CoMC Rules and Expectations Classroom Rules ⦁ Be Punctual; Late arrivals will be punished accordingly
⦁ No Complaints; I don’t want to hear it
⦁ Be Prepared; The noticeboard exists for a reason
⦁ No Food; Unless you bring enough to feed me and all our creatures, too
⦁ Wear Your Uniform; Unless you like point loss
⦁ Respect Your Professor and Peers
⦁ Raise Your Hand; Shouting out answers will NOT be tolerated
⦁ Keep Your Hands to Yourself; I'd hope this one is self explanatory OOC Reminders ⦁ All SS Rules and SS RPG rules apply at ALL times
⦁ IC offenses will be handled IC, and OOC offenses will be handled OOC. Pretty self explanatory, yeah?
⦁ Furthermore, there is a big difference between Professor Draper and Ariana. His actions and thoughts IC do not reflect my own. He may bite, but I don’t ;)
⦁ Remember, this is all about FUN, points are awarded for PARTICIPATION and not for having the right answers. Let your characters get creative and run free with their answers.
⦁ If the lesson has begun before you had a chance to post, pretend that your character has been there the whole time! We’d love to see you participating in the lesson whenever you get the chance!
⦁ Please refrain from editing your posts and changing your answers. I am the TYPO QUEEN so i’ve had my fair share of decoding small spelling mistakes. That being said, if you ABSOLUTELY MUST edit your post, please double check with me before doing so.
⦁ Have a question? Shoot me a PM or feel free to ask Professor Draper! We'd love to help anywhere we can <3 Brief Explanation of Point Distribution ⦁ Points will be kept at a maximum of 20 per lesson. This is including extra credit.
⦁ Catch up posts during lessons will receive full credit only for CERTAIN activities, which I will point out in my post. Any catch up posts done at other points throughout the lesson, can receive anything from full, partial, or no credit at all depending on how thorough and thought-out your post may be.
⦁ Activities will count for most of the participation in a lesson, and exact point distribution WILL be mentioned in my post. If at any point you would like further clarification as to what it takes to receive full credit, PM me.
⦁ Plagiarized answers will receive NO credit, so make sure to keep everything in your own words.
⦁ Points are given for PARTICIPATION. You will not be punished for wrong answers! I promise that all 20 points are still fully achievable even if your character is completely lost on the subject matter itself. Just have fun with it and everything will work out! Scout’s honor :) |