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Old 06-07-2016, 03:17 PM   #96 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Alfie Adair
Fourth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Laini Gracae-Ryans
Third Year
x10 x1
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo

Originally Posted by Nc.Ap. View Post
And now Draper was offering her some sort of beverage. . . hmmm. "How do I know that you're not taking a page out of Myer's book?" What if he spiked it as well? Would she shrink? Would Izverg step on her afterwards? Hmmm. "You're not even a Potion-Master, did you run it by Newton? Do you even know it was brewed correctly?" Mum said to never take stuff from randos. . . and Draper was definitively a rando.

Before Draper could even answer, however, she grabbed the little vial from his hands and stuffed it into one of her robe's pockets. "Thanks, Prof." she cast one last suspicious-look his way, "If I start to feel like I'm dying, I'll drink it." And by dying she meant the moment her face started getting ugly.
A page of out Myer's book? Ah yes, he had heard of that incident. And now all the kids were distrustful of their Professors, yeah? Leave it to Poncho Paul to ruin everything. James wasn't surprised. He just gave Mason a shrug and went to pocket the vial, when she reached out to grab it. "Suit yourself," of course he had made sure to have some antiallergy potions on hand. It was probably a necessity for all Care of Magical Creatures all over. Kids these days were allergic to EVERYTHING. It was absolutely nightmare inducing. And James wouldn't end up being the Professor with an unconscious student on hand. That, he'd leave for Airhead Flamsteed.

Originally Posted by Expecto-Penguin View Post

He approached the crup with his toothbrush and he saw Jax backing away slowly. He seemed scared and didn't blame him. He looked around and thought to look for some treats but didn't see any. The Professor should have thought this through. He tried again and almost got it into his mouth when it shook his head and walked away. "Come on...." he muttered. What was he gonna need a muzzle? Possibly. Wait a second he could immobilize him but then the trust factor would be an issue. "Professor before i give him a bath, what happens if your crup is insistent on not having his teeth brushed?" He was approaching him with the toothbrush and it turned away everytime.
"Never said it'd be easy, Winchester," James grinned. They were working with crups, there had to be at least a little challenge thrown in. Otherwise this lesson would be a complete breeze. Besides, James was sure the boy could figure it out. Or was he giving him too much credit?

Originally Posted by Steelsheen View Post
And just look at them gooooo...

It was like watching a Charlie Chaplin chase sequence, with the little crup dodging and turning like the tramp and the Gryffindor being the cops chasing after it. Under and over benches, through the Professor's legs as he walked, around other tub stations, even plowing into another crup having a bath "Bowie come back here!!-- sorry Dot!" he called back to the Slytherin Prefect.

Speaking of challenges, this one was having a field day. James had still been keeping an eye on the pair, choosing not to intervene for now. He'd step in if it went on for much longer, but again... What's the fun in a lesson without some adversity, eh? So he watched. Amused. And oh, in coming! Stepping so that there was about a foot of space between his two feet, he let the cruppy run underneath his legs.

And .... Ah, see James knew the boy could do it all along.

And luckily the boy hadn't lost too much time during that little chase. James still gave him a nod that meant something like 'let's get to it', before turning around to take a look at the progress of some others.

Originally Posted by Daydreamer11 View Post
Checking her watch, Janelle determined that she should just have a chance for one more wash and rinse. "One more time", Janelle announced before repeating the process. This time she had no major mishaps because she had learned from her mistakes. When the last bit of shampoo had been rinsed from Mikey, Janelle breathed a sigh of relief. "Look at you. You're all clean and smelling sweet." Giving Mikey one more pat, she wondered something. Raising her hand, Janelle had a question for the professor. "Professor, are we allowed to give them a blow dry with the hot air charm?" Just wondering 'cause it would be nice.
"You're one step ahead, Ms. Guidry," he nodded. In other words, he wanted to wait until most students started nearing the end of their crup baths before announcing this bit. But it looked like many of them were just about done.... So with that in mind....


He raised his voice to address the whole class. "You still have some time to finish up with the baths, but for those of you who are done... You can go ahead and grab the towels that should have been at your station and give your crups a pat down," in other words, please don't try to scrub them dry. "And once you've done that, you can use the hot air charm to dry them even further."

He had to give them the incantation for that, yeah? Most of the older students ought to know it by now, but he had little faith in Professor Charms, no offense. "The incantation is 'ventus' and the movement is a little wave," he said demonstrating. "Call me over if you're having any trouble," or just don't have any trouble.

OOC: Hihi, y'all are doing fabulously <3 I'm having a ball reading all of y'alls posts!
There's still plenty of time to squeeze in your two posts for bathing the crups! And if you're just joining us feel free to catch up starting wherever you want!

I'll be moving us along in another 18+ hours with our final step!
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?

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