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Old 06-07-2016, 03:17 AM   #17 (permalink)
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Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: SHIELD's Helicarrier
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Dhruv Vihaan Khanna

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Aryan Zahid Atreyu-Rehman
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Idris Ace Grunt
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Dynah Aavni Atreyu-Rehman
Seventh Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Krittika Saanvi Joshi
Sixth Year

x12 x12
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

Kay stood beside Art, well bundled up in her purple jumper, gloves and scarf. She didn’t mind being out in the cold and anyway, soon the entire class would be warm. As soon as a sufficient amount of the kiddos arrived, she would get started. There would be no wasting time for she didn’t want anyone turning into icicles. “Is Madam Curie tucked away snugly, Art?’’ Come to think of it, she wasn’t sure of the little creature was out and about with them today.

SPOILER!!: Vivian! <3
Originally Posted by Kimothy View Post
Vivian was starting to get tired and hungry. It was late in the afternoon already, and all she was really looking forward to was dinner and a good night's sleep. But she still had one more class to attend, apparently. She tried to keep her spirits high, because Vivian Iona Fairfield was NEVER in a sour mood. People would think it wasn't her if she was all sad and sulky. She wasn't going to let her exhaustion and hunger get the best of her. After all, it kinda was the last class... maybe. She didn't know. She'd get through the day, nevertheless.

The Slytherin skipped outside the Hogwarts Grounds with her necessary school supplies. Her bag was kinda heavy, but she didn't really mind. It was only more motivation for her to reach the lake. She saw the two Professors from afar, so she kept skipping and humming a small tune to herself. "Good afternoon, Professor Stewart and Professor Newton!" She managed a grin towards to both of them. See? Trying to keep the happy vibes around.

Vivian looked at the equipment around. Yep, she had no idea what they were going to do.

Little Vivian was the first student to arrive and seemed to be in high spirits. Kay beamed at her. “Good afternoon to you too, Ms Fairfield. Make yourself comfortable. We will get started soon.’’

SPOILER!!: Azura! <3
Originally Posted by FwooperOnYourLeft View Post
Holy Fwoopers was it cold!! Azura was bundled up in her cloak, a hat, scarf and mittens! She bit her lip a little as she slung her bag over her shoulder and walked quickly down toward the lake! She wanted to make sure she wasn't late!

Thankfully she saw that she was one of the first people there and she waved at the two professors. "Good afternoon Professors. " She said with a nod as she bit her lip and looked around..

Did they uhh... Get to sit down or anything?

Azura seemed to be in much better spirits than the last lesson which made Kay very happy. “Hello, Ms Kennedy. Keep warm until we get started.’’ She winked then turned to greet the next student.

SPOILER!!: Fiyero! <3
Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy View Post
Fiyero hurried down the path that led to the lake, munching on a few peppermint humbugs as he went. There, that ought to hold him until dinner! Still he hoped the teachers wouldn't keep them too late...

He quickly stuffed the bag of candy back into his pocket as he approached the lake. He wouldn't want to lose house points for breaking the "no eating" rule - or worse, get his candy taken away! He waved to Professors Newton and Stewart. "Hello, Professors," he greeted them. His eyes fell to the little rat tucked inside Professor Newton's jumper. "and Madame Curie," he added; the rat squeaked in reply.

A sudden cold breeze made Fiyero shiver, wrapping his cloak tighter around him. He blew into his hands, rubbing them together to warm them up. He hoped one of the professors would start a fire soon... though if this went anything like his first Potions lesson, he could probably manage a fire on his own. Well, he was getting a bit better about that... at least he hadn't set anything on fire since then. Still, just in case, he'd bought a cauldron repair kit the last time he was in Hogsmeade.

He had no idea what Potions and Muggle Studies could possibly have to do with each other, but he assumed someone would explain it eventually. While he waited, he stared out at the lake. Well, they certainly had a good view for this lesson, whatever it was about!

“Good afternoon, Mr Jones!’’ The first year got a bean from the woman. How lovely it was to see the younger ones arriving early for the lesson.

SPOILER!!: Janelle! <3
Originally Posted by Daydreamer11 View Post
Janelle made her way down to the lake, cold already. Had she not put on enough layers for this class? She always wondered how the professors would manage to combine unrelated classes and today was no different. As it was getting late in the day, Janelle wondered if they would be brewing potions in the dark. Only one way to find out.

Reaching the "classroom" area, Janelle saw that she was not the first to arrive. "Hello Professor Stewart, Professor Newton, my fellow classmates." Janelle was in a rather good mood because these were two classes that she really enjoyed. Hopefully this would be a fun class and as always, she was ready for anything. Now she just had to wait for class to begin.

“Hello, there, Ms Guidry! It’s great to see you here so early.’’ The woman smiled at the Ravenclaw. She pulled her jumper tighter around her middle. Just a little longer, she reminded herself.

SPOILER!!: Tenacious! <3
Originally Posted by Steelsheen View Post
It be chilly Cap'n!

Tenacius was wondering why both Professors would hold an early evening class out in the grounds in what could be the coldest time of the year around these parts, so there he goes piling up the clothes-- extra charmed for warmth, before heading out of his common room.

He could still feel the nippy air on his face, but it didn’t diminish warmth and brightness of his megawatt smile "Goodafternoon Professor Newton, Professor Stewart!" he beamed and made a little toodle-doo wave at the Potioneer's snuggly tucked pet furball.

He saw the piles of wood and stone and naturally, he got excited. Because those are the usual items for -- "Professors are we making a bonfire???" because cold + outside = big fiery heater! To him anyway.

There are some persons that radiate energy and Tenacious was one of those such persons. “Hello, Mr Salander!’’ He was bundled up so Kay was sure he was somewhat warm. She winked when he volunteered a guess as to what they were going to be doing today. “So close! You shall see soon enough.’’

SPOILER!!: Hads! <3
Originally Posted by Callie View Post
It was cold. FREEZING COLD. Being mid-December, snow had fallen and blanketed the ground and it was cold. Really, really, really cold.

Growing up in Southern California, Hadley wasn't good with the cold. Her definition of cold was anything below 65°F (~18°C). She was an absolute wuss when it came to the cold. Thus, Hads wasn't in the greatest of moods as she shuffled her way through the snow, full winter robes, scarves, thermal long johns underneath her uniform, and still hugging herself tightly against the cold, shivering.

What was even worse was the fact this was a potions class too. She was gonna end up a flea or something because she wouldn't be able to keep her hands from shaking.

A frozen solid flea. She was gonna die a flea encased in ice!

"Professors," She chittered through chattering teeth and bowed her head. "Why!? Why would you do this to us!?"

Oh dear. There were bound to be a few that would complain about the cold and Kay expected Haddie to be one of them. Not because the girl like to complain or anything like that but Hadleigh simply spoke what was on her mind. “You’ll be rather warm soon, Ms Denaker.’’

SPOILER!!: Echo! <3
Originally Posted by Grrr..Meow View Post
Making her way to her next class she was glad to find out that it was two together, that means more time to study for her owls. "Hello Professors" she said while wrapping her cloak closely to her body. Why was she always so cold.

Spotting a friend, because not to many people were there yet she went over "Hey Janelle!! hows it going?" she asked while looking around. Looks like things are going to get interesting... she also spotted Azura, the girl she had helped with DADA class. Echo waved over to Azura Echo hoped that she was doing better.

There came Echo! Kay gave her a wide smile as she pulled her amethyst beanie hat more snugly around her head. “Hello, Ms Duchaness!’’

SPOILER!!: Mase! <3
Originally Posted by Nc.Ap. View Post

. . .

There was seriously something majorly WRONG with the Professors at this school. They all just seemed to enjoy spiking the kid's drinks and making them all turn into popsicles, cause that was exactly what Mason was right now. If there was anything that disappointed her Dedushka and Babushka about her, then it was definitively her intolerance to cold. That was one of the main reasons she never visited, cause her tolerance to cold was non-existant, she died everytime she even saw snow, so this was HELL.

And now they were by the LAKE. The FROZEN-LAKE. . . wy tho? What was the point in having them freeze their little legs off? CLEARLY it was going to have some kind of 'purpose' like Myers' little-stunt. . . it was a stupid-purpose anyway. If Mason could just perfect that idiotic Warming-Spell, then she could finally get herself out of these situations, but noooooooooooooo. She just HAD to freeze.

She wasn't even going to greet the Professors, even if they were some of her favourites. All they got was a silent glare and a face that was clearly very UNAMUSED. Nobody was greeted. Nobody. *glowers*


Another unhappy student. Kay glanced at Art to see if he noticed. She didn’t want him feeling bad about holding the class outdoors so she put on her signature beam. “Hello, Ms Stevens!’’

SPOILER!!: Hades! <3
Originally Posted by SpiritWolfe Malfoy View Post
Okay it was mid-December.

It was cold. There was snow. Annnddd it was approaching early evening where the sun was setting. Yet there was a joint lesson happening. Outside. In the cold. In the snow. Right near the frozen over lake. Was there something wrong with this picture? Probably to most people but not to one Miss Hadleigh Lynch. She was very much used to the cold and snow and after spending a few hours out in it a few days earlier just sitting beneath a tree this was about to bother her in the least.

Arriving at the spot where the lesson was being held in not much more then her normal lesson robes, a jacket, and a thin pair of gloves. She could probably thank the Warming-spells she had placed on herself of the simple fact that she just didn't take to much notice to the cold normally. Either way it wasn't important right now. She had a lesson to attend.

Making her way over to the large logs she looked at some of the younger ones already there. They looked frozen! With a small shake of her head she pulled her wand out and nearly silently aimed and cast a few 'warming' charms on them. No sense in letting anyone freeze if she could be of help. Hopefully the charms would take effect quickly and were well placed. Without a word she returned her wand to her pocket and took a seat on one of the logs but not before sending both professors a smile. "Hello Professor Newton, Madame Curie, Professor Stewart."

“Hello, Ms Lynch!’’ It cheered Kay up to know that there was one more student who didn’t seem too bothered by the weather. What spell was that she had casted?

SPOILER!!: Dalton! <3
Originally Posted by Harron Peasley View Post
Potions, his only good lesson. And Muggle Studies. Something he was okay at, purely because - as far as he knew, as far as he'd grown up - Dalton was a Muggle. But together? The idea sounded pretty absurd.

And to make it worse, they were working out at the lake. In December. In Scotland no less. Tugging his red beanie hat lower over his ears and shoving his hands deeper into the pockets of his robes, Dalton trudged through the grounds to the logs, nodding at the professors as he took a seat on the the furthest log from the front.

Could he light a cauldron now please? Warm himself up?

Another silent student but again, Kay responded with a greeting. “Good afternoon, Mr Fletcher!’’ She smiled and watched him sit far away from the front. It didn’t matter just as long he focused on the lesson.

SPOILER!!: Jaemin! <3
Originally Posted by Ameh View Post
Conflicted. He was so conflicted about all of this. Jaemin had bundled himself up in a peacoat that very nearly swallowed him whole, gloved hands peeking out, face half hidden behind a Slytherin scarf that was longer than he was tall. He'd wrapped it around himself a few times, and it was keeping his cheeks nice and warm. He made his way down toward the lake, wrinkled nose hidden behind the green and silver.

Potions was growing a lot easier, day by day, because Professor Newton hadn't accidentally poisoned anyone since last year. However... he wasn't very thrilled with the idea of Muggle Studies being put together with Potions. He wasn't very thrilled with the idea of Muggle Studies at all anymore, but... well hopefully with it being a joint class, there wouldn't be anyone asking him to draw and giving him failing marks for not wanting to.

The small Slytherin looked at both of the professors, giving a small wave as his eyes lingered on Art and the little rat nose poking up under his chin. He turned on his heel immediately after and went looking for a seat, plunking his stuff and himself down on one of the logs a good safe distance away.

Kay already had a smile on as she saw Jaemin approach. She waved back with a cheery ‘Hello, Mr Sung!’ Recently, she had gotten the impression he wasn’t fond of Muggle Studies and Kay wondered if that had been her doing.

SPOILER!!: Dot! <3
Originally Posted by Cassirin View Post
The class was meeting outside. In the winter. Near a lake. In Scotland. It didn't take an Unspeakable to figure out that it was going to be super duper cold, and Dot had dressed accordingly. Boots, several layers of socks and trousers and gloves, and a hat with actual ear flaps. Cozy.

She couldn't figure out why some of her classmates were so shocked by the cold. It wasn't like it hadn't been cold yesterday. Or the day before. Common sense was sometimes in short supply.

"Good day, Professors. Bit nippy, what?"

Kay thought that Dot looked quite adorable and fashionable in that hat. "Good afternoon, Ms Wojack-Gusey! It sure is... for now.'' She winked, keeping the mystery of the lesson a while longer.

SPOILER!!: Kitty! <3
Originally Posted by Goblinfrog View Post
GAH!!!! That one word could describe Kitty's attitude as she trudged bravely through the snow to their next lesson. She HATED, absolutely HATED extreme weather - weather burning hot (made it hard to wear a cape) or the freezing cold. Today it was freezing cold, and Kitty fought her way through it (covered in winter robes, a hat, and a big red scarf), wondering furiously why they couldn't have had this lesson indoors.

When at last she had reached the docks, Kitty flopped down right next to Mason Stevens, though in her discomfort she couldn't tell who it was. Then she wrapped her arms around herself and huddled in a ball, shivering and thinking mutinous thoughts. She felt too cold to say hello to either one of the professors. But if she could say something she would probably be informing them that it was easy for her to catch a cold and could she please be excused from this and any other lesson that would take place in this type of extreme weather.

"Hello, Ms Valentine,''
Kay said to the obviously angry Kitty. Oh dear... But she didn't have to worry. Clss was going to commence in a minute or two.

SPOILER!!: Noelle! <3
Originally Posted by ChanceCoeur View Post
It was cold.
Freezing cold
Beyond cold.
So cold that not only did Noelle have her uniform on, but she also had on her small jacket, cloak, AND a bigger coat to suit. She was wrapped in a scarf and had matching pink gloves. Winter was not her friend.

But Muggle studies was one of her favorite classes.
It was nice to see the world she lived in, seen in a new light. Noelles breath puffed in front of her as she made her way to the lake and stood beside Azura. She grinned and nudged her but her hands were securely in her pockets and she hd no intent of taking them out u less she HAD to. Gloves or no gloves.

Noelle looked around at the class and saw her big sister, Hady. she got a big smile. She would have gotten more if Noelle wasn't trying to stay warm. She hoped Hady brought back pictures of her siblings. She loved seeing pictures of them.

Now when was class starting?

Kay beamed as Noelle joined their ranks. "Hello, Ms Summers.'' She couldn't help but wonder if every thing was alright among her, Sabbath and Noah. The woman certainly hoped so.

The Professor glanced at her watch. “I reckon we should get started, Art.’’ She smiled at the man she had grown to think of as a father before stepping closer to her students. “Welcome to this joint lesson, everyone! Professor Art and I are pleased to see so many of you here despite the time… and temperature.’’ Her blue eyes twinkled as she surveyed them all.

“Now, I don’t want to keep you out in the cold any longer so let me explain what we’re going to do. Mr Salander came close with a guess earlier as to this. Instead of a bonfire, you each will be building your own fire. Yes, you will all be warm soon enough!’’ Kay grinned. “Professor Newton will explain the next aspect of the lesson after we have all built our fires.’’ She clapped her hand excitedly before pointing to the pile of already chopped wood. “Each of you is to gather a few pieces of wood…’’ She took about five pieces and neatly stacked them together so that one end of each rested on another. “Next, you simply take a match- I will be passing around a few boxes shortly- then create your fire.’’ Kaysha did exactly this by striking the match to the box. The resulting friction soon created the fire. Warmth engulfed her.

With the flames dancing before her and the others, she beamed. “This is simple enough. Not to worry about the wood or match not being able to get lit. They were all kept at the perfect temperature in preparation for the lesson so there should be no issues at all. But if you do, kindly let me know.’’

“So go on! Build your fires! Kindly collect a box of matches from me as well.’’

OOC: Hiya, lovelies! <3 Class has officially commenced now so no posting late arrivals, just pretend your charries has been here all along Kay and I plunged right into this activity for two reasons: to keep the students warm and for time constraint, given what Jess and I have planned. So for this activity only one post is needed but you can do more. Pretend Kay has given your charrie the box of matches. Class will continue in at least 24 hours (Jess will be able to give a more direct time). If you have any questions for me OOC, VM, PM or Skype/MSN me! For IC ones, put ‘Professor Stewart’ in your post’s header.
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The ones in books who are as perfect as they can be.🌺🌺🌺
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