SPOILER!!: David
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Davie was going to try to notch his trees together, yes he was. So many other people were all notching theirs, and he didn't want to be left behind.
The second year picked up his scion and attempted to fit it together with his rootstock, trying to graft the the two together. This WAS grafting, right? Sticking one thing on another? Davie's fit together well enough, even though the new tree leaned a bit. Heh. The leaning treesa. Did he need to tape it up now or...?
He wasn't trying to rush the professor or anything, he was just decently good at this subject. "Professor Myers, sir?" the second year raised his hand when he saw the professor had a free second. "Does this look okay? Do I need to cast a spell or anything?" He was curious if magical grafting was any different from Muggle grafting, now that he'd had a few minutes to try it out.
Paul stopped next to David and peered down at him.
“Yessssss all in due time. Patience, Mr. Truebridge. I’m about to move us on to the next few steps--we are ALMOST done!” SPOILER!!: Tenacius
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Ok so Professor Plantman starts demoing the next step. And yup just as Tenacius has guessed. The curly haired kid kept shifting his gaze between his plant and how the Professor was showing the cutting technique on his plant, which were pretty much identical. It don’t look so hard eh? But then again the Plantman was a superhero with plants, while he hasn’t even qualified as sidekick.
And he is totally marking his plant. Quill quill where are you?
As if on cue his quill popped up beside him and he grabbed it, making a mark using the slanted side of the rootstock. When that was done, Tenacius got his cutting tool and cut up the stem following the line that he made. Gently he set the top plant on the bottom plant….
…. It fits! Whew!
Just cut the tongue down and doneso yeah?
When that was completed, Tenacius fitted the rootstock and the scion stems together "Lets transfoooorm" he joked making sound effects as he pushed the stems and they latched into place. But when he let go of his hand, the stems wiggled. Uhoh.
"Professor?" the curly top raised his voice as he did his hand "Can we put something around these parts of the stem? Because it wiggles seeee?" He said as he gingerly tapped the stems "Aint this gonna fall with the weight?"
“Yes, yes, as I juuuuuust said to David--we’re going to get to that in JUST a minute--” Such EAGER students, Merlin. DIdn’t they understand this was a process with MULTIPLE steps?
And with that, he went to the front of the room once more. They were so CLOSE to being done. Only two more steps.
“We’re about to be done, my little students!” Paul smiled
. “So--” he waved his wand and the bucket on his desk began to float, row by row, along the front of each row, rolls of grafting tape leaping out of the bucket and in front of each student.
“As some of you noticed--the tongues should fit together--but that is NOT enough so--there is a spell we’re going to learn...and take note, in muggle grafting, we would tape together the trees...and leave them to grow on their own for a few months. With the use of magic...we can morph the trees together instantly! It’s great!” He smiled.
“So...fit your trees together if you have not done so already along the cuts and make sure the tongue fit together! After doing that, wrap around the cut part with your tape, firmly, too.” He paused to make sure everyone had followed.
“After you wrap your tree...the spell we’re going to learn today is...Jungo Arborem!” He wrote it, himself this time, across the blackboard.
“Ju as in June...go….Arborem! Jungo Arborem! The wand movement is simple...just a flick of your wrist!” he smiled. It was a simple spell.
“And if you successfully do the spell..you will have a grafted baby tree! Now...the particles and molecules and everything might not take correctly...and this is why we do have to continue to watch them closely as they grow. Now...let’s finish this up, everyone!” he smiled and began to wrap tape around his own tree...and was about to do the spell when...he noticed Azura..and heard her call for him.
Merlin O__O
SPOILER!!: Azura
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Azura bit her lip a little as she looked down at her hand, and she tried to pay attention to the next part of the lesson.. but uhh...
Her hand was bleeding!! She hadn't thought it was that bad, but it wasn't stopping! She looked down and started to rummage about in her bag, but she didn't have anything she could tie it up with!
Was there a lesson she wasn't going to get hurt in?
She sighed softly as she raised her non cut hand.. "Uhh, Professor, I cut my hand.." That was what she got for not using her wand! But she wanted to make a more precise cut for the tongue!!
Paul approached and saw the bleed and EEEEEEK he wasn’t the best at...healing stuff.
“Azura! What did you do? Are you all right? How deep is it?!” he asked, taking her hand to examine it.
“Did you do this with a grafting knife?”
She should be more careful!
"I think I can just clear this up quickly if it's not TOO deep--" he had pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket to press it to the cut to get it to stop bleeding.
OOC: Wheeeee we're almost done! Paul is so proud! 1 post is fine for these steps! <3 I'll move on in 24 hours or so!