Rules, Rules, Rules Classroom Rules - Be respectful of each other. Not just of each other's personal bounderies, but of each others ideas, opinions and feelings.
- Don't be late. Tardiness will not go on punished, not even with a very long and convoluted excuse.
- Be prepared. Remember to bring along quill, parchment, wand and your books with you to class unless instructed otherwise.
- Wear your uniform. and wear it properly, no loose ties or modified glittery robes, please. Unless instructed otherwise.
- Get Involved. I understand feeling shy, or uncertain, but there are no punishments for wrong answers and no question is ever a stupid question. Class discussion is where some of the most interesting things can happen and can be quite a bit of fun. If you have experience with our topic, don't hesitate to pipe in with your anecdote, I'm all to happy to hear from you.
- Don't Just Quote. Part of what makes this experience so exciting and invigorating my students, is hearing each other's original ideas and answers and I encourage you all to look not just in your textbooks, but within your selves for answers. Remember
OOC Things To Remember - All SS Rules and General Classroom Rules Apply in all of the Transfiguration Threads.
- No worries If you are just popping into class after we've gotten started, feel free to jump in and post whenever as if your character has been there the whole time. Posting that your character is late/sneaking in will result in possible IC punishment.
- Hi, just a friendly reminder to remember the key difference between IC actions and OOC intentions. The way Nana behaves, act and speaks is IC and is not always my own thoughts or feelings on the matter OOC. I entrust that you will, as the lovely RPers that you all are, keep your students IC during class, for example; a first year might not have knowlege of the more intricate alchemical theories, and that's just fine! It's also just fine for students to have more infomation than others based on their background, the manner they were raised in, things they might have been exposed to, what have you. I will consider all posts and give points where I believe they are due, regardless of how outgoing or n top of your game your character might be.
- If you have any questions, don't hesitate to PM me: nicole black and we'll work through the problem.