A Poop * k8 *
Paul looked up the boy and smiled. "Ah, hello, Mr. Moore. It's nice to see you, even if it is...down here in the dark!" Didn't most people look better in the dark, anyways? "Why yes, it is. I got plants for all the new staff. A sort of...welcome!" he looked down at the bowl, admiring how pretty and nice it was. "Clean it? Do you think it looks dirty?" he asked, examining the bowl closely, now. It was...a little cloudy. Oh dear. He couldn't give Arthur a DIRTY present! He set the bowl down on the coffee table in front of them. "Clean away, m'boy!" he said.
What helpful students he had!
__________________ "You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough." 
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin |