SPOILER!!: Bella
Originally Posted by
Lady Marmalade
Bella continued to think of the best possible answer to Professor Myers question. Well she knew that nitrogen was needed in plant growth so if a plant was giving it back to the soil it was probably meant to help other plants grow. If you combined that with an anti-pollutant, it would really help the earth.
"To help the environment," She finally replied to why they would be making sure a tree. "I believe these trees would be useful just about everywhere humans live."
“Well, yes! Environmentally friendly, sure!” He smiled her way.
SPOILER!!: Hadley
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Haddie just stared at Paul, dumbfounded. He didn't explain what they were supposed to do. Er, how they were supposed to do it. Roots of one plant and the top of the other... okay... uh...
She got up to get one of each plant, still completely lost. Skin grafts they sewed the new flesh on, was that what she was supposed to do? She didn't see any thread or needle. How were they...
Her arm just flicked a moment, which meant her counter-charm to casting Disillusionment on herself days ago was about to wear off. Again. And then Haddie faded fully from sight. See?
The two plants she was holding seemingly floated themselves back to Haddie's bag and set themselves down. Her bag opened itself and started to shift its contents around until a jet black wand floated out of it, and waved about as Haddie cast the counter charm, again. And Haddie was visible again, a bit annoyed and still completely lost.
….What was that?
Paul saw Hadley...and then….didn’t. He marched over and watched, curiously, as all the things looked like they were floating and moving by themselves. He raised an eyebrow. “Miss...Denaker?” And she was there again! “
What in Merlin’s name…?” he asked softly.
“Are you sick?” because that was just STRANGE.
SPOILER!!: Rachel
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Had she done it correctly? She wanted to be sure this hadn't gone wrong as everything else in her life recently so she raised her hand. "Professor Myers? Can you please check to confirm that I completed those steps correctly?''
Paul scurried over to Rachel and kneeled down to squint closely at her cut and the tongue. “Looks very nice, Rachel! Good job, m’dear!” he stood up and ruffled her hair as he moved off to check on the others.
SPOILER!!: Ariadne
Originally Posted by
Anna Banana
NOTES? They were supposed to be keeping notes?! Ariadne scrambled to grab a piece of parchment and a quill and then copied down the first part of the notes. She then scribbled down the difference between scion and rootstock before considering herself all caught up. WHEW. She nodded when Myers asked if they had everything. Barely, but YES. Ariadne looked down at her pitifully copied notes and vowed to rewrite them later.
For now, she retrieved her gloves and slid them on her hands. She looked at the two trees she'd chosen, the honey-locust and the mahogany. Erm...which one did she use for the scion, and which one did she use for the rootstock? Err... "Professor?" she asked, raising her hand. "I chose the honey-locust and the mahogany. Is it the honey-locust I use for the rootstock? Or the mahogany?" Should this be obvious to her? Because it wasn't, and she had a feeling she could seriously mess up her hybrid if she did something backwards.
Paul turned to little Ariadne.
“The one that is the legume, with the nitrogen sending roots, would be your rootstock, m’dear…” he said, slowly. The man had thought it was obvious but...maybe not. He would go announce it right NOW.
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Placing her knife halfway up the first cut, she proceeded to make the flap but she wasn't sure if she had done it correctly? She had cut straight back, so she assumed so?
Not sure, she raised her hand. "Professor Myers, have I done this correctly?"
As Paul moved away from the confused Slytherin towards one of his Hufflepuffs. He put a hand on her shoulder and nodded.
“Yes--yes--very good, Esme.” He held up his hand for a high-five.
SPOILER!!: Blaise
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Plants READY!
Blaise stood, eyes trained on the Professor as he began his explanation. It was only belatedly that the boy realized it might have made more sense to follow along as the man spoke--as best he could anyway--so the boy grabbed his stock tree (learning new vocabulary every class it seemed) then glanced forward again. Something about cutting it three inches above the soil.
It was a good thing the Gryffindor was still trying to figure out three inches when the Professor mentioned the degree otherwise it was a certainty that the boy would have given it any old cut and would have had to start over again. Now wouldn't THAT be a waste of a perfectly good plant? Just as he thought he'd gotten his measurement right, the man's words threw him through a loop. Diffindo? Magic.....? Blaise's face sunk then, in sullen resignation to the fact this would be the furthest he went in the class but hope was alive! Grafting knives!!
Quick as that, the boy got himself one, the look of relief evident in his expression as he went back to his work area. 45 degrees, smooth, straight, diagonal cut. Just like the Professor said. Yup. He had this.
NEXT! A flap of sorts. Huh. Blaise looked to his little tree, wondering how much he could get away with hacking without massacring beyond flap possibility.
Hmmm....the little boy eyed it for a moment, just trying to judge it, then very carefully he went about cutting the flap. He got done just after the Professor asked if there were questions and instructed them to begin...which...probably meant he wasn't meant to have started when he did but LOOK he was done!
He noticed Blaise not working at all...and went over to CHECK on that, especially since he knew the boy had his...difficulties with magic.
“Oh...you did it already! Very good, m’boy!” he grinned and patted Blaise’s head.
He skipped (yes, skipped) to the front of the room and cleared his throat.
“If everyone could listen--I’ll make a QUICK clarification--in case it was not obvious, the LEGUMES, the trees whose roots give off nitrogen to soil are the ones we are cutting right now as our ROOTSTOCKS. The anti-pollutants are our SCIONS! Yes? YES!” he smiled and nodded.