Join Date: May 2007 Location: Gotham
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Hogwarts RPG Name: TBD Gryffindor Hogwarts RPG Name: Zara H. Bunbury-Foster Slytherin Fifth Year | Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB Text Cut: Callie and Pucki Quote:
Originally Posted by Callie "Yeah," she agreed as Jasper told her what Thornton had said. "Prefect Penny," she smirked like that was amusing to say, "told me the same. It's just you know... I'm the only one in the house that joined the fight, except Kitty, who probably wouldn't have if I hadn't. So I don't know. I mean Ravenclaw isn't the only house that has creative people, is it?"
She shrugged. She did that a lot, but whatever. "Wait, George's left ear? That's an random expression. I can kinda grasp the others, well the centaur one's a bit weird, but George's left ear? Who's George and we do we care about his left ear?" Language was a thing that, mildly, fascinated her. Mostly because it was just weird and bizarre and completely out of its gourd, which were all ways people had described Haddie, many times. So there was connection.
She nodded, and grinned when Davie mentioned the Moving paintings where the moving staircases were. That was where she discovered them. She loved to watch them. It was strange and magical all at the same time. She shook her head, though, when Davie said it must be fun being the only one. "Not when you're a twin. It's godawful not having her here with me. Plus, she's upset with me for being a Witch without her..." "Wait, you're meaning my loophole thing? That's a stupid thing you learn to do to defy orders. Pretend you don't understand the meaning and go do it anyway. Never works, they know you understood, and did it on purpose, and still get in trouble anyway. But it's fun, it gets under their skin and everything. But it's stupid and nothing." She took the offered frog box. "Like when you were a kid, and went on a long car trip and started annoying your brother by getting as close to touching him as you can while he's yelling not to touch him. And your parents were tired of it and yelled at you not to touch him, but you were safe, because you weren't actually touching him. Stupid kid stuff. Everyone's done it." She opened the box.
And was treated to a brown frog hopping out of the box and landing on Jasper's sketchbook. "It's a live frog? Ew. Why?" Quote:
Originally Posted by Pucki Jasper had tuned out.
Something he would never admit to.
One second he was admiring his sketch, the next he was thinking about how cool it would be if he could use magic to make alterations and show it when life was going on! The changing of the seasons, students walking about and playing games....
Then a chocolate frog was on his sketchbook.
He did catch Haddie's comment of disgust in response to the frog. The half-blood grinned, while he grew up in the muggle world, chocolate frogs were something that he became rather familiar with on the train. "It's just a spell that animates them, they're not actually alive," he said with a shrug, managing to catch the frog and break it in half.
It stopped wriggling as soon as he did that.
Plopping half in his mouth, he offered the other half to Haddie. Hang on, back up a minute for this not-quite-as-conversational 'Claw. Haddie was from Southern California? "My cousins are from there!" Davie informed her cheerfully. But no, he hadn't really noticed an accent on her, and shook his head to say as much. "Sorry? Maybe you're from a different part than them?" Or maybe he WAS bad at pinpointing accents.
"Creative people are everywhere," Davie commented sagely, "if you're creative enough to know where to look." Plus it had been said by uh, previous Headmasters and Headmistresses that most people didn't fit into one house or another entirely, and that didn't surprise him one bit. He knew how that Hat worked, probably better than anybody here, excluding professors.
David was at first surprised that Haddie hadn't heard the expression about George's ear, but then he remembered she was a Muggleborn (bless her heart) and thus he put on his professor voice. He would HAPPILY over-explain this story, since History of Magic was his easiest subject. "The year was 1997. The month was July. The date was the twenty-somethingth, and all of Harry Potter's best friends from the Order of the Phoenix were on a mission to rescue him from his evil aunt and uncle. George Weasley was part of this mission to extract him before his seventeenth birthday, but en route to their safehouse, George, disguised as Harry, was hit by a poorly aimed Sectumsempra spell, and lost an ear as a result of that dark curse. The modern-day expression 'George's left ear!' is my favorite tribute to this legendary Weasley who was most hole-y after that occasion."
And that explained that. Heheeee! Hopefully Haddie had understood, yes? Surely she'd heard of Harry Potter by now? Hehehe.
Sure, twins were different, he supposed.... David just kind of nodded to that. Being an only child meant that he had no clue what it was like to miss a sibling, nor to miss his twin.... so.... sorry? He also had no clue what a long car ride with a stupid annoying brother was like. Not a clue. "I still say it's a Ravenclaw argument," David insisted. "Logic. You have it." Just accept that you're in the best House, Haddie, it's okay.
The second-year GASPED when this firstie described his chocolate frog as EW. EW??! ExCUSE YOU?! He clucked his tongue in sharp disapproval of her disapproval. "Thank you, Jasper, finally somebody understands." EW. She had just thought his frog was EW. David couldn't take this. He couldn't. He wouldn't! "Will you at least look at the chocolate frog card, and tell me if it's Mopsus or not?" Not his fault if he sounded exasperated, but C'MON. A CHOCOLATE FROG WAS MEANT TO BE AWE-INSPIRING! Her reaction was just plain WRONG.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________  __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind |