Put it all together, and a good hypothesis is that the curse will affect humans' ability to move." Not permanently dangerous, since this was a classroom exercise.

Next came the kernel. "The kernel is what the spell does, remember, and for this curse it is 080. Looking back at our list of meanings, I see 0 being nothingness or cessation, while 8 is self-mastery and movement. Put them together and it leads me to conclude this curse will stop my movement and immobilize me." Once more, Tiara paused momentarily to give them time to catch up.

"Okay, that leaves the range - what triggers the curse to take affect - and the two parts of the cline, or how serious the curse is. Keeping in mind this is all new to you and I do not expect perfection, I would like to hear your ideas of what the range and cline mean. You may guess just one or both, and no guess is bad!" Well... almost no guess was bad.

Thanks, Kitakins <3

Last edited by hpluvr037; 06-26-2016 at 06:34 PM.
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