DMC Snidget
Join Date: Sep 2015 Location: Never Never Land
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Andromeda Renzler-Denaker Gryffindor First Year | Fluttery Pegasi SPOILER!!: Davie and Jasper
] Quote:
Originally Posted by Pucki Jasper had nodded in acknowledgement to Davie before he looked down to continue sketching.
Looking up from his sketch to Haddie he tilted his head to the side for a moment as he thought. "I can definitely do portraits... I haven't done a live one before, but what I read about them it's done with a spell once the portraits done... I could look into it," the Australian answered calmly, actually in thought now.
Making a 'living portrait'... now that sounded like a fun project to work on. He was going to have to try this, whether Haddie commissioned him for hers or not...
Jasper didn't mean to eavesdrop on the conversation between the other two, at least not the parts that weren't meant for him, but her commenting that she didn't believe that she belonged in Ravenclaw was something he could relate to. "Thornton told me it's not just about wanting to study and wanting to be really good in classes," he gave his own comment, thinking about how the prefect had welcomed him before the feast had... gotten disturbed. "He said a lot of it's also about creativity."
That was how he probably got in. Through his love of art and music in general. Quote:
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl
She hadn't... hadn't picked up on his joke about the strategic dumping of food vs. straight mashing it into someone's face, traditional food fight style? Bummer. "Wizarding slang, yes. I prefer creative injections, such as: 'Merlin's Beard!' or 'Gallopin' Gorgons,' or 'By George's Left Ear!'" The latter was a particular favorite unique to Davie. "We also have some idioms, like 'a common goblin' or 'the cat's among the pixies,' or... or... 'sent to the Centaur office.'" Yeah. Fun terms. Wasn't language neat?
David was pretty sure Haddie was a Muggleborn, and even Jasper too. Probably. WAIT. Maybe they could help him with his Muggle Studies! What luck he had run into these two by the pear tree. "Moving portraits," he contributed, "are neat. There's quite a few by the moving staircases." In case they wanted to check them out. He almost added that his mum had a portrait here, but... didn't. These people didn't know her, not at all. So he was completely scot-free from living up to their expectations about her! Or about him! AWESOME. He would need to make a note of this so he didn't forget... and now his fingers really were itching to grab his notebook again.
"I haven't met her yet," he mused in reply to Haddie, slowly picking up his notepad again, although he didn't open it just yet. Had she said her TWIN wasn't a wizard too?! "How cool," David murmured. "To be the only wizard in your family." He peeked at Jasper's awesome drawing as he said that. How cool would it be to be THAT good a drawer?! David wasn't bad, but he wasn't super creative either. "Niiiiiice," he complimented the kid. And yeah, he did agree with Thornton's definition of a 'Claw. "And, I think, independent thinking?" That was a nerdy way to put it, but, "Haddie, you noticed the distinction between strategically dumping food and just throwing it, in the food fight." He smiled again. "That struck me as a very literal, Ravenclaw-ish thing to say." Did she see now?
BUT GASP! The Muggleborn did not know what chocolate frog cards were! Instead of immediately answering, David reached into the pocket of his cargo shorts and pulled out an unopened chocolate frog box. THIS was the best way to explain what they were. "I'm afraid I only have one on me," he answered Haddie, "but you and Jasper are welcome to share it. The chocolate is great, but the card is the best part." So what was she waiting on? Open it! "Yeah," she agreed as Jasper told her what Thornton had said. "Prefect Penny," she smirked like that was amusing to say, "told me the same. It's just you know... I'm the only one in the house that joined the fight, except Kitty, who probably wouldn't have if I hadn't. So I don't know. I mean Ravenclaw isn't the only house that has creative people, is it?"
She shrugged. She did that a lot, but whatever. "Wait, George's left ear? That's an random expression. I can kinda grasp the others, well the centaur one's a bit weird, but George's left ear? Who's George and we do we care about his left ear?" Language was a thing that, mildly, fascinated her. Mostly because it was just weird and bizarre and completely out of its gourd, which were all ways people had described Haddie, many times. So there was connection.
She nodded, and grinned when Davie mentioned the Moving paintings where the moving staircases were. That was where she discovered them. She loved to watch them. It was strange and magical all at the same time. She shook her head, though, when Davie said it must be fun being the only one. "Not when you're a twin. It's godawful not having her here with me. Plus, she's upset with me for being a Witch without her..." "Wait, you're meaning my loophole thing? That's a stupid thing you learn to do to defy orders. Pretend you don't understand the meaning and go do it anyway. Never works, they know you understood, and did it on purpose, and still get in trouble anyway. But it's fun, it gets under their skin and everything. But it's stupid and nothing." She took the offered frog box. "Like when you were a kid, and went on a long car trip and started annoying your brother by getting as close to touching him as you can while he's yelling not to touch him. And your parents were tired of it and yelled at you not to touch him, but you were safe, because you weren't actually touching him. Stupid kid stuff. Everyone's done it." She opened the box.
And was treated to a brown frog hopping out of the box and landing on Jasper's sketchbook. "It's a live frog? Ew. Why?"
Last edited by Callie; 01-07-2016 at 02:19 AM.