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Join Date: Oct 2005 Location: SHIELD's Helicarrier
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Dhruv Vihaan Khanna Graduated Hogwarts RPG Name: Aryan Zahid Atreyu-Rehman Slytherin Fifth Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Idris Ace Grunt Gryffindor Third Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Dynah Aavni Atreyu-Rehman Hufflepuff Seventh Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Krittika Saanvi Joshi Ravenclaw Sixth Year
x12 x12
| ~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. SPOILER!!: Hades! <3 Quote:
Originally Posted by SpiritWolfe Malfoy Hady saw you little sister Noelle. She sent the younger girl a smile in return before catching the look she got from Professor Stewart. A questioning one really. "It's just a warming charm Professor," she explained with a light smile. You know, to help out the younger ones that were freezing.
The thought of building a fire didn't really faze her to much. It was simple enough really. Gather wood. Stack wood. Light a match. Light the wood with the match. Hence fire. Easy really. What they would be doing after they had made their own little fire she didn't know and really she wouldn't worry about it just yet either.
Getting to her feet she gathered the proper amount needed before returned to her seat. Stacking the five pieces one on top of the other didn't take much time at all. Picking up the matchbox she took out one match and quickly struck it along the side until it caught aflame. With her now lit match in hand she dropped it onto her pile of wood watching as it slowly caught on fire the flames growing until it was burning brightly before her. Not that she really needed it much seeing as she wasn't cold but at least it was pretty to watch for the time being.
Oh, a Heating Charm. "Very thoughtful, Ms Lynch,'' Kay said approvingly. It was thinking like this that made her happy. "Three points to Slytherin for thinking of your fellow classmates.'' SPOILER!!: Jaemin! <3 Quote:
Originally Posted by Ameh Any and all hope he'd had for this lesson immediately went out the window. Jaemin's expression immediately went sour and, nose wrinkling with obvious disdain, the small Slytherin gave the Muggle Studies professor a LOOK. Again? REALLY?
"It's Song. My name is Song," he said, irritation tingeing his twelve year old voice. It wasn't even the difficult part of his name! It was a word, in English too! It was December already, for Merlin's sake. Surely that was long enough that she could get his name right. "I'm not past tense."
Trying to ignore the annoyed prickling in his skin, Jaemin went about attempting to set his fire. For someone who loved plants and nature, he had never been big on camping and stuff like this... but he was sure he knew enough to get it going. He set up a few logs, then went about shredding a piece of paper, because starting fires was so much easier with kindling. A matchstrike later and the small pile of paper atop one of the logs was burning merrily, slowly but surely spreading its warmth to the logs. Jaemin kept his hands away from it, however, tucking them inside his pockets as he watched the fire grow with a frown. Sung. Honestly.
Yes, she knew his name was Song. Kay was puzzled for a moment until she realised she had mispronunced Jaemin's name. She could have face palmed herself. "I'm sorry, Mr Song. I made a mistake.'' Whether he accepted the apology or not, it was up to him. The look alone that he had given her was rather hurtful. Whatever happened to persons sometimes made genuine mistakes? *******
Kay moved around among the students, checking to ensure they were all getting along just well. She kept her eyes especially on the younger ones. They had all seen how she struck the match to start the fire so she hoped that none of them would sustain any injuries. "Excellent work, all of you! Take a moment to warm yourselves up.'' It was certainly warmer now that quite a number of fires were lit. She trusted that the ones who had a difficult time with the cold felt better now. At that moment, Art stepped in to give his instructions to everyone and Kay gave him her full attention. She would be making this dish too. Just Art talking about the foods made her hungry. She really wanted to try them both as she never had before.
Kay set up her tripod then gathered her ingredients, eyes frequently checking on the students. She manually cleaned her cooking apparatus. "Remember to use the rags provided when cleaning,'' she called to the class. She had heard a few Scouring Charms being class but would let that slide since this was also a Potions lesson. She focused on her cabbage, cutting it as required. Next, she added water to the cauldron.
The meat was cut and added followed by a layer of cabbage. Both had been seasoned. The process was repeated until all of her ingredients were used then she put a lid on the cauldron and allowed for the meat to be cooked. While she waited for this to be done, she moved on to doing all the necessary for the damper. When she was done with everything, she once again set out to interact with the kiddos. SPOILER!!: Oliver! <3 Quote:
Originally Posted by littledhampir
Food! That sounded great to Olly. He knew that he was going to get hungry really soon, even if he was feeling fine right now. It meant that the potion - er, dinner - would be done right about when he most wanted it. Hopefully. He went to get a tripod stand from the professor and set it up above his fire. It was pretty cool. He had sort of been wondering how exactly they were going to be able to make a potion, but it all made sense now. The digging of the hole was not completely clear but he supposed it would be eventually. Everything always had a reason. His job was just to follow the rules, and he was usually fine with that. So he dug the hole.
Alright, now it was time to actually make the potion. Food. Why were they making food again? This was potions class, not cooking class. Oh well, Olly didn't care, he was getting food out of it. Food that he couldn't pronounce, but food nonetheless. He took the ingredient crate, and then took out all of his supplies. Scales and other measuring equipment were the most important at the moment because he needed to make sure he had the right amount of ingredients. And a chopping board, that was very important too because it was time to chop the cabbage.
He cleaned his knife with a quick "Scourgify," and started chopping. Quarters and then wedges. He got four wedges out of most of the quarters, but only three out of some of the others because the sizes of the quarters were not exactly uniform. He repeated the process for the second cabbage. And he had to cut the meat too. He put that on the cutting board and cleaned his knife again. He cut it into slices, doing his best to get each of them as close to 3cm as possible. At least if it wasn't exact, it wouldn't matter as much in cooking as it could in potion making.
Next was putting water in the cauldron. That seemed easy enough. Olly took out his wand and was about to cast the spell when he saw the professor using a water bottle. Sure enough there was one in his ingredient crate. He raised his hand. "Sir, why can't we just use aguamenti?" That's certainly what he wanted to do, but since the professor didn't, he wasn't going to either. He cleaned his measuring cup - "Scourgify." - and measured out 500 mL from the water bottle to pour into his cauldron.
Hearing Oliver's question, Kay stopped by him first. "Since this is also a Muggle Studies lesson, Mr Thomas-Borzekowski,'' she replied with a beam. "You're doing a great job so far. Keep it up!'' SPOILER!!: Miranda! <3 Quote:
Originally Posted by Devina Wellheart they were going to be what?! cooking?! Oh no no no... Miranda didn't cook... She had never even made toast let alone make some weird Norweigian food! she folded her arms across her chest. She wasn't just chilly she was unwilling to even think of doing what the professor had instructed the class to do.
Kay was utterly puzzled. Why was Miranda standing there with her arms crossed and not making an effort to begin cooking. "Ms Blaze, is everything alright? Do you need help with something?'' SPOILER!!: Fiyero! <3 Quote:
Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy Fiyero opned the crate and started to take out his indredients... a couple of cabbages, some lamb on the bone, a bottle of water, salt and pepper. It all sounded good! There was also a cutting board and measuring cup in there and a knife. Uh oh... he'd always been rather clumsy around knives. "Scourgify," he said, pointing his wand first at the cutting board, then the knife.
He cut the cabbage in half, then in quarters just like Professor Newton said. Cutting the quarters proved to be a bit more difficult, however. He tried to get four slices out of each quarter, but no matter what he did, it kept separating from the core. After a few tries, he finally got frustrated and slammed the knife down. Why did that cabbage keep falling apart?! He had to take a few deep breaths before he was calm enough to try again. Maybe it would work better if he settled for three slices per quarter instead. He sliced the next quarter into thirds; hey, it worked!
If Fiyero thought slicing the cabbage had been hard, that was nothing compared to slicing the lamb! He had to really push down hard to get the knife to cut all the way through. When he was finally almost done, the knife slipped on the bone and cut his hand. "Ow!" he winced slightly, clenching his injured hand around the sleeve of his robes to stop the blood. He looked around nervously. The teachers hadn't seen that, had they? He hoped not... there was no way he was going to walk all the way to the castle to see Healer Murdoch and then walk all the way back here! The lesson would probably be over by then...
But the question remained: how was he going to continue without accidentally tainting the food? Then he remembered the gloves he still had in his pocket. After giving his injured hand a quick cleaning, he put on the gloves. They were cumbersome and made his hands even clumsier, but it was better than the alternative. At least it was just measuring and layering now...
Fiyero gave the measuring cup a thorough cleaning with his wand before pouring exactly 500 ml of water into it. After dumping the water into his cauldron, he added some lamb and a layer of cabbage. He sprinkled some salt and extra pepper on top (because he loved pepper!), then repeated the process. Once he had the top layer of cabbage seasoned, he put the lid on his cauldron. Was he really supposed to just leave it there for a hour? It looked like it would need stirring or something...
Hearing the outcry of pain, Kay whirled around? Which one of the precious students had gotten hurt? "Mr Jones.'' Her eyes had found him because the cry seemed to have come from his direction. "Did you hurt yourself?'' She couldn't see any injuries... SPOILER!!: Curly Top Tenny! <3 Quote:
Originally Posted by Steelsheen Whoah whaddup whats cookin??
Good stuff that’s whats cookin!
One just couldn’t describe the elation that radiated from the Gryffindor Ace when he heard those words from the Potions Master-- or for this class-- the Iron Chef. They get to cook! Camping style! Out in the grounds with exotic meals and old skool techniques. Heck yeah!
Up he goes collecting all the supplies-- tripod, cauldron, that baking pot, and those wonderful wonderful ingredients. Of course he would eat meat, heck he would eat anything, and so he got a sampling of ALL the ingredients. Oh he be cookin' now hehe.
He shoved the tripod over his brightly glowing fire and made sure it was solidly set into the ground. It was gonna be carrying weight after all. Then he looked over the ingredients cards. Hmmm......he should start with the bread recipe first to give it a chance to rise before old skool baking yeah? Yeah.
He grabbed the cast iron pot, then measured out the flour and salt and gave it a mix. Mix mix mix mix mix. When he feels that the salt has been thoroughly distributed, it was then that he added the water. And now here comes the elbow grease! He scrunched and shoved and pulled and pushed the dough as his other hand guided the iron pot round and round, making sure he got everything off the sides. More kneading, a bit of flipping-- and done! Now he lets the dough rest and proceeds to work on the stew.
He prepped the lamb meat as they were told. Slicing it at the right angle and the right thickness yup. Seasoned it with salt n peppa now too. Too soon? Shhh no such thing if youre an aspiring Iron Chef. Flavor is everything! He glanced that the instruction card again. Salt, peppper and... That’s it? Well looks like it’s a pretty simple dish.
But any aspiring Master Chef will always ask this "Professor... Do we have other spices in store? Like... Oh maybe some garlic, onions, some peppercorns, maybe a bit of cumin and rosemary?"
Hearing another question, Kay directed her attention to Tenacious. She shook her head. "None, Mr Salander. Salt and papper are the only flavours for this recipe. She was certain Art would want to stick to the traditional one.
Last edited by FearlessLeader19; 06-10-2016 at 07:28 PM.