Join Date: May 2009 Location: London
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Alexander River Hirsch Gryffindor Third Year Hogwarts RPG Name: --
x11 x11
| urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse Crazy was one word to describe this class.
Hirsch was at a crossroads: on the one hand, he was starting to get a little worried about the violent tendencies of some of the students in here but one the other hand, he was beside himself with joy at the dramatics displayed here. Oh, the dramatics! Oh, how he was enjoyed the dramatics. The kicks and punches, along with the occasional 'HI-YAH!'s that rang around the classroom. It was like music to his ears.
And then there came the sound of singing.
What?! Were people having that much of a good time?
Yeah, time to move on, then. Taking out a whistle from the pocket inside his blazer, the man gave it TWO SHARP TOOTS to call everyone's attention. Yes, hello, he still existed over here. "I have to say, I'm delighted at how you tackled that task. Even those of you who don't like attacking and would've run off if they were confronted managed to cause some damage. Good." So what if he was inducing some level of violence? This was defence, after all. "I hope you all learnt a few things: for example, if you're in a confrontational situation, you have very little time to make your move and very few moves to get the attacker to back off. So every move is crucial." He could not stress that enough. "And if you're going to make a strike, I want you to try and throw your whole weight behind it. You have that one chance to throw your attacker off: why not do it properly?"
Moving on! "OKAY. So I'm going to mention how you can get out of one of the most common holds: the wrist hold. This is a hold where someone grabs you by the wrist and tries to drag you away somewhere. They're doing this as a way to trap your hand from causing any harm, making them think they have control over you. DON'T. LET THEM. THINK THAT. And DON'T think you can attack or try to pull away. " Got it? "If someone in front of you grabs you by the wrist, take a step towards them and bring your elbow down at the same time. Their wrist will be bent and they won't be able to move it: as if it's been locked into place. Quickly, shoot your arm upwards, freeing your wrist from their grip. With lots of practice, you'll be able to do this faster than you can say 'self-defence'." It was as simple as that.
Merlin, that was a lot of talking.
Breathe. Breathe.
Oh, and another thing: Quote: Pressure points:
- Eyes: gouging, poking, scratching attacker’s eyes with fingers or knuckles: anything to impair their vision or distract them
- Temple: hard to reach but a sharp jab is all you need
- Nose: use heel of your palm (bottom curve near the wrist) to strike up and under the attacker’s nose; if they’re behind you, the elbow works as well
- Neck: HUGE target (probably biggest because of the blood vessels flowing there): - can stun your attacker using this method: hold your dominant hand out with the fingers straight and held tightly together and the thumb bent inwards slightly: like a karate chop motion but palm facing upwards; simply strike the side of the neck
- Solar plexus: Punch, kick, do whatever it takes to target this specific area and bring the person down
- Groin: well, that’s obvious
- Knee: kicking the back of the knee is the best option because, with enough force, it’ll make them stumble and fall and give you enough chance to run off; can kick front of the knee for more injury but is less likely to cause an imbalance Getting out of the wrist hold: Take a step forwards and bring your elbow down towards the floor at the same time, then shoot the arm upwards as quickly as possible
"NOW. I want you to put that technique into practice, along with everything you know about pressure points. Remember, self defence is merely a way of attacking the attacker in their weakest spots in the quickest and easiest way possible. There is always a way to get out of any hold, you just need to figure out how by using the pressure points. For your final activity in this class," Yes, final, don't look so upset. "I want you all to put on a little something." And with that, he turned to the sealed box and opened it: revealing a head support, a torso support along with shinpads and gloves.
He also waved his wand in a funny little zigzag motion over the dummies.
Was it just him or were they starting to look scarier? "Grab some of the safety clothes and I want you to practice releasing yourself from holds by using your wits and targeting any of the close pressure points. For this activity, you CAN pair up with someone if you want to OR you can pair up with one of the dummies again. Bear in mind, though, that the dummies are going to do more than just hug you. They're going to attack!" But surely, with their protective clothing and their knowledge, they knew what to do, right? "Good luck!" TOOT went the whistle! OOC: EEEEEEE MAIN ACTIVITY TIME YAYAYAYAYAY! *bounces*
Okay so for THIS activity, you can EITHER pair up with someone or work with the dummies from before. The dummies have been charmed to do more than just hug: they're going to attack, maybe grab hold of your charrie's wrist and try to pull them away...... really, you can make it up as long as it's NOT a simple bear hug.
If you want to work with another charrie, you can pair up to do so. Just try and bear in mind that there should be NO serious injuries. None. *stern Kita looks*
For this activity, I'm giving you 48 hours from the time of this post to make a minimum of 4 posts for full credit.
All creative licenses go to you guys so HAVE FUN! ^^
Last edited by hermionesclone; 01-19-2016 at 10:33 PM.