It seemed that everyone was following along well enough. Repotting was never too difficult, really, was a particular routine for specific plants. And no two plants were ever really repotted in the EXACT same way, not according to Paul Myers. Paul would have let them keep their flowers noisy...if he had known a few of them actually LIKED the way they sounded; however, it didn’t make any difference.
Moving on.
Paul got in position to start showing them the next few steps.
“Next, grab the daffodils by their main stems--the biggest on with the flower on it, obviously! Grab it right under the bloom of the flower, now!” Paul demonstrated on his own daffodil, gripping the thick stem under the flower part of the plant.
“Please do not crush their leaves when you do this!” That would be rude!
“Now, your one hand is going to hold the flower steady while your OTHER hand siphons SOME of the dirt from the old pot into the new pot! You have to mix the two dirts together because repotting can sometimes damage plants because of the change of soil!” Daffodils weren’t too sensitive to this, but Paul liked to be safe rather than sorry.
“This next part is a little delicate. Once you’re done with putting some of the oil dirt in with the new dirt in the new pot, take that hand and rummage it around until your hand is completely under the roots of the flower. Don’t handle the roots roughly; be gentle. Cup the roots gently while also keeping a firm hold of the stem.”
Paul was concentrating so hard on making sure he was graspig the stem in the right spot and wiggling his other hand through the dirt to cup the daffodil under its roots that his hat flopped off of his head! OH NO! HIS HAAAAAAT. He’d have to get it in a minute when his hands were not occupied!
“Now, tug the plant out of the remainder of the dirt and out of the pot completely. GENTLY, okay? Gently.” And Paul did just that, getting dirt ALL over his front in the process. Well POOPY, man. He’d need to wash his costume thoroughly after this!
“Now, place the daffodil in the new pot that’s a little more than halfway filled by now, and hold him in place as you dump the rest of that other soil out into the NEW POT.” Paul did it all as he explained it to them. The fresh smell of soil was overwhelming the white-haired professor, but he loved it.
Were they following along all right? Did any of them need help?
“Feel free to use any magic you think might help---but magic is also not necessary!”
And also...time to retrieve his hat! Leaning over, Paul quickly popped it back to the top of his head. The Mad Hatter needed his HAAAAAAAT!
Originally Posted by Blackboard
Repotting Honking Daffodils1. Silence daffodils 2. Fill the empty pot halfway up with dirt - 3. Grab the stem right below the bloom without crushing any leaves - be very careful!
- 4. Siphon some of the dirt out of the pot, but not ALL of it because you don’t want to harm the roots
- 5. Gently tug on the plant, and reach into the dirt, trying to prop your hand up under the roots
- 6. Pull the flower out and place into the new pot
- 7. Bury the rest of the roots and fill up the rest of the pot with dirt, leaving an inch from the top
OOC: SO, to make it look nicer for your eyes, we're on steps 3-7. No post requirement, role-play out the steps in whatever kinda' way your heart desires! I'll be around, nudge me/Paul if you need either of us! Y'all will have at least 24 hours (if not more, depending on my day tomorrow and my exhaustion) and catchup posts always allowed! <3