A Poop * k8 *
It seemed everyone was getting to be done or NEAR done, at least! Paul smiled and went back to his table at the front of the room. "Very good, everyone! I think the daffodils are now MUCH happier than before!" he gestured at his own, whose bloom was drooping as if it were asleep. Awww, how precious! "Now we're going to UN-silence them. I don't typically silence them at all, but I figured you're all new to dealing with these flowers, or at least haven't been doing it as long as I have." That number did not need to be revealed. Ahem. "So, go ahead and un-silence them with a quick FINITE." That would do the trick. Paul waved his wand and silently un-silenced his flower, which was making ZERO noises because yes, it seemed to have fallen asleep. It was snoring quite lightly. "Now, your daffodil may or may not still be honking! If it's still honking, you need to give it either water, fertilizer, or both! There's no way to really tell which it wants, but I would try the water first...and if it stops honking, hold off on the fertilizer." It was just safer that way. "As Tenacius said, they probably DO need water. They're thirsty! Repotting them takes a good amount of energy for the little guys." He smiled and gently pat the top of the flower. "So, get to that, m'dears! Once you're finished with your daffodil--once it stops honking--place the pot in the back of the room and come grab a screechsnap off the ground before sitting back down." Paul smirked and rubbed his hands together. The students were IN for it with the screechsnaps. This group were particularly feisty because of the whole...Daxton business. Being turned ENORMOUS for about month before Paul could shrink them back down to the their normal size. It made them only slightly more aggressive, but feisty enough to be quite hard to handle.
So this should be jolly good fun! "Oh! There are buckets of fertilizer in the back of the room." It smelled. They wouldn't be able miss it. OOC: Hello again! So I guess I WAS tired because its a little less than 36 hours later! But that's totally okay, I enjoyed reading all of the posts because all the characters are just too funny, lol! I'll give you guys about 24 hours to do the next few instructions! <3
__________________ "You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough." 
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin |