"Merlin's lost left sock in the laundry!" Austin ducked down and rubbed the top of his head. This room was not tall person friendly. Which meant that Austin did not want to be friends with this room. He hoped Azura had more luck with the ceiling than he did. Deciding that walking was not going to be an option, he got down on his hands and knees. Crawling around he wondered what they were all doing in this room. There wasn't a giant chalkboard at the front of the room, heck Austin didn't even know where the front of the room was. "Azura, do you see anything of importance?" Maybe there was a note, or a book or something lying around.
After a few minutes of crawling around, the Ravenclaw realized he couldn't do this for much longer. So he decided to do what any 15 year old would do. He dropped down on his stomach and began army crawling his way around the room. Thankfully the floors were hardwood, which made it easy to slide around. Hopefully they found something soon.