Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic

 Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010 Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,105
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne Gryffindor First Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden Hufflepuff Second Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden Ravenclaw Second Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington Slytherin First Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks Gryffindor Sixth Year Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry Minister's Office Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed Mysteries Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin Owl Post
x12 x12
| astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf SPOILER!!: Olly! Quote:
Originally Posted by littledhampir Olly was simply delighted at the turn this lesson was taking. All of his lessons lately seemed to be so full of entertainment. First shrinking in Herbology and now all this ghostly interruptions and gossip in Astronomy. It was amazing. And it was kind of funny to see Professor Flamsteed so...flustered. They were learning all sorts of things about his personal life.
Olly could barely understand Flamsteed's next question. He was on the floor and breathing very heavily and his speech was punctured so much it took him a bit of thinking to figure out what he was saying. But he thought he understood the question. Or at least got the gist of it. "Gravity is pushing us toward the ground," he said. That's how he always understood it, at least. "Toward the Earth." Never away from it, not even if they were on the very southernmost part.
“Yes, very good,” he wheezed at the Slytherin, offering a feeble thumbs up in the process. SPOILER!!: Tenacius Quote:
Originally Posted by Steelsheen
Well ok, so Flamesteed can flame-on (geddit?) if he was pushed to disrobing. Kinda scary…. For a 12 year old. Just wait till he gets a little older and a little taller hehehehe….
……Aaaaand down he goes. On the floor. "TIIIIMMMBERRRR…." he chuckled as he muffled his jest wit his hands.
And now for penguins! Why aint they dropping off the face of the planet?
Well that would normally stump anybody thinking that the universe had an up, down, left right forward or backward "Earth makes gravity Professor. It comes from the center, its not outside, its inside. That’s why penguins stay on Antarctica and why the rest of us arent flying off this planet as it spins."
Still wheezing, the professor simply nodded his head at the Gryffindor. Yes yes, that was part of it. Oh sweet solstice oxygen come to him more easily, please? SPOILER!!: Esme! Quote:
Originally Posted by Squishy Was it bad that she found a flustered Professor Flamsteed rather amusing? Esme could feel for the man as something personal had been outed to the entire class, but it wasn't as if he wouldn't recover. She still couldn't get over the fact that the man had TATTOOS. What even was that.
It was mind boggling.
Onto further discussion of gravity as well as a demonstration of exactly how it worked. Esme winced. That had to hurt and it was a little difficult to understand what the man was saying while lying on the floor. Somehow she managed to grasp the gist of things. After a moment, she raised her hand to attempt a guess. "Is it because they are being pulled down towards the center of the planet?" That seemed to be the most logical explanation to her.
Another nod was sent towards the Hufflepuff. Excuse the exaggerated wheezing. SPOILER!!: Mel! Quote:
Originally Posted by Optimist Melbourne Johanson looked up at Professor Flamsteed and watched with awe as he stepped on the apple and fell over. Ouch. Heh…also kind of funny…”um…” Mel felt her face heat at the eyebrow wiggle that she got from Tenacius. “I’m not saying I agree with her Tenacius” Mel whispered over to her best friend but honestly she didn’t know anything about stud muffin things.
“shhhh we shouldn’t push him to take his shirt off” Mel felt her face redden some more. Raising her hand she looked up at Professor Flamsteed, “Professor…would the earth’s liquid core help with gravity?” She asked and looked around. It made sense now didn’t it?
“Certainly the core plays a significant role,” he nodded. “Specifically the dense liquid iron-nickel outer core, due to its mass, is a significant part of the earth's gravitational field.” SPOILER!!: Daxton! Quote:
Originally Posted by Felixir A lot of this lesson was completely lost on Daxton. Not the actual science of the class, but rather all of the yelling about all sorts of things (except that it was not all yelling, but to Daxton's ears, it may as well have been). For his part, Daxton kept looking very intently out of the window, attempting to ignore anything and everything that was happening around him - not something he often did, not unless he was in real danger of being overwhelmed. As such, he missed much of the conversation, and the details of certain revelations.
But, when he had heard Airey Flamsteed's muffled voice through his covered ears, Daxton turned his head ever so slightly to watch the man himself, eager for the Astronomer to oust the ghost from the classroom and get back to the science. It seemed as though that was exactly what might happen, too, until...
Airey Flamsteed's fall to the ground and the resulting thud was almost comical. At last, Daxton uncovered his ears, then moved his hands to his desk and half-stood to peer over it and see the professor lying on the floor. And that... that was almost certainly Daxton's apple, rolling away from the scene of the crime. Daxton himself ignored the new question about gravity - though he might have provided an answer along the lines of gravity pulling in to a certain point, and creating the concept of 'down' if he had not - instead choosing to look down at Airey Flamsteed on the floor, unable to keep an oh-so-faint smile from tugging at the corners of his lips, given the amusing nature of the situation.
He continued ignoring the ghost.
Airey was a bit too preoccupied to notice the faint smile playing on the Ravenclaw’s lips...but even if he had caught it, its presence would not have surprised the astronomer. SPOILER!!: Azura! Quote:
Originally Posted by MunchyBubbles Azura jumped a bit in her desk As Professor Flamsteed went down! Eekkkk! Professor down! Should someone help him? She bit her lip worriedly as she watched him try to catch his breath and ask another question.
Why don't penguins fall off the planet?
Was that even important right now? Was he okay? She wanted to go help him, but she didn't know if that was allowed.. The tiny Ravenclaw shifted in her seat as she tried to figure out what to do..
Probably best to answer the question. Her hand moved into the air as she eyed the Professor with concern. "Since the earth is round Professor, gravity pulls everyone to the center of the circle.. It's why penguins don't fall down off the earth and why people in the South Pole aren't waking upside down! "
Okay.. That was answered.. Now was he all right?
Oh! Was that air properly reaching his lungs now? What a novel concept. Airey offered the Raveclaw a faint smile for her answer. Yes, thank you. Excuse him as he breathes iiiiiiiiiiiin and ooooooooout for a moment. SPOILER!!: Fiyero! Quote:
Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy Fiyero shot a sympathetic look at Professor Flamsteed. That ghost's appearance had bern awkward for him to listen to, so he knew it had to be embarassing for the teacher! He decided not to ask any personal questions and focus on the lesson at hand. Ok, gravity...
And then Professor Flamsteed slipped on somebody's discarded apple. "Are you alright, Professor?" Fiyero asked unthinkingly. He shot an angry look at some of his classmates who seemed to think this was funny. Poor Professor Flamsteed... tonight just didn't seem to be going very well for him!
Fiyero could barely make out the next question... something about penguins and Antarctica and falling off the earth. He had no idea what the answer was, but he decided to give it a go anyway. "Because the gravitational pull is stronger on Esrth that it is in space," he guessed, hoping it didn't sound like a dumb answer.
“Perfectly,” he nodded while giving the Gryffindor a slightly dismissive hand wave. SPOILER!!: Illia! Quote:
Originally Posted by VRSCIKA Unenthused was probably the best description of the snakettes mood. She was watching the mass chaos rather calmly and just shaking her head slightly. There went veins popping, points loss, ridiculous shouting..... Thank you very much for that performance Airehead.....she kept the eyeroll to herself and once the question came about she bothered to answer him. "Because the earth is not flat as our dull witted ancestors once believed to be true. Our heavenly bodies are round.....much like a nice Apple. Gravity is a force that draws to the core of a planet or moon, not so simply 'down'."
The professor tried not to laugh at the dull witted comment, recalling not all that long ago a former Gryffindor believing that the Sun revolved around the Earth. “Good.” SPOILER!!: Marion -__- Quote:
Originally Posted by Marion Burbage WELL...wasn't Airey just being a bit of a stick in the mud this evening. HMMMMMMMMPH! No matter, Marion was positively BEAMING at the subject matter of the day revolving around studmuffin Sir Isaac Newton and therefore unfazed by the Astronomy's professor's unease. He would surely laugh about it all later, as he often did.
"Oh how kind of you to think of me, my dear," she cooed softly to the Ravenclaw as she glided just a bit closer towards her. "But Hufflepuff already has a House ghost and I do not wish to impede on his moment."
"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH what a mighty fine question to ask, son" she chirped with a bit of an excited wiggle. "Even us ghosts are not toooooooooooootally exempt from the force hoooooooweeeeeeeever....the more mass something has, the more gravity it has. And we ghosts have no real mass to speak of. Did that answer your question, darling?"
OOOOOOOOOOOOOH Aireyhead. Stop being such a fuddy duddy! "A daughter!" she clucked while making excited glances towards the Astronomy professor.
"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOh why thank you darling," Marion beamed.
"Oh it is AAAAAAAAAAALL the way up his side!" Marion boasted on the astronomer's behalf. "The entire length, my dear!"
And then there were falling bodies everywhere. Beginning with the dear little Hufflepuff boy and followed soon after by the professor himself.
"Oh my gooooodness graaaaaaacious HEAVENS ABOVE!"
But darling Airey seemed to be alright, or at least was putting on a good show that he was so, as class continued despite the spill. But yes, please darlings, some one DOOOOOO help the other little dear up and to his seat. OH SWEET SOLSTICE.
“Marion,” Airey not-so-quietly whispered. “May I have a word with you...after class?” SPOILER!!: Carl! Quote:
Originally Posted by Jean Granger Carl glanced at Professor Flamsteed - glanced, because he was too busy staring at Ms Burbage - and was amused to find him staring into space with his mouth open. He must have been shocked that a ghost was revealing so much about his personal life.
The Badger's eyes widened as the Professor fell down after tripping on an apple. That must have hurt! He did not even hear the question properly but did not care. Was he okay? The boy watched with a worried expression as he struggled to speak.
The Hufflepuff’s concerned looks went unnoticed, although the man did sit up now. Sitting up and rubbing the back of his head. Oh that was going to leave a lump….but nothing to go see Cecelia about.
She would just mock him. SPOILER!!: Brian! Quote:
Originally Posted by laurange Brian just nodded, sighing a little at the point loss but making no complaint despite Hufflepuff being in last place. He deserved points taken off. But the boy did grin from his position on the floor when he earned three back for that display. Unintentional as it was. Heh. However -
Really? At all?
Brian made a pathetic attempt to stand, but the second he put any weight - and this was actually weight and not mass because it was a force - on his left leg, he failed and it was back to the floor. Joy. But there was a new question and he would be dead before he let one in astronomy slide. "Because all objects on earth are not just "pulled" but are in fact accelerating towards Earth's centre of gravity - its core - at 9.8 meters per square second. To change this state of motion would require quite the significant outside force, because, well, intertia."
And with that, he was done with his answer. And since nobody wanted to help him up, proceeded to roll towards his seat. Independent action. HOORAY FOR CELL SPECIALIZATION.
“Stellar, Mr. Woods,” Airey nodded. Slowly earning back some hypothetical points with the man. But still no excuse for arriving THIS late to class. SPOILER!!: Hady! Quote:
Originally Posted by SpiritWolfe Malfoy Hadleigh was listening to everyone around. She really truly was paying attention. It was all so much though. Tattoo, babies, ghosts and gravity. How was one supposed to process all of this when most of it wasn't even part of the lesson?!
The sixth year shifted her eyes onto the Professor once he had begun speaking again. However her eyes shifted towards a boy in Hufflepuff colors whom was standing and- what...was the boy back on the floor?! Was Airey on the floor too now? What was happening?!
She rose to her feet since no one else was and crossed the room. Sorry Professor if she was in the wrong but no one else was doing anything. "You okay? Do you need the healer?," she asked softly offering the boy (Brian) a hand to help him to his feet. "Are you alright Professor?" she added looking over her shoulder at the man still on the ground. Did he need a hand up too?
No she wasn't going to answer the question about penguins or whatever. People being on the ground was much more important...so much so it pulled her out of her own thoughts.
“Perfectly splendid,” he nodded. Nothing like being mortified in front of your students. SPOILER!!: Janelle! Quote:
Originally Posted by Daydreamer11 Janelle just sat back an watched the show. As ex-professor Burbage took over the class, Professor Flamsteed seemed shocked. And then, the vein began to bulge. Janelle thought he was about to blow, but he didn't. He began to talk about gravity, although she could see that he was clearly still angry, annoyed, put out? The next thing Janelle knew, he was on the floor. At first she thought it was intentional. The whole what goes up, must come down thing. Then she realized that the fall had not been staged. "Are you ok professor?", she asked with concern.
Then Professor seemed to recover enough to ask a question. Janelle thought about it for a moment and raised her hand to respond. "The penguins in Antarctica don't fall off the earth because gravity is really pulling you toward the center of the earth. So no matter where you are, you're being pulled toward whatever your "down is.". Did that make sense? It made sense inside Janelle's head anyway.
Not wishing to repeat himself, he simply nodded at the Ravenclaw’s concern. Yes yes alright over here. “Yes, very good.” SPOILER!!: Kitty! Quote:
Originally Posted by Goblinfrog Kitty winced as first a Hufflepuff and Professor Flamsteed tripped over an apple. Ouch. She was torn between wanting to ask if he was okay, and fear that he might be angry with her if she asked.
Instead she sat straight and focused her attention back on his next question. Why weren't penguins pulled off the planet? "I agree with Esme," said Kitty in reply, though Esme was not the only one who had given that answer. "If gravity comes from the center of the planet then it wouldn't be able to pull anyone down off it."
“Yes, thank you, Miss Valentine.” SPOILER!!: Rooney! Quote:
Originally Posted by Shanners ........... What. Was. Happening?!
Rooney was considering going to his Head of House after this lesson and complaining about the lack of education happening, given that he just wanted to eat the apple in front of him and he wasn't allowed. Actually, someone was being told off for biting into theirs and -- OH. OH! HAHAHAHAHHAAHA. Rooney couldn't help but laugh at the Professor's swift movement to the floor. That was...something fantastic. He wished there was a way he could relive it whenever he needed something good in his day.
Something funny.
This wasn't good.
This was...bad. Roo was certain he would have learned more being in his dorm.
True thoughts, Mr. Bronwyn. Or at least the professor would have been tempted to agree were he the sort to be able to know the thoughts of others. Airey was still wishing to hide under his desk. SPOILER!!: Maddie! Quote:
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow Just how exactly was Maddie supposed to pass her Astronomy NEWT when they couldn't seem to get through a lesson without some kind of spectacle? Ghosts and body art obsessed questioning and loud noises. She could feel gravity pulling her once high marks down as she watched and it wasn't pretty. This is why she preferred to teach herself things.
And no, no comments on penguins. She couldn't work like this.
Few could, Miss Cooper. May the force be with you? SPOILER!!: Skylar! Quote:
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising Skylar was speechless, from the rather eccentric behaviors of their normal Astronomy Professor to the arrival of another ghost - who began teaching them?! and educating them on things that sounded rather personal in regards to Professor Flamsteed - honestly, the first year knew what gravity was but no words came out. Fortunately some of her peers weren't as reactive as she was to the oddities in the classroom.
Nonetheless, Sky tried to focus her attentions on the room and learning as best she could. Flamsteed resumed teaching them, however, continuing with if gravity pulled them down, why didn't penguins get pulled from Earth? Really? Why pick on solely Antarctica? Weren't Australians hanging upside down off the Earth too? And what kinds of questions were these? She did happen to really like Janelle's answer and it sounded very feasible. They weren't being pulled down to Earth, necessarily, but to the center of Earth. "Because Penguins are being pulled down as well. Their version of down is opposite ours. We're being drawn toward the core." Oh, so is that why the apples? For the core reference, not the hidden stars?
The professor nodded in approval at the Slyterin’s response. “Yes, very good.” SPOILER!!: Scarlett! Quote:
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom Flamsteed always made his lessons..interesting, and that was part of the reason Scarlett loved his class so much. But was he OK after all that?! He sounded like he was going to have an asthma attack or something. Did anyone have an inhaler on them or...?
Right, he seemed...ok. So back to the lesson. Scarlett raised her hand and waited for her turn to jump into the conversation. "Well, even though they're on the bottom of the Earth, when you're there, it's not...like you're standing upside down. Because the Earth is a sphere you're still standing right side up. And gravity pushes everything towards the center of the Earth, right? Because of...the core. Right?" she said. There were like...metals and things involved, right? She remembered from her primary muggle school classes that she'd taken before pitching a fit and demanding her dad take her out of them. Muggle school was AWFUL.
“Precisely,” Airey saluted the Hufflepuff. SPOILER!!: Jaemin! Quote:
Originally Posted by Ameh Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes YESSSSSSSSSSS.
Jaemin was so excited that they were going to be doing that spell, because he already knew how to do it. He had even been PRACTICING since they'd come back. Not every day, but a few times. The small boy was almost vibrating, he was that jazzed about this. He could show Airey how good he'd gotten at it!
But then... AIREY DOWN. AIREY DOWN. The small boy stared with wide eyes as the man slip-dropped down, and he stood up from his seat to peer over the desk at him worriedly. He was still asking a question, but he sounded like he was dying.
"Cause the gravity... pulls in... not... down, Professor are you okay?" he asked, blinking at the man before looking at the ghost. Please don't die, Airey... they didn't need two ghost professors.
Still doing perfectly fine. Only thing that was currently suffering was his pride and professionalism. Alas. So the small Slytherin also received a small thumbs up from the man. SPOILER!!: Dot! Quote:
Originally Posted by Cassirin "Oh my goodness," Dot murmured, repeating the ghostly professor with a tiiiiiiiny grin. Like, it wasn't funny, and who didn't have a tattoo these days, but the professor was so stressed about it, and he was glaring and just...
"That's so scandalous. Thank you for telling us. About the gravity thing too... do you know any spells to counteract gravity?"
“You’ll be learning one that simulates such a thing in a moment,” the astronomer grumbled, obviously displeased by just how much the prefect was enjoying his torture. SPOILER!!: Clara! Quote:
Originally Posted by marshmallowXpie Clara tried to shift her gaze as a very peculiar thing happened in the classroom. I mean, people tripped and fell over all the time and she had hardly noticed it. It was probably because she thought all authority figures always carried themselves with a bit of grace. Nonetheless, Clara mostly just experienced some secondhand embarrassment for the professor as he became very well acquainted with the floor. She eyed the man warily and assumed that he was okay.
Shaking her head, she tried to get her mind back on to the actual topic. What was he talking about again? Oh yes, gravity. Hm. It was becoming increasingly difficult to not simply agree with all the other students, but the fact of the matter is...they weren't exactly wrong. "The reason that penguins in Antarctica don't get pulled down is because gravity doesn't actually work that way. Gravity pulls you "down", but "down" varies depending on where you are. For all on Earth, "down" is the center of the Earth, and therefore the penguins get pulled into the Earth instead. Not literally, of course. I mean, humans technically get pulled into the Earth as well. We just don't notice it on a day-to-day basis. It's not really something that you can feel."
“Yes, precisely,” he saluted. “Very good.”
He probably should get off the floor soon, yeah? SPOILER!!: Penelope! Quote:
Originally Posted by griffin Flamsteed looked like he was dying. Was it her question about the baby? Considering how private he liked to keep things, it probably was. Professor Flamsteed had ignored the question, but Burbage was there to share the details. Professor Flamsteed had a baby girl! Cue excited squealing. What was her name? Was she named after an astronomy thing? Maybe named for a constellation or a planet? So many questions. Babies were adorable.
Professor down. Had he meant to do that? Penguins! Now to explain why penguins didn't just fall of the Earth. "Earth is a sphere. Gravity is always pulling us towards the center of the Earth. What is 'up' and what is 'down' is relative and entirely based off your perspective. We may think that Antarctica is upside down, but because of gravity pulling towards the center of the Earth everything is actually the 'right way up' to the penguins. From the perspective of the penguins the ground is down, but this is different than what we think of as down."
Airey nodded towards the Head Girl. Miss Wright was almost always on point. SPOILER!!: Jace! Quote:
Originally Posted by Stefan Jace mirrored the professor’s expression as he stared back at the ghost...and the pasty man behind it. He wondered if it was actually necessary for them to know his personal stuff. Well, it was good to know that he dedicated something permanent and personal to his daughter, but...that isn’t as interesting as learning Astronomy stuff, right? If it was a Muggle Studies class, then he’s all up for Airey taking his shirt off...for educational purposes, of course.
Jace closed his mouth as Airey moved along with the discussion. The Ravenclaw immediately took his journal and quill and started to write the gist of what he was saying in Japanese. The writing however, stopped, when a loud thud was heard.
Jace took a peek, and cringed when he saw the professor on the ground, trying to get words out of his mouth. “It’s because gravity pulls us in towards the center of the Earth, and not...to slide down, and off, the surface of the earth.” He said with his hand raised above his head. Seeing Hady help the Hufflepuff kid, Jace followed suit, got up from his seat and offered his hands to help the professor stand up. That’s what trained Kenshins do, all thanks to the teaching of one Sensei Ryunosuke Hollingberry.
Nodding his head at the boy’s answer, Airey simply…..eyed the hand. “The thought is appreciated, Mr. Reed,” the professor swallowed. Appreciated gestured but not going to accept that...as a matter of pride.Last little ounce that was left anyway. “You may return to your seat.” SPOILER!!: Zeke! Quote:
Originally Posted by Hera Did he need to see a Healer? "Nope." Simple as that. "An apple a day keeps the Healer away, Professor," he grinned. And HUZZAAHHHH, apple. It was pretty good, like, apples were great. And he wasn't here to LEARN anything - other than the fact that the man had a tattoo and a kid and whatever. Like. HA! Losing the three points had been worth it so far. Ilia's staring wasn't overlooked, he had a way of knowing when he was being admired, and she was welcome to it. Flashing a grin her way, Zeke winked at her before rousing up some Flammer-be-topless support.
Who in their right mind DIDN'T want to see this supposed tattoo? Hmm? It was ludicrous.
But alas... while he had support (thank you folks), the Professor's gibberish was... a no?
Put. The. Apple. Down?
Mmmmm... no. He just sat until the man was otherwise distracted by other answers before resuming eating. Making craters was an Astro thing, and he was SUPER good at that too.
At this point, the astronomer was a bit too exhausted by everything else to deal with Mr. Zeke’s attitude right there in the classroom. Later. Once the vein had excused itself.
But he WAS going to get to his feet now. And nonchalantly brush off his suit.
Maybe pull the lint roller from his enchanted breast pocket after a moment or two as well. SPOILER!!: Isabella! Quote:
Originally Posted by Waddles Isabella's eyes widened as the professor bickered a bit with the ghost and then suddenly tripped or something and then landed on the floor. As she had previously been leaning back in her seat, she couldn't see over the edge of her desk to the floor apple that had caused Flamsteed's tumble. Now, however, she was sitting up quite straight, leaning forward even to peer over her desk in worry at the Professor. Was he okay? As another student helped him up, she bit her lip with concern. She couldn't even process that another question had been asked, she was too busy being concerned for the man's safety. Also, his sanity. This class had become quite strange.
It probably be best, Miss Melo, not to be concerned about the man’s sanity. Just some food for thought. Since eating the apple right now was not something that could be literally eaten at this moment. SPOILER!!: Hadley! Quote:
Originally Posted by Callie Aaaaaaand Airey was down. Again. Hadley Denaker just watched blankly. She wasn't even surprised. And no. She wasn't going to perform All Star in front of the class in hopes of reviving him again.
Why was the Head Lion such a drama queen?
Pulled down? Hadley was 99.99999999999999% with a bar on top sure that she hadn't said anything about gravity pulling down. She supposed she could just reiterate her answer of how gravity is generated by the mass of an object and pulls things toward the center of mass. Thus on Earth, we were pulled toward the Earth's core, which no matter where on Earth you were, was beneath you. And the Moon was being pulled toward the Earth's core too. It was just moving so fast, that to paraphrase Douglas Adams, it kept missing the ground. Like wise the Earth was in constant freefall around the Sun's core. And the Sun around the Galaxy's core.
Doesn't pull down. Pulls to the center.
She could have said all that. But Airey clearly wasn't in a state to hear her, just like he wasn't the first time she answered.
Hadley just wanted to eat her apple.
Excuse the man as he busied himself with brushing off his suit...and using his own personal lint roller on his rear. His classroom WAS spotless, comparatively, but bit of a nervous compulsive disorder going on right now. SPOILER!!: Katherine! Quote:
Originally Posted by StarShine Airey Flamsteed had a tattoo AND a baby.
And the whole Scotland heard about this, because there was a LOUD ghost at the classroom.
Katherine gaped at the... woman figure floating in front of them with 1. shock of her sudden appearance, 2. discomfort at the loud voice, 3. WHAT at the news about Airey Flamsteed. Well, they weren't quite news anymore for the man and his close friends, she supposed, but... Katherine didn't know what to think of this lesson as she tried to listen to the ghost (Marrion Burbage, of course she knew about her because she HAD read the Hogwarts, A History) and note down some stuff she was saying. Like... like... but she didn't really say anything Katherine hadn't already known. Or did she feel so merely because she was SHOUTING and talking so much that the Ravenclaw couldn't keep up?
Well, whatever the reason, the only time Katherine picked up her quill was to write down the meaning of gravity.
There, now hopefully Professor Flamsteed would speak at a normal tone.
Except, after a little bit of explanation (thankfully, which was noted down), he fell.
Katherine didn't see why, but she could tell it was a terrible fall - or so it looked, and she rushed to her feet out of genuine concern for him. "Sir, are you okay?" she asked as she awkwardly offered him her hand. Forget about the question that was answered correctly by pretty much everyone else, he had to live for his baby!
“I’m alright, Miss Moss,” he nodded, adding just a slight grin at the end for added effect. Juuuuuuuuuuuuuuust peachy. SPOILER!!: Ariadne! Quote:
Originally Posted by Anna Banana ... ... ...
WHAT?! What was going on? Ariadne had no idea and therefore sat in silence for at least...ohhh, three out of three of the questions that had been asked. Speaking of which, she should really try to answer that lingering third question. What was this class even about, though?
There were apples. And ghosts. And shocked professors. And...was this class about apples or gravity? Or both?
Ariadne decided that it was about both and then finally raised her hand in the air. She should start chiming in if she wanted to pass second year Astronomy. "It's our weight, right? Our mass? The mass of Earth pulls down on our own mass, so we don't fall off or move around. We just stay right where we are," she pointed out. Oh, and... "Earth's a sphere, so no matter where you are on Earth, you feel like you're facing up, even if you're on a completely different side of Earth than someone else. So that's probably why...err, penguins don't just fall or slide off."
Something like that.
Nodding to the Slytherin for her answer, the astronomer checked his sundial watch and...oh yes it was time to move things along!
“Stellar,” Airey nodded, now back to his feet. Glances were thrown at Marion to PLEASE OH MERLIN PLEEEEEEEEEASE keep quiet for the remainder of class about certain information. “As many of you pointed out, when we saying things like up or down when referring to gravity, we do not mean those in the traditional sense. The way that we are all accustomed to thinking about the term. When talking about gravity, up means away from the earth and down means towards it, specifically towards its center, the core, as many of you also pointed out. Remember, gravity is the force of attraction between any two objects made of matter. You are made of matter and so is the earth, therefore you and the earth have an attraction to each other.” The paused to chuckle at himself. Right, now that that thought was out of the way. “Gravity plays a very important role on the earth. It is the Sun’s gravitational pull that keeps our planet, and others of course, orbiting it, and the motion of the Moon is influenced by BOTH the gravitational pull of the Earth and the Sun.”
But that was more than enough theory for now...and distractions had taken away time from the lecture so….it was time to move on to a bit of magical work. Which would hopefully also be a bit of two fwoopers, one stone…but first...he needed to close off the room. Wand out, Airey gave it a flick to shut all the windows and prevent any additional air interference. It would all make sense in a moment.
“Now, without gravity we would float away from the Earth. Similarly, if there was no gravitational pull acting on the Moon, it would simply travel through space in a straight line. Today you will be practicing a spell that will simulate what this is like,” he continued, eyes glancing around the classroom to make sure all the windows were in fact shut. “Seeing as we are well into the term now, I trust you all are familiar with Wingardium Leviosa which, by definition, is a charm to make objects fly. The spell you will be learning today works in a similar manner, but rather than the object itself the spell influences the air molecules around an object. ” Summoning another apple to his person, Airey tossed it into the air and caught it. Standard gravitational pull demonstration right there. “Derivo Gravitatem,” he said three times, each time tracing a counterclockwise circle above the apple. Holding his hand very still so as not to create any additional force on the apple just yet, the professor looked to the semicircle of desks. “Should you perform the spell correctly, when you toss your apple up in the air...it will not come back down unless you summon it back.” Or go get it themselves...but Airey was not sure about letting students perform this spell on themselves just yet.
For reasons.
With one last grin, Airey tossed the apple up in the air and watched as it slowly made it’s way all the way up to the ceiling of the classroom.
“Like so,” he grinned, eyes back on his students now. “To recap, trace your wand thrice counterclockwise over your apple. With each rotation, you need to speak the incantation Derivo Gravitatem, closing your circle on the ‘tem’.” Get it? Got it? Good. “I’ll give you 10 minutes or so to practice before we move on to a game.” OOC: I am so sorry for the delay guys .____. I’ve been feeling really under the weather recently.
Please keep in mind that this is a REALLY advanced spell and it is incredibly unlikely that a student, even a 7th year, would get it right on the first try. You will have at least 24 hours to get in a practice post or two before we move on to the main activity.
Thank you all again so so so much for your patience <333
__________________  When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born with fire and gold in our eyes |