Sassenach | RAVENPUFF | Sing me a song of a lass that is gone | bookDRAGON | #awkwardturtle<# 9. Defense Against the Dark Arts “Umm daddy?” Aria asked, climbing up on her father’s lap. “Yes Aria?” Gary asked.
Zhenya continued stirring the sauce for dinner. “Well… were you and mama on the dark side? With the dark arts?” She asked, so blasé.
Gary and Zhenya shared a concerned look. “No Aria, we’re not. What… what gave you that idea?” “Well…” she said, deep in thought, “I was reading about the dark arts, and the book said that all Slytherin’s were dark. And you were both in Slytherin.”
Gary shook his head. “No Aria. The time of Slytherins being into the dark arts has passed.”
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