Forest Troll
Join Date: Aug 2011 Location: Ohio
Posts: 27,991
Hogwarts RPG Name: Kirsten Delbin Hufflepuff Fifth Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Mateo Theodore Slytherin Fifth Year
x11 x9
| Fourth Song.. Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something... SPOILER!!: Frankie Quote:
Originally Posted by Zoe If there hadn't been a refreshment table, the blond would have turned around and left the room, possibly even the seventh floor entirely. Since most of the school was here, that meant he could roam freely around the castle or hang out in the prefects' bathroom without interruption, without having to see Hady. But, for now, the cookies and everything else brought him solace.
Just as he took a big bite of his cookie, he heard a male voice say his name. He turned his face and saw that it was Griffin. The prefect nodding his head at the fifth year and swallowed hard. Was he alright? "Feeling just peachy," he responded, taking another bite of his cookie to show that he agreed with the boy's comment about the cookies as the started playing their first songs.
"Band's good too," Frankie added, looking up at the stage as Nat sang her little heart out and Hady was so... He quickly finished his cookie and then faced the table for a drink, mostly to distract himself. Pumpkin juice or butterbeer? He glanced toward the stage, "Yeah, I don't know any of them." Well he knew Kelly from his brother, but that was it and it wasn't very well. "Do you know them?" He figured being older and a prefect he would know most of the people. He picked up another cookie before looking around. "Nice crowd for them though, do they play often." SPOILER!!: Geth, Amelia, Ullr Quote:
Originally Posted by SpiritWolfe Malfoy From the moment she began playing Hadleigh put herself in the zone. It was as if no one was really there anymore as she played, her drumming keeping in perfect sync with the girls. The song came to an end giving the brunette a few moments pause to remember fully that they weren't alone practicing. There was lots of people filling the room and suddenly she felt jittery once again quickly scanning over the crowd of faces for someone she could focus on.
Spotting a blonde and the dark haired boy at her side Hady grinned at them both. Hi Maggie! Hey Zeke! Yes, we see you both! Having the two of them here helped her relax once again. Hopefully they were enjoying the music and having a good time.
Speaking of people arriving she did happen to see her fellow last name twin. We see you Aramis! Hady cast the boy a small smile and a slight nod of her head. She might've even waved at them but no time.
Nat was introducing the next song. Shifting on the stool she lightly tapped her foot for the count in tapping her sticks lightly together as well. Echos. They had played this song so many times she knew it in her sleep. The words flowed from her band mates lips and the others began to play along. Joining in effortlessly when it was time Hady tapped the drum sticks to the beat not missing a beat. As long as they were playing her mind was with the music and nothing else mattered. Being here with Amelia was the best choice he had made. Sorry bro but yeah. It wasn't that he didn't want to be with his brother it was just he knew how the twin felt about the girl currently at his side. It was just one of the few things they disagreed on. At least Griff had stopped telling him what a bad choice it was and crap cause if he had to hear it just one more time there would be a problem. They had come to some sort of mutual silent agreement to be honest with their thoughts but to also let the other do as he pleased.
So it somewhat surprised him when Griffin walked his way. Yeah, hi to you too. Sigh. "A date? Uh, I guess so?," Gethan gave a half hearted shrug of shoulders as he glanced over at Amelia. Was this a date? Did she consider it one? For all intents and purposes it could be but they hadn't exactly confirmed nor denied this either way even if he had asked her to come with him and she had agreed.
Whatever the lady said was what it was. Blue-gray eyes skimmed over the entire crowed space. It took awhile for her to spot anyone she knew. Okay, so she didn't exactly spot the two boys. Nope. It was the waving arms that had caught her attention. In fact it had made her laugh. "Hey Benton! Henry!," Rian called out over the loud music wiggling her way around people and towards her friends a large smile plastered on her face. Someone was missing though and it confused her. "Where's Remy? Isn't he here yet?" He had said he was coming. If she had known he wasn't already here she would've stayed back in the common room and waited on him. They could've walked to the RoR together. Quote:
Originally Posted by VRSCIKA Ilia was feeling alive dancing with Nat and echoing her voice. Her smile grew as the riff ended, first song complete heck yeah. She was beaming at her band and their audience. Oh yes Zeke she saw you. Ignoring his snotty arm holder, she gave him a wink. The girl could complain about the attention she gave the boy later, pinning her to the couch was fun ahem.
Ah, the next song she knew so well. Grinning at Nat's comment when she introduced the song, her fingers tended her chords again. She began to dance around Nat and lean against her a bit affectionately as she echoed Echos. Her voice was just enough to mingle with and amplify Nat's as her guitar sang loud and proud. She felt so good on the stage, winking down at Henric. Her boyfriend was indeed the loudest fan and it made her happy as could be. She was so tuned into being a goddess on stage, she didn't realise what it was her boy was shouting....
_-------------------- Ullr was wearing his red 80s jacket, leather and boots. Had to support the rocking theme yes? He did come to support family and friends. The platinum blonde snake was content holding onto Amelia's arm, for the most part ignoring Gethan's presence as per usual. As much as he could with him on his Annie's arm anyways.....
Well would you look at that? Nat's voice was turning the crowd out, you go girl. Hady was banging on the drums...pun intended. That keyboardest must be Kelly....only siren he still needed to introduce himself to. Kali was killing her chords, oh yes ma'am.....and his cousin was absolutely show boating. Couldn't help yourself could you Freya? He grinned as he watched them. A familiar voice began speaking to the third wheel however and Ullr smirked a grin over at him. "Three way dates are all the rage after all." Yes, he was still here Gethan and he wasn't going anywhere. Still
...Griffin...he couldn't help but give the hot twin a wink. "Who is lucky enough to grace your arm today Aquaman?" Quote:
Originally Posted by Lauralicious If it hadn't been for Gethan and Ullr, Amelia wouldn't have come to the concert. She wasn't too keen on meeting Roman and since his girlfriend was in the band he would be here, 100 %. At least there would be drinks and food. The brunette had no idea what music they were playing but Gethan seemed so excited about it and Ullr's cousin played in the band so they kinda had to be good. Not that she had a problem with any of them, not even Roman's girlfriend. She was just delusional. There was a big chance for the music to be good. How could she say no when Gethan asked her all cutely. Somehow she just couldn't deny him a thing. In addition, bestie duties had to be fulfilled so there was now way the gryffindor would have let her best friend come here alone.
Thinking about that further, it would have been fun to challenge Ullr to find a date really spontaneously. With as much charm as he got that probably wouldn't have been a big deal for him.
Squeezing Gethan's hand, the sixth year entered the room of requirement in her black crop top and red plaid skirt. His hand in hers made her feel comfortable even though so many people were here. It wasn't like she had a problem with crowds but considering she thought about running away a few days ago, being around a lot of students wasn't exactly what she had planned on doing. "Looking real good", she whistled when she looked Jack over. The boy really had a way of making himself stand out in his clothes. Smiling up at the taller dude, she poked his cheek with her nose softly. With both of them here, nothing could hurt her....and if it did she was sure they were strong enough to hold her back. Didn't wanna cause a scene at a concert. "Yeah okay. But don't leave me a lone for too long." Amelia nodded at Gethan and placed a soft kiss on his cheek. "You seen a cute little blonde called Bella, Jackie?" Was Bella even here??? If so, they had to go find her. Or maybe Cox, where he was Bella was.
As she went to look for a good space for the three off them, her eyes came across Bentley. Sweet, little Bentley. Giving him a nod she made a mental note not to let him drink anything. That wasn't happening again under her watch.
Unfortunately Gethan brought Griffin along with him when he came back to her. Why did he bring his brother? Okay that question was idiotic but the fact that he probably didn't like her at all wasn't very comforting...and the fact that he was right about her being bad for him was even worse. "Yes it is. It's a date." Grin on her face Amelia took Gethan's hand again.
Watching the interaction between Ullr and Griffin, Amelia couldn't help but be a little confused. That wink definitely had to mean something but she wasn't quite sure what. The bestie had to explain her some things after the concert. "Well maybe you can be the candy to his arm Jackie, you'd certainly brighten up his appearance." Even though she really wasn't fond of the dude, Ullr was a big boy and could make his own decision. The brunette would be there to pick up the pieces, no matter what. The things Ullr had done for her....she could never be there enough for him to make up for that. This was... awkward and not where Griffin wanted to be. AT ALL! He wasn't a fan of the drama vibe that these three had. He knew his brother liked her and he knew Ullr liked her, it was very rude of Amelia to string them both along and possibly hurt his brother. He just looked at them all. "If this is a date, why is he right here to?" He'd ask the question, he didn't care if it was awkward or not. His eyes moved back to the band and then to the screaming of other bands here.
He looked around. He wasn't familiar with the band, but why would a real band be here for a kid band? It was strange at least he thought. Maybe this was a good time for him just to leave. This was just weird and he was just ready to go to bed. SPOILER!!: Kat Quote:
Originally Posted by SarcasticStrawberry Crap. She was really hoping that her dear brother had gotten lost on the way up here or wasn't going to me allowed inside for the concert. But Nope he was here she would just have to get over him being here too. If he would leave her and her friends alone she would leave him alone. Fair right? Haha no she was going to the annoying little sister here, and all day everyday. Hehe
Be prepared, Philly Willy, be prepared!
Katerina was now eyeing her older brother. WAS THAT DROOL? What was he staring at? Boys were totally ridiculous over merlin knows what. She giggled at the look on his face. Weirdo. She eyed him slightly at his appearance. "You're too slow, I've got things to do and people to see." And she didn't need him butting in or slowing her down.
Bye brother.
Who else was here now? She turned around when she heard a greeting. It was Katherine Toussaint. How awesomely cool was that? She smiled at her friend. "Katy! Hi hey. What are you doing here?"[/b] That was semi obvious the same or one of the same reasons why the others were here. But Kathuerine was here with a plate of sandwiches. Good looking sandwiches. "Who are those sandwiches for?" You know, asking for a friend and stuff.
Fifteen minutes????? OH MY MERLIN. Katerina couldn't wait! It still amused her that professors were here too. You know who the hip cool professors were now didn't you? Kat laughed at Benton's comment to Myers, and back at his. "Well I think its cool that professors came. It shows that they care about students extra activities."
Kat wanted a butterbeer, so she slipped away to the food table, just before the band started and grabbed a bottle. She smiled back at Henry it was cool that he was there too. Beads? Cool. "I'll take some. Do you dance Henry?" She asked with a shy little giggle. Totally forgetting that he brother dearest was around somewhere. But If Henry did dance, she might ask him. Maybe. She grinned over to Noelle. "Do you dance, Noelle?" Maybe they could dance and Henry join them. You know to make things not so awkward, because Kat was awkward especially with boys, well boys that she might like more than friends.
OH MY GOSH!!!!!! Was that TDK? IS THIS THE REAL LIFE? or just fantasy ......... He looked at Kat kind of strange as she said it was cool professors were there. She was sucking up, right? That was the only reason someone said being with professor was cool. It had to be the only reason people ever said a professor was cool. He liked the professors, but they were old, not cool. "So you liking the band so far?" Change the subject, yes. SPOILER!!: Bas, Max, Rula Quote:
Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl Rula noticed the look Max gave her, and she offered a reassuring smile. "I don't feel like I have to. Don't feel like you have to either." She wouldn't hold it against him.
Apparently Bast was pretty encouraging about it too though, what with not only claiming TWO dances now, but also claiming one with Max too. Hehehehe. "Are you going to be dancing with everyone tonight, Bastien?" It was kind of funny to imagine, actually, Bast dancing with every person at the party. Especially people he didn't seem to like, like Griffin.
Speaking of which.
He was right there at the food table and near them now. "Oh, yeah, we met when we were at Durmstrang." And it was nice to have a fellow former Durmie at Hogwarts since Bast DITCHED her (yes, she would continue to think this for a LONG TIME OKAY).
Ohh, cookies were a good idea. Maybe just one though. For now. That'd be a nice, light kind of snack for now...
Rula stopped herself in mid-reach for a cookie and turned around to get a look at who'd just come through the entrance.
Prince West was here!!! And there was Dante's brother Nigel and Ascanius and - was that Vesper too?!? How cool!
But West!!! "Let's go say hi!" She said to Max and Griffin, and in her excitement she released her hold on Max's hand as she hurried toward her friend. Family friend. Same thing. "West!" Quote:
Originally Posted by ChanceCoeur The band was amazing!! Noelle whistled at Hady, her big sister, as she played on stage. The other girls were good too but Hady was like a star up there. She was impressed and proud of her.
Turning her attention back to the people around her, Noelle grinned. Kat!! She was awesome. They had turned into foxes together. Fun stuff there. And she was offering to dance. Heck yes!! Noelle could pretend she knew how to dance well. She didn't... But then again, she didn't really care if she couldn't. She tried and she had fun doing it! "Sure Kat! I'll dance. Henry, you up to dancing with us?" Because Kat seemed to want him to dance and she didn't want to leave him out... Or anyone. "Anyone else want to..." Noelle didn't finish because a shout had her looking and she saw TDK.
The Dead Kneazles.
They were here.
Noelles mouth opened. No way. She had a poster of them in her dorm. Maybe she could sneak out and get it and have them sign it. What were they doing here?? At a concert for Hogwartians?? Were they here together or not was the main thing Griffin was wondering. He glanced at the other boy that was with them and back to Rula. "Oh that's cool. It's always nice to know people when you are new." No one came from Cali so he didn't know anyone but Geth, which was okay because he had been meeting others. "Are you having fun?" They were taking about dancing and Max said about him dancing, "With you?" He might have blushed a bit before he realized what he said, "I mean yeah.. yeah I could probably dance too." He hadn't met with him, but he'd like to dance with Rula or Max or both. AHEM... "Do you guys know any of the girls?"
He had just asked when she was distracted by that other band that had showed up. He watched her leave and then looked at the other two a little surprised, "She knows them?" People actually knew celebrities here? No one knew them at his other school.
He made eye contact with Max and wasn't sure if the look was upset or not.. "She'll probably be right back."
.................................................. ..... This was unreal, she was singing in front of TDK wait until she told Joe! This was the best moment of her life and she couldn't help but feel the energy come back once the nerves got pushed away. Dancing around with Ilia she felt she knew she owned the stage. It was something she dreamed about for as long as she could remember. As they finished Wolves at the door she gave Ilia a wing before looking out at the crowd again. "Ready for another one?" She beamed hoping they were. She felt like she could do this all night. Her eyes went to the corner again before landing on Dante, yes Dante she was looking at you!
Anyway, back to the music, yes. "Okay this next one was from our gorgeous drummer, but fits very well with our style." Not that they had one style. She loved the uniqueness about them. "This is Right Kind of Wrong by Leann Rimes." Yes it was an older country song, but they could rock it out pretty well. She grinned towards the girls and held the mic with one hand. There was going to be dancing around, because it was just that fun.
Kelly it the keyboard and she grinned, "Know all about about your reputation and how it's bound to be a heartbreak situation, but I can't help it if I'm helpless. Every time that I'm where you are." She let the music go through her and she looked around the group of students and professors. She was trying not to let her eyes fall on a certain group of guys that were watching. She could stare at them in a bit, yes, right now it was time to sing. "Loving you, really isn't something I should do. I shouldn't wanna spend my time with you. Well I should try to be strong, but baby you're the right kind of wrong. Ya, baby you're the right kind of wrong."
Nope she was staying cool, yep she was not missing a beat to this song!
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