~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. Kay really wanted to avoid a confrontation. Not only because it could disrupt the class but also because she disliked conflict of any kind. But on contrary to Jaemin's anger, she was quite calm. She spoke quietly, not wanting to upset the rest of students and Art. She was so sorry this was happening during their lesson.
"It is certainly not rude to point out that I mispronunced your name. I'm glad you did. However, it is the tone and words which you used. Do you not realise how accusing it sounds? I do not know if your anger towards me if solely because of your name or because I did not give you full marks for not making a try for the Animation lesson. Whichever it is, I suggest that you keep your attitude in check or risk detention.'' Kay could right off the bat give Jaemin detention as she knew some of her colleagues would but she still wanted to give him a chance. "Also, no. I did not expect you to give me a pass at the mispronunciation. If I did, I would not have bothered to apologise.''
Her eyes shifted to Blaise. She smiled slightly at the Gryffindor for trying to get Jaemin involved in the activity. "Go ahead with Mr Bellaire. You wouldn't want to miss this tasty treat that Professor Newton has planned.''
* * * * * * * "Alright, class!'' Kay happily sniffed the air as she returned to the front of the gathering. "One hour has passed. I'm no expert on these foods we have prepared but I think that's the green light for removing the lids and serving ourselves both the Fårikåland the Damper. Go ahead, everyone! There are plates up in front here so feel free to grab them.'' She beamed around at them all. "After that, we'll have dinner together and possibly tell some ghost stories. Does anyone know of any?'' Art had come up with this ghost story idea and she loved it.
The woman moved to get herself a plate and to ladle some of the delicious smelling food from her cauldron then moved to sit on one of the logs at the back. "You may join me if you wish.'' OOC: Hellooo! This brings us to the last part of the lesson! Have your charrie grab their foods in a plate and join Kay at her log if you would like. Jess is a little caught up in RL at the moment so I've decided to move the class forward. Feel free to be creative with spooky stories which was Jess's idea. you can still catch up with the cooking if necessary. Have fun! <3 |