Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic

 Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010 Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,089
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne Gryffindor First Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden Hufflepuff Second Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden Ravenclaw Second Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington Slytherin First Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks Gryffindor Sixth Year Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry Minister's Office Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed Mysteries Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin Owl Post
x12 x12
| astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf Checking his sundial watch, the astronomer threw Pebbles a quick wink as the first trickle of students began filing in. He was feeling significantly better after the events of the opening feast - due greatly in part to the efforts of Sir Nicholas - and he couldn't help but feel that some more good news would be coming his way soon. Or maybe it was just that he was looking forward to returning to his office to finish playing with his action fig--- er --- finishing up his research? Quote:
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 ...
Her attention was drawn to Professor Flamsteed and his pet rock. She smiled at them both as she remembered the rules she had read. "Live long and prosper,'' she said making the appropriate sign. "I'm Rachel Watson, first year Ravenclaw.'' She had to introduce herself, after all.
... "What's this?'' she wondered as she examined the thing left on her desk and the others. "Oh, a blanket. How thoughtful of Professor Flamsteed.''
... "Live long and prosper, Miss Watson," he greeted the Ravenclaw. Thoughtful? He was not sure that was the word he would use as it was more of a necessity to keep students at least somewhat focused during his little social experiment. "Practical as well," he winked. Quote:
Originally Posted by Anna Banana ...
... "Hello, Professor!" she greeted, and then she gave him a Vulcan Salute, too. "LIVE LONG AND PROSPER! Also, thanks for the Space Blanket!"
... Sweet solstice.
It was the name tag that rang bells and whistle loud and clear in the astronomer's mind. Was she aware that he had pulled a teddy bear out of her ear when she was nothing but a blob on Potion Mistress Lafay's knee? Was that teddy bear still something in their possession? Thank Merlin she seemed to have a more pleasant disposition than that of her mother.
"Live long and prosper, Miss Greingoth," he saluted in return, just a tiny bit distracted by his own thoughts. Quote:
Originally Posted by griffin ...
Penelope bounced over to Professor Flamsteed's desk, avoiding a mini tornado along the way. "Live long and prosper, Admiral Flamsteed." Penelope did the vulcan salute thing with her hand. Did they still have to call him admiral?
Penelope reached into her book bag for a quill and felt something furry inside. Grabbing it, she pulled out a pink pygmy puff. How did that get there? "This is NOT my pygmy puff." Her pygmy puff was purple, and was currently in a cage in her dorm.
... ........................NO.
"Miss Wright, you are excused to return...THAT...to your dormitory," the astronomer instructed without greeting. Was the one youngster he had met over the summer present? The one he had gone all Maddox on and, well, indulged for all the wrong reasons with false information about how pygmy puffs were vicious killers that ate human brains by sticking their long tongues up people's noses? Quote:
Originally Posted by Meizzner ... "Looking Good Admiral. oh right Live long and prosper" Dante said followed by the vulcan salute.
... "Thank you, Mr. Barrington," he grinned. Always willing to accept a compliment about his suits, especially those of the custom made variety. Quote:
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl ... "LIVE LONG AND PROSPER, ADMIRAL FLAMSTEED, SIR!"
... "Live long and prosper, Mr. David," he chuckled while returning the salute to the Ravenclaw. It was still a bit boggling for this Truebridge to greet him with such genuine enthusiasm. Quote:
Originally Posted by Squishy ... "Live long and prosper, Admiral Flamsteed," she said while making a 'v' with her fingers. She had no idea if that rule was still in effect or not, but had decided that it was a good idea to cover all her bases just in case it was. Flamsteed loved Star Trek so he would enjoy it nonetheless.
... "Live long and prosper, Miss Darcy," he smiled at the Hufflepuff. Quote:
Originally Posted by RandomRaven ... "Live Long and Prosper, Admiral!" She greeted the Professor. "By the way, we didn't use the pip and being called as an ensign anymore? Ah, too bad." Because it was fun and different from any other class. "You should provide warm drink for a cold classroom like this, Admiral." Yeah, a cup of hot chocolate seemed the best way to warm her body up.
... "That was all part of Headmaster Botros' mission statement last term to restore a sense of unity here at Hogwarts," he informed the Gryffindor after returning her greeting. He had not been particularily attached to the rule, and thus had removed it from the list this term. The Vulcan salute? Well, who didn't like being told to live long and prosper? Except for one Charlotte Wojack-Gusey, apparently.
As for warm drinks, well, she knew the rules. Thus her suggestion went unacknowledged. Heh. Quote:
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline ... “Goo- I mean Live long and prosper, Professor Flamsteed,” she greeted the man with her hand raised, awkwardly attempting the hand gesture. Giving up, she started on picking her way towards an empty seat.
... "Live long and prosper," he greeted the first year. A valiant attempt at the salute and still plenty of time to perfect it. Quote:
Originally Posted by Callie ...
It wasn't working. And she forgot something. What was it? Oh right. She tried in vain to make the v shape with her hands, gave up and wrenched her fingers apart with her other hand. "L-l-l-live l-long and p-p-pros-p-per... c-can I get another b-b-blanket? I'm from S-s-southern C-california." She couldn't stop her teeth from chattering as she spoke. Does that work in the UK? In America that's always been enough to explain why she couldn't take the cold.
... Merlin. These things did not work instantly.
"And I'm from Denby," he replied with a cheeky wink. Quote:
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising ... "Live long and prosper, Professor," Tia greeted in customary and required fashion.
... "Live long and prosper, Miss Mancini. And congratulations," he greeted the Head Girl. He had not had the opportunity to say so at the feast for...well...multiple reasons. Quote:
Originally Posted by itsgisselx3 .... "Uhh...live long and prosper?" He glanced at the professor and then back at the girl, holding up the hand sign thing. And thanks a lot."
... "Live long and prosper," he greeted. Quote:
Originally Posted by pundantic ...
It took a lot of really hard, long steps to make it to where she needed to be but she eventually did and wrapped herself up in the blanket automatically. Did he know that she had been lifted off of her feet trying to get here? HER FEET, Flamstead. That was just very, very dangerous. And made anxiety pump in her chest.
She basically hid under her blanket once she was semi-safe and filled out her name and then tapped it with her wand.
Now she would be hiding under her blanket the rest of the lesson. Thank you. The astronomer was reminded of a baked potato looking at the Ravenclaw. A nice warm baked potato. Clearly, she was doing things right. He bowed his head towards Miss Newman in acknowledgement. Quote:
Originally Posted by hermygirl ...
"Diff...toore...heeeh....smus-mahhh." Something like that anyway.
... "Dif tor heh smusma," he replied slowly to help demonstrate the proper pronunciation. Quote:
Originally Posted by bizarre Chills ran up Altha's spine. Unlike most, the chilling feeling of a cold and dark room was something Altha could enjoy. A light wind crossed Altha, a black strand of her hair picking up and hovering in front of her eyes for a moment. As she strolled across the room to find a seat, she swatted the hair away from her and squinted at the board.
... Airey bowed his head and offer a silent salute to the Slytherin as she entered. Quote:
Originally Posted by Felixir ...
He did not give that strange salute, just the same as last year, finding it as pointless as any form of greeting, rules or no rules.
... ...................
"Mr. Prince," he grunted while strolling over to the boy's desk with his wand out. With a simple flick of the wrist, the astronomer reverted the plaque back to its parchment form and simply gave the young man an unimpressed look. "Good thing parchment has two sides to offer a second chance."
A H E M. Quote:
Originally Posted by Goblinfrog ...
"Wow this is freezing!" Kitty yelped as she stepped in to the classroom and was buffeted by a wave of cold air. She rolled her hands inside her sleeves and bent her head low, then made her way to the semi circle of desks in the center of the room. A dust devil brushed into her when she was halfway there, causing her to scream "Eek!" in surprise. She felt embarrassed afterwards, but thankfully the wind was blowing so hard that it was doubtful anyone heard.
... "Not to worry, they won't cause any physical harm," he assured the Ravenclaw. Well, not unless one were to swoop up a book and said book ...well...you know. But the actual dust devil itself would not be the actual cause. Technically. Quote:
Originally Posted by LilFox06 ... "Professssssorrrr." she whined. "Are you trying to kill me?"
... "Nothing of the sort," he responded with false look of shock on his face. "I am here to educate." Quote:
Originally Posted by Awarlesta Black Cal reached for the lint roller as he entered the Astronomy class. He immediately turtled into his robes. "DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE." What was this?! Antarctica?! And that horrid smell?!!!!? The thirteen year-old halfheartedly passed the lint roller over his robes in a haste to find a seat and warm himself up.
... "No, Professor Flamsteed," he chuckled. Not dude. Quote:
Originally Posted by crimsonlion ...
Seeing the space blanket she opened it and wrapped it around her. Oh soooo much better! Airey smiled and bowed his head towards the first year when she entered. It was...nice to see how much inner strength she was exhibiting for such a young person. Quote:
Originally Posted by BriGranger1990 ...
She opened the door and made the Vulcan salute, after remembering reading the rules, and said "Live Long and Prosper, Prof- umm I mean Admiral Flamsteed. She corrected herself. "How are you?"
... "I am doing quite well, thank you," he replied to the Hufflepuff - who he learned only a few moments later was known as Miss Harrison. Quote:
Originally Posted by Cassirin ...
"Good day, Professor Flamsteed," Dot dropped into her seat and gave him a look that said she was NOT PLAYING with him. He was a professor, not an admiral, and she didn't want him to live long and prosper. She wanted him to suffer from a shark bite and ingrown toenails and run out of toilet paper in every bathroom he ever visited.
... Oblivious to the inner turmoil that were the thoughts of Miss Wojack-Gusey however H I L A R I O U S they were, the Astronomer professor simply smiled at the prefect as she took her seat. "Good evening, Miss Wojack-Gusey." Quote:
Originally Posted by Tazenhani ...
It was a few skips before she was at the desks, and abruptly, she halted. Like she had run into an invisible wall. An invisible wall that was the sight of Flamsteed. It, he, the GET-UP, shocked Amur so much that she just sort of froze on the spot. The cold was suddenly there again, and perhaps a bit less blood in her cheeks. That WAS Flamsteed, right?
... What?
Was there something on his face? Well, that was a bit of a rhetorical question as there quite literally WAS something on his face...but not the point. Airey merely offered Miss Neverwinter an actually salute as she took her seat. Quote:
Originally Posted by Symphora ...
He walked right up to the professor and gave the 'mandatory' vulcan salute. "Live long and prosper, Admiral Flamsteed. And may the force be with you." He added the last bit on of whim. Star Wars was more of his favourite muggle movie past time though. Star Trek wasn't. Sorry Prof.A.
... "Live long and prosper, Mr. Nicolei. And with you also. Mmmmmmmm."
The man may prefer Star Trek over Star Wars - often a topic of great debate amongst himself and his colleagues at NASA - it did not mean he did not appreciate it. Just not as much. Quote:
Originally Posted by feeheeheeny ...
Then, of course, there was the rule about "living long and prosper," which Callum did not understand, but he did not intend to get on the professor's bad side so soon, so when he entered the classroom after awkwardly using the lint roller, Callum disregarded his surroundings to instead focus on Flamsteed (who got a raised brow at his attire) and do the hand signal as he stammered, "Err... live long and prosper...?" Was that right?
... "Live long and prosper, Mr. Kettleburn," he greeted the first year as a thought struck him. A thought that had been lingering ever since the feast. Well, ever since he had calmed DOWN that is. Which really meant that he had been reminded of their discussion some time after the house meeting and now and was now reminded he wanted to speak with the young man about a proposition. "About what you asked me at the feast, I believe I have a bit of an opportunity for you. Stop by my office sometime and we can discuss things in more depth."
Because he did have a lesson to teach right now. Quote:
Originally Posted by hayim ...
After sitting at one of the desks and murmuring a nervous "Live long and prosper" to familiar but not well known faces she took out her quill, parchment, wand, and textbook. No need to be nervous...it'll be ok.. she squirmed a bit before tapping her nametag. "Live long and prosper, Miss Liu." Quote:
Originally Posted by Sararara ...
She uncrossed her arms to hold up her right hand in a Vulcan's salute, calling "Live long and prosper" in Professor Flamsteed's direction.
... "Dif tor heh smusma," he returned to the Hufflepuff. Quote:
Originally Posted by Roselyn ...
Instead, he sought out the professor and beamed when he found the man.
Did he see?
He raised a shaky arm and gave a Vulcan salute, considering how his jaw was locked in place from the cold.
Woooorth it! Of course. He expected nothing less from Mr. McWitty. Although the professor hardly batted an eyelash at things and instead returned the boy's silent salute. Quote:
Originally Posted by Optimist ...
Looking at the instructions she immediately sat down at one of the free desks and began to write out her name on the piece of parchment before tapping it once with her wand. Airey smiled and offered Miss Johanson a quick salute as she made her way to her seat. Quote:
Originally Posted by littledhampir ...
The first thing he did was turn his eyes to the front of the room and grin at Professor Flamsteed. "Hello Prof-er, Admiral Flamsteed? Do we still have to call you that?"
... "The choice is yours," he winked at the young man. He certainly did not MIND being called Admiral. All for purely selfish reasons. Quote:
Originally Posted by Luna_Midnight ...
Continuing her walk into the classroom she stopped near Professor Flamsteed and with just the right amount of sass at having to say such a weird saying she said "Live Long and Prosper Professor Flamsteed." She even did that weird V shape hand sign that he had talked about. Such an odd sign. And with that the redheaded girl continued walking.
... "Live long and prosper, Miss Royal," he greeted the sixth year. Quote:
Originally Posted by VRSCIKA ...
Walking in she smiled and did her best to do the weird muggle hand gesture thing, were those the right fingers that she parted? "Evening Professor."
... "Good evening, Miss Valke," he replied, smiling to the Slytherin. Quote:
Originally Posted by Mirali
After a few uncertain steps she started to get the hang of it and saluted the professor. "Dif tor heh smusma, professor. And everyone else too." The last sentence added, pivoting to salute her classmates and to cinch up her cloak. Finally, a class where the cloak was actually useful. Really, she still didn't understand the wizarding world's fascination with the cloak. It was such an unwieldy garment for anything other than cold weather protection.
... Airey...was impressed. And the smile of the head accompanied by a wide eyed nod of the head made that no secret.
"Dif tor heh smusma." Quote:
Originally Posted by SarcasticStrawberry ...
Picking what she could out of her teeth she walks info the classroom. Brrrrrr. What the... cold? Brrrr "Hello Professor admiral. Live long and spout nose hair."
... ....................................
"Come again?" he said, clearing his throat and throwing the first year a LOOK. Quote:
Originally Posted by Mell ...
Trixie bounced all the way to a free seat and dropped down into the chair. It was then she noticed the Professor and she gave him an enthusiastic wave. "Hello Professor."
... "Good evening, Miss Jenkins," he saluted to the first year. -----------------------------------
Checking his sundial watch and nodding approvingly at what he saw, the Astronomy professor stood up and gave his wand a little flick towards the door to close it.
" Good evening, live long and prosper, and welcome to Astronomy with is never to be confused with astrology," he announced whilst giving the entire class another Vulcan salute. He, unlike so many others, was quite comfortable in this unusual environment and the uncanny but subtle smirk he word as he continued to address the class was an indication of his amusement to those observant enough to take notice. As always, there was a methodology to his madness. Well...usually there was. 85%? " For those of you who do not know me, I am Professor Flamsteed - although you may also call me Professor Airey if you so please." The Admiral, well, that was a little selfish bonus to those who wished to call him that. He wouldn't deny anyone the opportunity to do so. " Let's begin today's lesson with a brief discussion about why we study astronomy. What makes humanity look up and want to study the heavens? Furthermore, why do you think it is a subject that young witches and wizards are required to take here at Hogwarts?"
At least for the first five years of their education at least. Although, if it was up to him, it would be for all seven. But the man was just a tad biased. OOC: Class has officially begun! Please do not post arriving late unless you are willing to accept whatever IC consequences that come your way!
You do not need to wait for Professor Flamsteed to call on your student to answer, just go ahead and have your character raise their hand and assume that he has done so.
Got a question? Please do not hesitate to VM or PM me. Or if it is IC go right ahead and ask it of Professor Flamsteed.
Class will resume as soon as I get the chance to reply to everyone - most likely in 24 ish hours.
__________________  When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born with fire and gold in our eyes |